Hidden City Walkthrough


There are quest of Hidden City. Let's solve hidden city, mystery adventure game and magnificant stories.

  • Real Evidence

    Mr. Black

    I was informed that Sophia found a song that caused a projection to appear, and it was of a musician who tried to stop a bullet with his saxophone. Although the murder attempt was committed a long time ago, I'm sure that the used bullet cases are still here somewhere! Follow me, I know where to look for them!

    Great job! The used bullet cases you found have their bullet caliber indicated on them. Let's compare it with the hole in the saxophone. The diameter is the same. Hmm, did he get in somebody's way?

    Shooting Star Cabaret

  • Crime Against Music

    Rayden Storke

    The musician from the projection had a winged saxophone. Sophia recalled that she'd once found the same one, but the instrument was terribly out of tune, so she threw it away. Let's try to find the sax: I'm sure it will reveal the details of the sad musician's story!

    Yes, such a winged saxophone is one in a million. Although I'm not a musician, it seems to me that there's a bullet hole in it. Maybe this is why the instrument is out of tune.

    Shooting Star Cabaret

  • Visit with a Concert


    The saxophonist projection created by the Collector's microphone was very downcast, as if he had experienced something terrible. Let's look among the old posters - maybe he once performed in the City and there's still his concert poster somewhere?

    Dearie, the concert poster you found announces that a certain famous saxophonist did come to the City as part of his tour.

    Shooting Star Cabaret

  • The Influence of Fame


    Dearie, thank you for helping me find my awards. Oh no, one of the figurines I treasure the most is damaged! They say you know where to get special tools that can restore it. Lend some to me and I'll sing for you!

    Thank you, your tools are magical indeed. But, you know, I'm loking at the Golden Neck, lyre figurine, Starry Award, and the now fixed Singing Nightingale... and I think my father was right. Fame did change me...

  • Millions of Records


    Sugar, when my songs were praised around the world, I lacked the opinion of my most important listener - my father. When I received the Golden Octave... But where is it? Help me find it in one of these suitcases!

    Thank you, you found my Golden Octave! Without you, I would've been sorting through my baggage forever. I got this award for selling millions of records.

    Shooting Star Cabaret

  • Secrets of the Yard of Forgotten Toys


    Obtaining the Crystal of Desires is quite a challenge. We'll need all the things connected with the Yard of Forgotten Toys - plus some City artifacts. Magical power can unite the auras of the yard's objects and make the Crystal of Desires materialise! It's a task made just for you!

    You were able to acquire the Crystal of Desires?! Now you'll have good fortune. But be careful what you wish for - you never know how your wishes might come true.

  • Doll Story


    The doll came to life and fulfilled Sarah's wish. The Puppeteer made a tragic mistake and Sarah's soul was transferred into the doll. In despair, the Puppeteer set his workshop on fire and fled the City. The Mayor left the doll in the Yard of Forgotten Toys encased in glass in the hope that he would someday find a way to save his daughter. It's atragic story, but maybe that's not the end?

  • The Living Doll


    I discovered that my beloved daughter's soul is trapped inside a doll. Too bad I couldn't find a way to take it back out. I brought the doll to the Puppeteer in the Yard of Forgotten Toys and left it under a glass covering. You can see it there, but you'll need magic and artifacts from the City.

    Every year I come to the Yard of Forgotten Toys on Sarah's birtuday so I can spend some time with my daughter. But this doll... It stares at me with such sadness. I hope that one day the Puppeteer will return to help me liberate Sarah's soul from its toy prison.

  • A Repentant Letter


    The Puppeteer burned down his studio and skipped town. No one knew why or for what reason. That same day I got a package from him. It's somewhere in the yard, please be so kind as to bring it to me.

    The package contained a book with a mechanical covering. Inside were the Puppeteer's notes on his attempts to create a living doll and his idea of animating it using Sarah's own desires. He repented and confessed that my daughter's soul is now in the doll's body.

    Yard of Forgotten Toys

  • Burn Everything


    While investigating the disappearance of the Mayor's daughter, we found out that something terrible happened. The Crystal of Desires transferred Sarah's soul into the doll. How did the Puppeteer plan to fix things? Let's have a look through the yard, I'm sure we'll find the key there.

    Give that sinister thing here. My inner gaze is seeing dolls on fire! It looks like Sarah's doll was just the first - the Puppeteer made other toys and also put shards of the crystal inside them so that they could make children's wishes come true. But he knew how dangerous a wish and its consequences could be. In order to avoid any more tragedies, he tried to burn them all in his studio!

