Hidden City Walkthrough

The Doctor's Appearance

Exploration Stage
Room of Fate
I tried to get Martha to regain consciousness, but she just cried out in a deep bass voice. She demanded that I drink castor oil and threatened to put leeches on me! Yuck! Disgusting! If you ask me, one of the ghosts hovering above Martha's body is a doctor. We need to find something that belonged to him, then the doctor will appear in this room. He probably knows what has befallen Martha. We can't waste any time. According to Isabelle, Martha could die if she spends too long in this condition.
Nicely done! That's a lovely glass bottle. Hey, this is Laudanum, an opium based drug! I've read about it. It's a controlled substance now, but they used to use it to treat everything under the sun. Look, in the armchair - it's the doctor himself in the flesh! Well, ghostly flesh... Um, hello there, sir! I'm afraid he isn't responding. Let's see what happens when we've got all five ghosts together.

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