SilhouetteMural House
Acorns Acorns Acorns Axe Axe Axe Axe Axe Bag Bag Bag Bag Bag Basket Flask Basket Flask Basket Flask Basket Flask Basket Flask Basket Flask Beetle Bread Broom Broom Broom Broom Broom Can of Paint Can of Paint Can of Paint Can of Paint Can of Paint Cat Cat Cat Cat Cogwheel Cogwheel Coil Spring Coil Spring Colored Pencils Colored Pencils Colored Pencils Colored Pencils Colored Pencils Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Dragonfly Dumplings Dumplings Easel Easel Easel Easel Easel Easel Eggplant Eggplant Ferret Ferret Ferret Ferret Forest Spirit Forest Spirit Guelder-Rose Guelder-Rose Guelder-Rose Guelder-Rose Hat Hat Hat Hat Horn Horn Horn Horse Brush Horse Brush Horse Brush Horseshoe Horseshoe Horseshoe Horseshoe Horseshoe Iron Iron Iron Letters Letters Letters Letters Lizard Magpie Magpie Magpie Magpie Magpie Metronome Metronome Metronome Motanka Rag Doll Motanka Rag Doll Mushrooms Mushrooms Mushrooms Mushrooms Music Notes Net Net Net Owl Owl Owl Owl Painter's Palette Painter's Palette Painter's Palette Painter's Palette Painter's Palette Painter's Palette Painter's Palette Pan Flute Pan Flute Pan Flute Pan Flute Pan Flute Pipe Pipe Pipe Rushnyk Cloth Rushnyk Cloth Rushnyk Cloth Sack of Oats Sack of Oats Saddle Saddle Saddle Saddle Saddle Shooting Star Slippers Slippers Slippers Slippers Slippers Snail Snail Snail Sock Sock Straw Bull Calf Straw Bull Calf Straw Bull Calf Straw Bull Calf Sunflower Sunflower Sunflower Sunflower Teapot Teapot Teapot Teapot Teapot Tomatoes Tomatoes Tomatoes Tomatoes Tomatoes Tomatoes Tomatoes Tuning Fork Vest Vest Vest Watermelon Watermelon Watermelon Wolf Wolf Wolf