    Yard of Forgotten Toys

  • Dreams Come True


    The Mayor's daughter disappeared after she was given a doll that granted wishes. The craftsman who crated it was shaken to the core and hid away from everyone in his studio. Why? What was he researching? I bet we'll find the answers near his house in the Yard of Forgotten Toys.

    You found the remains of the complex device. Nearby was a note: "The doll granted Sarah's wish and came alive, but the crystal couldn't create a soul to implanat in the doll. Instead, it took Sarah's soul. It's terrible! My doll is the reason behind this tragedy! I need to fix this!"

    Yard of Forgotten Toys

  • Shut Off From the World


    I remember that after the Mayor's daughter disappeared, everyone in the City got really worked up. The Puppeteer shut himself off from the world and stayed locked away in his studio. Thanks to a Crafty Lock, no one could get inside. You don't believe me? Find the lock and see for yourself.

    You see how complicated this lock is? The Puppeteer obviously didn't want to be bothered. But why? What was he doing behind closed doors?

    Yard of Forgotten Toys

  • A Missing Girl


    The morning after her birthday my little girl disappeared. All I found in her room was the doll. It even felt like she was looking at me, but that was probably just from the grief. I looked for my Sarah everywhere, turned the City inside out and posted missing person signs. One of them is still hanging on the tree in the yard. Bring it to me.

    Yes of course, that's my missing person sign for Sarah. I offered up a huge reward fo any information on her, but it was all in vain.

    Yard of Forgotten Toys

  • Above Them All


    I received the fllowing awards without any excitement, because I was sad my father had remained silent about my success. Did I mention receiving the Starry Award? Let's unpack another one of my suitcases, I'll show it to you!

    Dearie, congratulations on your debut, as you're the first person in the City to see my Starry Award! I was awarded this figurine for the most rapid career takeoff.

    Shooting Star Cabaret

  • The Birth of a Star


    I wrote to father about my awards, but there wasn't a single line of praise in his letters. I thought that the rewards weren't good enough and went on winning new ones. Look for my lyre figurine, there's something special connected to it!

    Sugar, be careful not to drop the lyre figurine, it's very valuable! I got it for the main role in a musical, after the premiere I woke up a star.

    Shooting Star Cabaret

  • Award for Sadness


    My suitcases full of awards are my whole life. I with I'd had time to show them to father. I needed his praise so much, an I transferred this sadness into my music. I don't remember in which suitcase I put the Golden Neck, help me find it!

    Dearie, have I told you that this Golden Neck was awarded for the best instrumental composition of my former jazz quarter? Ah, we captivated music critics with the first notes!

    Shooting Star Cabaret

  • A Cappella about the Past


    When I decided to become a singer, my father said that, when gaining popularity, many lose themselves in applause and adoration. He believed only his prayers, not that I would be able to handle fame. But I didn't back down and soon received my first award. Let's find the First Voice figurine in one of my suitcases!

    Dearie, we've found my First Voice figurine! It's been a long time since I've taken it out of my suitcase. I got it for the best a cappella performance of an original song.

    Shooting Star Cabaret

  • Secret Giver


    Dearie, I already have a theory on who this secret admirer is. If my guess is correct, I have nothing to fear. All right, I won't make assumptions. Lend me some tools, I need to sneak in... somewhere! I promise I'll explain everything to you later.

    Sugar, with your tools, I entered Blackie's office. But shh! I think it was him who sent me these paper flowers, commemorative poppies, and the dried flowers. In his desk, I found a receipt for the purchase of some forget-me-nots, and the bouquet itself was behind the curtains. If I'm not mistaken, he will soon give it to me.

  • Familiar Emblem


    Dearie, I'm sure that the notes in the bouquets are left for me by someone whose feelings I didn't reciprocate. Oh, what if he wants to take revenge on me? Curiosity is my enemy. Please let's go together and look for the silk roses mentioned in the next note!

    Sugar, thank you for finding these silk roses! It's good that the surprise gift turned out to be harmless. But why is there a Security Service emblem on the box of lowers?

    Shooting Star Cabaret

  • Unrequited Feeling

    Carlos Light

    Having received a surprise gift with a trick, Sophia is now suspicious of any anonymous gifts. Her secret admirer puts a note with a hint in each bouquet. Let's help Sophia find a bouquet of dried flowers. It was hidden somewhere by the gift giver.

    Great job, we found the bouquet of dried flowers! In the enclosed card, the admirer wrote that Sophia's feelings for him were always as dry as these flowers.

