- Exploration Stage
- Station
- From
- Cardsharp
- Description
- I'm positive that the entrance to the Diggers' Cache is under that statue. But how do we get in... Think, Cardsharp, think! Don't give up! Of course... The statue in the picture is holding a pick. Eureka! The Conductor had one just like that. Once I almost won it at cards but it's not so easy to one-up this drunkard. Maybe we could stealthily take the Pick from him?
- Completed
- Your nimble fingers are amazing! I've tried to borrow from the Conductor many times before but to no avail. Again, I'm so thankful that I brought you with me. Now let's just add to the composition... Place the Pick into the statue's hands - as if it's always been here! Look, the slabs near the statue are moving! They're forming a stairwell down!