Cards of Fate

What a fascinating card game. Lay out a dech of magic cards and you never know, maybe you'll get an answer that will determine your fate. Valuable prizes await you as a reward.
Items Rank
Below, we introduce the items and stage images added for each rank.
Mystical Energy
Winter Ponchos
Dense bushes
howling storm
Tranquility of Lavender
Awakening of the serpent
Drinks unique to this season
Lilac diamonds
longshoreman's whistle
winds of immortality
Beauty without makeup
A Newcomer to the North
Thistle got me.
Last Chance
Woman crying
green bird
New Endorsers
Parts of quill pen
Camels in Egypt
Coins to be returned
openwork decoration
Waves on leaves
Black Drink
Hidden Dragon
phantom figure
Wild Dance
green tea
Agile as lightning
Blood Seal
young root
morning dew
Theater Crown
Merry-go-round of memories
Important pattern
Train carrying scientists
Vivid details
Breath of the Forest
The Lovely Girl
The Practical Girl
The Prudent Girl
A Drop of Blood
Ghost case #1
In Search of Clues
Drawing From Memory
Patron of Muses
Measuring Altitude
Stitch to Stitch
Group Game
Start of the Search
Men's Sneakers
A Mirror for Victory
New Entertainment
Cunning Joker
Bronze Soldier
Tears of Fear
Essential Pomegranate
Foamy Goodness
Correct Orientation
No Such Thing as Coincidence
Chinese Rings
Ballet Tatu
Hear the Caller