    Shooting Star Cabaret

  • Expensive Gift


    Dearie, I'm afraid that behind all of these flowers and notes lies some kind of catch. Another note from the secret admirer says to find a precious bouquet. Is it really made of jewels? Quickly, let's go find them!

    Sugar, thank you for finding my bouquet! It was very cunningly hidden. I can't believe that my secret admirer decorated these flowers with real jewelry.

    Shooting Star Cabaret

  • Bouquet of Memories

    Carlos Light

    Someone prepared a surprise for Sophia, but she's afraid this might be more villainy by an ill-wisher. The note from the secret admirer spoke of flowers symbolizing memory. I think it's about poppies. Help me find some!

    Thank you for helping me find this bouquet of poppies. Maybe for the giver, they symbolize the memory of the past that connects him with Sophia? Who knows...?

    Shooting Star Cabaret

  • Flowers Instead of Words


    Dearie, there's a line in the anonymous giver's note that seems to explain what to look for. Listen: "I didn't know what to write on the paper, so I made flowers out of it..." It's about paper flowers, right? If we follow the instructions in the note, we'll quickly find this bouquet!

    Sugar, you found the paper flowers. It seems there's nothing dangerous about them. Oh, and there's a note inside too. The surprises don't really end with this bouquet, do they?

    Shooting Star Cabaret

  • Concert with a Ghost


    Dearie, does Cecci Barto's outfit suit me? I'm ready to sing with her ghost an express my respect for country music. I have an embellishment for my new image, but its clasp has broken at the most inopportune time. Lend me your tools, I'll fix it!

    Thank you for giving me your tools. The clasp of my "Country Star" talisman is as good as new! The banjo, microphone with a harmonica, and the talisman are giving me confidence. The only thing left is to adjust my fringed dress and go on stage with the ghost of Cecci Barto.

  • Distinguishing Features

    Fabien Delamode

    I refused to work with the stolen crystals, and the lady took them away. She left me in anger, the hem of her cloak fluttering... I have a similar cloak. Bring me some tools, I'll add a few details, and you'll see exactly the same burnous cloak the guest wore.

    This cloak, along with the jewelry I described, are all the distinguishing features I can name. The lady's face was hidden by a mask, but she acted as if I should've recognized her. Any idea who it might've been, Monsieur Black?

  • Unpleasant Detail

    Fabien Delamode

    Another detail of the guest's image was an unusual embellishment on her hand. At first I thought that her fingers were adorned with rings, but then I realized that it was a weapon! I have the same elegant brass knuckles among the Atelier's curiosities, find them.

    Ooh la la, I never thought I'd see such brass knuckles - regardless how elegant - on a lady's hand! I tried to have a quick talk with her, offered her a drink, but, frankly speaking, this unexpected visit disconcerted me and was very unpleasant.

    Atelier Delamode

  • Scent of Discord

    Fabien Delamode

    The lady insisted that I sew the anti-fog suits for the scavengers. I was amazed that she was with those ragamuffins! This didn't fit in with her elegant image and exquisite perfume. You'll get an idea of her perfume if you find a freesia bouquet.

    This lovely freesia bouquet exudes almost the same aroma as the visitor's perfume - floral, light, and feminine. I can't help but note that it contrasted the lady's rather harsh way of talking.

    Atelier Delamode

  • Crystal Inspiration

    Fabien Delamode

    Monsieur Black is right: the lady had crystals with her. Perhaps the very ones you're looking for. They looked great in her minimalistic bag. I even made a new accessory - a pouch handbag with gemrocks. Bring it, it's around here somewhere.

    Isn't this a great combination - a simple fabric pouch handbag with the shine of gemrocks? I have several orders already... Ooh la la, Monsieur Black, I never touched the crystals brought here by the lady, I swear! I don't need any trouble!

    Atelier Delamode

  • Taking up the Glove

    Fabien Delamode

    I emphasize that the visit wasn't planned. There was no collusion! The lady simply rang the bell and, when I went out to her, she shook my hand firmly. She was wearing glovelettes - almost the same as in my spring collection, look in the shop window.

    Glovelettes favorably highlight the grace of a woman's hands. Although, I must say, the visitor's handshake was very firm - I immediately knew that she wasn't some pampered girl.

    Atelier Delamode

  • Exquisite Adornment

    Fabien Delamode

    you see, the lady asked me not to talk about her visit, and I tried... But Monsieur Black is so insistent that there's no way around i - I will tell you the distinguishing features of my guest. This lady has delicate taste: I noticed that she wore ear cuffs. There are similar ones in the Atelier, look around for one.

    Bravo, you found the most elegant ear cuff from the Atelier's assortment! Extraordinary women choose such jewelry, and that visitor was clearly one of them.

