Apple Apple Apple Astrologer Astrologer Bat Bat Bat Bat Bell Bell Bell Bell Caduceus Caduceus Caduceus Candlestick Candlestick Candlestick Cane Cane Cane Cat Cat Cat Cat Cat Cauldron Cauldron Cauldron Cauldron Chest Chest Chest Chest Cigarette Case Cigarette Case Cigarette Case Cigarette Case Crocodile Crocodile Crocodile Crow Crow Crow Crow Cruet Cruet Cruet Cruet Cruet Crystals Crystals Crystals Crystals Crystals Dried Flowers Dried Flowers Dried Flowers Elephant Elephant Elephant Feather Feather Feather Feather Funnel Funnel Funnel Funnel Ghost Ghost Ghost Glass Flask Glass Flask Glass Flask Glass Flask Glass Flask Goblet Goblet Goblet Goblet Hourglass Hourglass Hourglass Hourglass Hourglass Hourglass Inkwell Inkwell Inkwell Inkwell Inkwell Lamp Lamp Lamp Lamp Lamp Lamp Magnifying Glass Magnifying Glass Magnifying Glass Microscope Microscope Pestle and Mortar Pestle and Mortar Pestle and Mortar Pipe Pipe Prayer Beads Prayer Beads Prayer Beads Prayer Beads Pyramid Rapier Rapier Rapier Rapier Rapier Rapier Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Skull Skull Skull Skull Spyglass Spyglass Spyglass Spyglass Sundial Sunglasses Sunglasses Sunglasses Telephone Telephone Telephone Top Hat Top Hat Weighing Scale Weighing Scale Weighing Scale Wind Rose Wind Rose