SilhouetteHarvest Festival
Award Ribbon Award Ribbon Award Ribbon Award Ribbon Award Ribbon Axe Axe Backpack Backpack Backpack Backpack Balloon Balloon Balloon Balloon Balloon Banjo Banjo Banjo Banjo Banjo Banjo Bee Smoker Bee Smoker Bee Smoker Bee Smoker Bee Smoker Bee Smoker Beehive Beehive Beehive Beehive Beehive Beekeeper's Hat Beekeeper's Hat Beekeeper's Hat Beekeeper's Hat Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Broom Broom Broom Broom Carton of Milk Carton of Milk Carton of Milk Carton of Milk Cauldron Cauldron Cauldron Cauldron Cauldron Cheese Cheese Cheese Cheese Chestnuts Chestnuts Chili Pepper Colander Colander Colander Colander Colander Colander Cowboy Boots Cowboy Boots Cowboy Boots Cowboy Boots Darts Darts Darts Doughnuts Doughnuts Ducklings Ducklings Ducklings Ducklings Eggs Eggs Eggs Gramophone Gramophone Gramophone Gramophone Gramophone Honey Honey Honey Honey Honey Honey Hot Dog Hot Dog Kite Kite Kite Kite Kite Magnet Magpie Magpie Magpie Magpie Magpie Mousetrap Mousetrap Mousetrap Padlock Pan Flute Pan Flute Pan Flute Pan Flute Pan Flute Pastry Bag Pastry Bag Pastry Bag Paw Prints Paw Prints Paw Prints Paw Prints Pea Pod Pea Pod Pea Pod Pea Pod Pedestal Pedestal Pedestal Pedestal Pedestal Pedestal Pilgrim's Hat Pilgrim's Hat Pilgrim's Hat Pilgrim's Hat Pinwheel Record Record Record Rolling Pin Rolling Pin Rooster Rooster Rooster Rooster Rooster Rooster Rooster Saddle Saddle Saddle Saddle Sash Saw Saw Saw Saw Sickle Sickle Skunk Skunk Skunk Skunk Sun Sun Trophy Cup Trophy Cup Trophy Cup Trophy Cup Trophy Cup Trophy Cup Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Umbrella Umbrella Umbrella Umbrella Watering Can Watering Can Watering Can Watering Can Wineglass Wineglass Wineglass Wineglass Winepress Winepress Winepress Wishbone