    Atelier Delamode

  • Valuable Find

    Anna Weber

    This coin is large and heavy, it's probably very valuable. I happened to appropriate it, but it wasn't on purpose! I've just had a lot of work, so I forgot about it until you asked... Will I be arrested for theft? Will a full confession help? Then I'll write it now.

  • Furry Pet


    It's good that the spirits told us how to return energy to the destroyed key. In the garden, a rabbit lives in a cozy enclosure. I found it with a damaged ear and have been treating it with natural ointments. could you hold the rabbit during the last procedure? We'll let it out together afterwards!

    This rabbit in the enclosure doesn't like it when I try to apply ointment to its ear. It's good that you agreed to hold it and calm it down while I treat the injury. Incredible, the injury has already healed! Now we can release the rabbit and return the key some of its spring energy.

    Sunny Terrace

  • Temporary Home


    The Maiden of Spring will come to the City and decide for herself what to do with this petrified troll that foiled her appearance. But first, let's fill the Dryad Key with spring energy by releasing the gecko I found in winter from its terrarium. Help me inspect it too.

    See, my gecko feels at home in this terrarium. When I found it, it had a graze and a few of its scales were missing. Look at how nimble it is, I can't catch him alone. Can you hold it? Excellent! New scales have already grown, so it can now be safel released.

    Sunny Terrace

  • Fragile Creatures


    Have you seen the butterflies from the Forest of Spirits? They winter inside old trees. A blizzard fell such a tree and harmed them. I settled them in a small shelter. It's there, come! When we're convinced that the butterflies are stronger, we'll release them as was ordered by the nature spirits.

    I'll open the door to this small shelter with butterflies, and you make sure they don't fly away prematurely. One of them had its wing damaged. I don't want it to become easy prey for someone.

    Sunny Terrace

  • Sudden Frost


    Because of this troll thief, spring energy has left the Dryad Key. But we'll fill the key with its old magic by releasing the animals that I cared for. Don't be surprised, but I have a frog living in a glass jar. come and see!

    I found the frog that's in the jar you're holding in the garden. It had damaged feet from trying to dig up the icy soil. The hopper didn't have the time to bury itself in the ground before the cold came . If you're not afraid, hold it, and I'll see if its legs are healed. great, there's no ta scratch!

    Sunny Terrace

  • Frostbitten Wing


    If I've interpreted the spirits' message correctly, the spring warmth energy settled in my pets' hearts. I'll open the locks and set them free, then the Dryad Key will be filled with spring energy once again. Let's see if that caged bird's wing has healed!

    I'll open the cage, and you hold the bird carefully. I found it with a frostbitten wing and nursed it all winter. Let's make sure the wing is all right now. Let's see... Wonderful, the frostbitten area is covered with new feathers an the wing is now stronger!

    Sunny Terrace

  • Power of Nature Spirits


    You've collected all the parts of the Dryad Key to the Forest of Spirits' gate. To combine them and restore the key, I'll need the City's artifacts. Bring me some, while I prepare for the ritual!

    The artifacts strengthen my connection to the nature spirits. Ancient magic is concentrating in my hands. I take a filigree disk and connect it to the stem. Oh guardians of the Forest of Spirits, may the threads of magic bind the Dryad Key's elements! We did it, the key is intact again!

  • Unique Component


    The Dryad Key was created by the spirits of nature using ancient magic. Hence, it's magic that will rejoin its parts. I see that you haven't yet found the key's masterwork bit. Without it, I cannot begin the ritual. Find it where the troll dropped the key!

    You're holding the masterwork bit of the key. Thank you for your haste! This bit doesn't look like an element for an ordinary key, but then it wouldn't, as the magic gate's lock isn't ordinary either.

    Sunny Terrace

  • Important Element


    Buddy, Martha needs every single element of the broken key to rejoin all of them, so we can't miss anything. I think I see a petrified key stem in the grass over there. Let's check it out!

    Great, we've found the key stalk! At this rate, buddy, Martha will quickly perform the ritual and rejoin the Dryad Key. I hope the Doorkeeper will soon be able to open the gate and meet the Maiden of Spring!

    Sunny Terrace

  • Lost Colors


    The Dryad Key's elements look so undermarkable and dull now... I hope that when Martha rejoins them, the spiring colors will return to the key. Before it broke, its foliar decoration was bright and vivid. Let's try to find it!

    Oh well, the foliar decoration you found has completely lost its color when it petrified in the troll thief's hands. Now my key looks like a pale imitation of the nature spirits' creation.

