Hidden City Walkthrough

Martha's Favourite Drink

Exploration Stage
Collector's House
Have you ever heard about thid legendary cocktail, "The Bartender's Nightmare" - that can return you to your happy past for a few minutes? Unfortunately, its recipe has long since been lost. According to the legend, there's another way to get this cocktail. If once in five years, on a Black Friday evening, you leave five favorite drinks of residents of the City at the entrance to the Red Rose, then by morning the Invisible Bartender will make you The Bartender's Nightmare. Today is just the right day. Please, help me gather the necessary drinks. Let's start with Martha, shall we. I dropped by her home unannounced once and she was sitting in a chair with a glass of tequila. So if you need to look for Martha's favorite beverage, tequila - I heard that Red Rose cafe has some.
You found tequila in the City! Unbelievable! You're a greater magician than Martha! Find four more of the City's residents' favourite drinks to make "The Bartender's Nightmare" cocktail.

Basic Menu
