- Exploration Stage
- Room of Fate
- From
- Huntress
- Description
- The Detective's guess was correct - items from the past will allow us to force the ghosts that Martha summoned during the dangerous ritual to materialise. However, the little boy's ghost remains completely silent. Maybe we can learn something once we've forced all five ghosts to materialise. Who's next? Mein freund, I heard yet another ghost speaking with Maratha's lips. It sounded like it was giving a report - the spirit said that it had successfully arrested a robber despite his resistance. It must be the ghost of a police officer. Could you find his item? I think we need a revolver or a police badge. Please hurry - Martha's pulse is so weak!
- Completed
- You're an excellent detective, mein freund. This is an old Sheriff's Badge. I've heard that Martha is from a small town in Massachusetts. Oh mein Gott! The ghost of a sheriff has appeared in the room. Oh well, this isn't my first encounter with a ghost. Greetings, Herr Sherriff! Hmm, it seems he does not wish to speak to me.