    Sunny Terrace

  • Remnants of Magic


    To restore the Dryad Key, I need all of its components. A bow in the form of a filigree disk similar to an open flower bud is an important part. Please find it!

    Thanks to your efforts, we now have the filigree disk! I sense the remnants of the nature spirits' magic in it, as pure as dew. But because the key was broken, it almost ran out.

    Sunny Terrace

  • Running from the Sun


    The troll snatched the key from me and rushed to the terrace in order to hide from the dawn. But the sun petrified him, as well as the Dryad Key, in a matter of seconds... Let's enter the Sunny Terrace and you'll see everything for yourself.

    It was here that the troll stole my Dryad Key. I've read that the sun turns trolls and everything they have on them into rock so fragile it can be destroyed by the slightest blow. This is probably why the petrified key broke when the troll dropped it.

  • Fantasy Come to Life


    The Puppeteer was attempting to create a doll that was entirely human-like. He forced his creations to speak, be sad and dance, but every doll only knew that one thing. He couldn't manage to reach his goal to crate a living doll. If you want to discover if the Puppeteer was able to create this living doll, you'll need all of his creations and a little extra magic.

    Look, a doll is materialising out of the fog of the past. I feel like it's looking at me and understanding what I'm saying. Oh! There's a page from the Puppeteer's diary pinned to its dress.

  • Frozen Time


    I must open the gate to the Forest of Spirits and let spring into the City, but it's impossible without the Dryad Key. It broke into pieces after falling from the clutch of the petrified troll. Let's look around: I think I remember where the fine clockface - the key's central part - bounced off to.

    You found the fine clockface that the Dryad Key was equipped with. With it, I tracked how much time was left until spring. But now, with the key destroyed, time has frozen and the seasonal cycle has stopped.

  • First Investigation Findings


    Buddy! The troll robbed the Doorkeeper but couldn't escape, having been pertified by the sunlight. We'll deal with him later, when we've restored the destroyed Dryad Key. Without it, the citizends won't get to see spring. I'll write everything down in the diary so as not to miss anything!

  • The Queen of Country

    Rayden Storke

    Sophia has already prepared for the reconciliatory concert with the country star. Let's put one of the ghostly singer's musical awards on stage! This will show he rthat we remember and lover her music.

    The music award you put on stage looks great! The crown and microphone symbolize Cecci Barto's musical title - "The Queen of Country".

    Shooting Star Cabaret

  • New Outfit


    Since my concert dress was stolen by the contry star's ghost, I'll wear her dress. By performing in each other's outfits, we'll show everyone that music unites. Look, what a beautiful fringed dress I found!

    This fringed dress hasn't gone out of fashion even after many years! I will order a similar one for my performances, I've wanted to update my concert wardrobe for a long time.

    Shooting Star Cabaret

  • 貴重な発見


  • Body Language


    As a child I loved to dance, and my parents once gave me a Ballerina Doll. She spun around on her base, and it was really inspiring to me. I bet the Puppeteer also made ballerinas that danced and fluttered like butterflies. Let's find one like that in the yard.

    Oh! A Ballerina Doll that does different dances. I could watch its practised, light-as-a-feather steps for hours! And this note from the Puppeteer might be of interest to you: "I not only taught the doll how to move, I forced her to dance! But, alas, it's all mechanics, none of it is real..."

    Yard of Forgotten Toys

  • Words, Words


    You're on the lookout for unique dolls and you didn't even call the old Cardsharp? Well I for one just searched the archives and leaned that the Puppeteer didn't just make violinists and beauties. He also had a doll that could speak! Let's go find it!

    There it is, the Talking Doll! And what's this paper here, one of the Puppeteer's notes? "I found out how to make dolls speak, but they only repeat the last words they hear! Why can't I get this right?"

    Yard of Forgotten Toys

  • Laughter and Tears


    I heard you're looking for super-dolls that the genius craftsman made. I'm in! Onwards, let's search the yard!

    We found the doll, but it's so gloomy... What does this note have to say? The master Puppeteer writes: "Real people can be both happy and sad, but this doll is always sad. Another failure."

    Yard of Forgotten Toys

  • A Maestro's Game


    I heard you need help looking for the genius Puppeteer's dolls. I'm ready. Let's hurry up and go to the Yard of Forgotten Toys.

    What a wonderful Violinist Doll... I wouldn't mind having one myself! Look, there's a page from the Pupeteer's diary here too: "Talents are an important human quality, so I created a doll that is capable of playing the most complicated symphonies. But it can't feel or improvise... Again, not what I need..."

    Yard of Forgotten Toys

  • Beauty Will Save the World


    The Mayor decided to give his daughter a living doll? That's impossible! We must figure out how the Puppeteer planned on creating a living doll. Let's look around in the Yard of Forgotten Toys for other dolls he made. I'm sure they'll reveal his secrets. I saw one of them near the entrance to the house. Bring it here, please.

    What a beautiful doll! And it looks so real! Although, that's where its similarity with people stops. The Puppeteer left some notes here too: "External beauty is good, but how can I capture the charm and appeal of a real person?"

    Yard of Forgotten Toys

  • A Mechanical Wonder


    Finally, I came up with a gift that would definitely fill my Sarah with amazement! I needed a living doll! Somehow I got my hands on a surprising little business card. It was in the shape of a mecahnical fan and had info on a certain Puppeteer. I understood at once that he was the only one that could create what I needed. I bet if you combine all the gifts you found and added some City magic, you'd be able to get that fan-like business card.

    Oh, you did it! You received the mechanical fan. It's truly a work of art! If that Puppeteer has business cards like that, imagine what kind of toys he could make! So I decided that I could trust him to make a doll for Sarah.

    Yard of Forgotten Toys

  • Mayoral Games


    I simply couldn't manage to pick out a gift worthy of my Sarah. She deserved the very best, so I decided to give her a city. A toy one, of course. Go find this Toy City, it was somewhere in the yard.

    You brought me the Toy City! But, alas, it too proved not enough. Once, when I was watching Sarah play with her dolls, I heard her say, "It's too bad that you don't understand me and can never say anything back." It was in that moment that I realised what I could get to truly surprise my little girl.

    Yard of Forgotten Toys

  • A Wild Imagination


    I wanted to surprise my little girl so badly on her birthday that I even ordered an exotic present: a lynx in a gold an amethyst collar. I have no idea how, but this animal is still bounding about in the Yard of Forgotten Toys. I hope you'll be lucky enough to catch it.

    You caught the lynx! Your talents will never cease to amaze me. However, this animal also couldn't pass as an acceptable gift. Despite being domesticated, it was still a wild animal that could injure a child.

    Yard of Forgotten Toys

  • Little Italy


    There's no sign of Cardsharp, and he was the one who colled us to the Patio. But there can be no mistake, Little Italy aswaits us behind these gates! Do you think that luck was on Cardsharp's side and the Patio will really lead him - and us - to the mysterious artist? Open it! I've never been to Italy!

    The air here smells of summer and a sunny southern siesta. I can't wait to get inside! Maybe the City revealed the Italian Patio to us not for an investigation, but for a summer vacations? Oh, look, there's someone over there! She's coming to meet us!

  • Night-time Observations


    At night I would of ten shate up at the stars and think over what I could get to amaze my little Sarah. Then it dawned on me: get her a Telescope! My baby girl would be able to observe the heavens and admire how they sparkled. Bring me the Telescope, I saw it near the Puppeteer's house.

    There's the Telescope I planned to give my daughter. And yet, this gift didn't work either. As Sarah was only seven years old, a child of that age should be asleep at night, nog gazing up at the sky.

    Yard of Forgotten Toys

  • Table Tracks


    Instead of a dress I decidd to give Sarah a Toy Trainset for her birthday. I think I saw it near the tree in the Yard of Forgotten Toys. Please, be so kind as to bring it to me.

    I see you've brought me the Toy Trainset. Was it heavy? Of course it was - it was meant for an enormous dining table. An excellent gift, but my Sarah was a delicate and fragile little girl. I decided that maybe she wouldn't like a trainset.

    Yard of Forgotten Toys

  • Quarrel's Consequences

    Anna Weber

    That unusual evening, I couldn't concentrate on my work. Sounds of a quarrel distracted me. Fabien was shouting at the visitor! Later, I saw a broken glass in the bin. If someone threw it, there should be traces of spilled wine. Let's look for them.

    Atelier Delamode

  • Fit for a Princess


    You brought the items I asked for, so I'll tell you my family history. It began almost 200 years ago. An important day was approaching, the seventh birthday of my daughter Sarah. I decided to put on a huge event - all the City's residents were invited, and the tables buckled under the weight of all her treats. Naturally, I had a special gift waiting for my little girl. For starters, I wanted to give Sarah a dress fit for a princess, sewed with golden thread and accented with peals. Find it for me, please.

    You tracked down the dress for Sarah. Look at the fine lacework and rich detailing! I really tried to get only the best for my daughter. However, when I saw the dress, I realised that it didn't show Sarah's beauty or charm well enough. I was forced to look for another gift.

    Yard of Forgotten Toys

  • Holistic Image


    There's not much time left before the reconciliatory country concert with the ghost singer Cecci Barto begins. Since I decided to go on stage with this banjo, please help me find some fingerpicks!

  • Alarming Signal

    Anna Weber

    I know that an unusual event occurred in the Atelier, although I didn't see anything. But I heard it! Fabien doesn't receive customers in the evenings, and although it was already late, someone was persistently ringing the bell. It's very loud, try ringing it.

    This table bell makes a shrill sound. Fabien uses this one on purpose so he can always hear it and rush to his clients. The ringing distracted me from my work, and I wondered who it could be, as it was much too late to receive clients.

    Atelier Delamode

  • Fine Work

    Anna Weber

    Mr. Storke is so nice, he complimented my bracelet... Yes, I told him about the unusual incident in the Atelier. But I didn't see anything. I was in my room, making lace for a dress trimming. Find the lace and you'll see why I didn't get up.

    When you make such a lace, you need to be very careful not to make a mistake in the pattern, so I sat and concentrated on my work. But I was distracted and almost ruined the lace! Such an event that interferes with work is very unusual in the Atelier.

    Atelier Delamode

  • Jazz Origins


    I like the idea of reconciliation by means of music. Let's arrange a duet with the ghostly country singer. Please get me a concert banjo for my image! Although I don't play, it will do for the entourage.

    You're back with the concert banjo! Thank you. Did you know that they used a banjo not only for playing country, but also for jazz?

    Shooting Star Cabaret

  • Country Jazz

    Rayden Storke

    In order for Cecci Barto's ghost to leave the Cabaret, let's show her that the listeners still love country songs. Sophia will perform in the guise of a country performer in a duet with the ghostly singer. To do this, she'll need a microphone with a harmonica. Let's look for it!

    You found the microphone with a harmonica! It has a special mount for a mouth organ, which allows you to conveniently switch from singing to playing.

    Shooting Star Cabaret

  • Fair Judge

    Rayden Storke

    I've discovered that the City judge used to always sit at table No8. There's arumor that it's his spirit that punishes bad people who sit at the table. If you're pure, the curse isn't a threat to you. I'll reseve this table, but if something happenes, I'll need tools. Help me get some!

    Thank you for your help! If these accidents are the work of the fair judge's spirit punishing bad guys, then I'll have nothing to fear. I've always been a law-abiding citizen. The table is already reserved undre my name. Wish me luck!

  • Brilliant Result

    Kira Woodville

    I don't believe in the spellstone's power. To me, it's merely an evocative childhood souvenir, so it'll be ideal as a memento pendant. The stone looks dusty though, and it used to shine. Could you lend me some tools to clean it up?

    Look, the spellstone shines again! I'd even say it glows as if it's been charged with energy, and streaks similar to signs are visible on it... All the better - it's so much more beautiful this way. I'll ask Light to make a frame and then put on my memento pendant.

  • Wooden Safe

    Kira Woodville

    A few more steps, and we'll see... a stump? Have I made a mistake in my calculations? No, I remember, it's a cache! You see, my memory is already failing me a little, we need to make a memento pendant urgently. I believe that it'll work. Just help me open the stump cache.

    The stump cache is now open, you quickly determined what to push to access it. Were your parents special agents too? Well, I've got the stone for my memento pendant. I'll tell you a secret: it's a spellstone. They say it causes mutations and reveals superpowers.

    Post Office

  • Jack of All Dates

    Carlos Light

    After all the calculations, I've realized that the most reliable way to check the accuracy of the City's clock is to make an astrarium. This is a device that not only determines the time but also the date, as well as the position of the planets. I have the parts, lend me some tools to join them.

    It's done - the astrarium is assembled and working, and turned out great! Look, on its dials there are all the necessary readings. Now let's compare whether the time of the astrarium and the tower clock coincide. Hmm, interesting...

  • Reason to Talk

    Rayden Storke

    We need to get some valuable information rom Anna for the investigation. What would get her talking? Perhaps I can praise her savvy. Have you seen that convenient bracelet Anna made so that her sewing things were to hand? Look for this needlewoman's bracelet, it's worth a look.

    This needle woman's bracelet is a very practical thing. Anna said that she came up with this device herself. I should do something like this for myself so I don't lose important spare parts and tools. But for now I'll find out what unusual things Anna saw in the Atelier.

    Atelier Delamode

  • Don't Panic

    Rayden Storke

    On Mr. Black's instructions, I was looking for witnesses to the transfer of the stolen rystals to the counturier. It seems no one saw it. Seamstress Anna was very nervous answering questions though. I'll find out what she's hiding. But I need to calm her down first. Look for some smelling salt.

    Thank you, this smelling salt falcon will come in handy when talking to Anna. She swore that she didn't see the crystals, but the question about unusual incidents in the Atelier made her as pale as a sheet. I'll continue the conversation, with smelling salt at the ready.

    Atelier Delamode

  • Pinpoint Accuracy

    Kira Woodville

    It seems that the place where the stone is hidden is fog-free. But I'm not certain. To calculate its position according to the coordinates, we'll need the geodetic device my parents used. Let's find our old distance meter.

    This distance meter has been through a lot, and it still works just fine! Now I'll determine where the stone for my memento pendant is located with pinpoint accuracy. Follow me!

    Post Office

  • Time-Tested Device

    Carlos Light

    Ancient knowledge will help me determine whether the tower clock is showing the right time. I think the keeper of the City's clock used a proven device such as the merkhet clock in his work. Have you found one?

    Precisely, this is merkhet - an ancient Egyptian instrument for determining time during day - by the sun, and at night - by the North Star. Hmm, we just need to find it in the fog.

    Lamplighter's Workshop

  • Stone Chronometer

    Carlos Light

    Black's assignment to find tout it the City's clock is wrong turned out to be harder than I thought. It's difficult to determine the exact time in the City, but I'll manage! Let's look for a hemicyclium sundial.

    The hemicyclium sundial is one of the most reliable designs. Its dial is in the form of a stone bowl and is convenient for observing the passage of time. This is what I'll do.

    Lamplighter's Workshop

  • Stellar Calculations

    Calros Light

    The zodiac clock you found brought us closer to our goal - I almost determined the accurate time. If only the fog wasn't covering the stars...

    Lamplighter's Workshop

  • Secret Code

    Kira Woodville

    Mom and dad tracked illegal mining of valuable minerals. They encrypted their reports and taught me to do the same. It was back then that I encrypted the information about the unusual stone I want for my parent. To read it, we'll need a pocket decoder. Find one.

    This pocket decoder will help me find out the coordinates of where the stone for my memento pendant is hidden. It'll take just a minute... Done! I haven't lost my decryption skills, I have the coordinates.

    Post Office

  • Welcome!


    So, the items from the child's party are all here. But I still don't see an invitation to the event anywhere around. Let's add a little City magic, then it'll be sure to turn up.

    What a cool invitation - ebossed and with gold accents! Truly fit for a queen. What does it say there? "The Mayor's family has the honour of inviting you to a glorious celebration of Sarah's seventh year. Get ready for a surprise: something one-of-a-kind and unforgettable awaits you." Hmm, what was the Mayor cooking up for his daughter's party? Let's go ask him.

  • An Elegant Accessory


    What's a birtuday party without presents? Exactly - it isn't one! And every gift needs a cool package. A pretty box wrapped up in an enormous Silk Bow is nothing short of spectacular. Bring it here, please.

    What an awesome bow... You can wrap an elephant in it! What kind of gift did the Mayor have in store for his daughter?

    Yard of Forgotten Toys

  • Valuable Skills

    Kira Woodville

    I'm a daughter of special agents, that's why I'm so... brisk. My parents gave me valuable skills. I need the memento pendant so that I don't forget any of them. In gratitude, I can show you a couple of nimble tricks. Let's find the exerciser for developing dexterity.

    This dexterity exerciser helped me keep fit from a young age. I never thought I'd see it again, because we suddenly left and abandoned it here. Workouts always awaken memories in me. Now, back to finding the stone for my memento pendant.

    Post Office

  • Undercover

    Kira Woodville

    My parents and I were in the City long before the fog enveloped it. A pendant with the stone we're looking for will remind me of them. By the way, some of our things from those times still remain here. For example, my sheathed umbrella, look for it.

    Want to know why the umbrella is shethed? Because, like any other object, it can be used as a weapon for self-defense - that's what my mom and dad taught me. Officially, they were gold hunters, but I can tell you in confidence: my parents are special agents.

    Post Office

  • Graphical Answer

    Kira Woodville

    It turns out that I know what the Collector looks like. And he saved me! But from whom? Here it is, the most important memory! What if I try to describe in detail the scene I saw? Among your special tools, there's probably something I can write with, please lend it to me.

    What happened? I was writting things down, and then your tool suddenly began to draw on its own. It made some kind of sign. I saw it in the secret archives. That's it, this is the sign of the Shadow! I remember now: I was in the Shadow's castle, and the Collector secretly led me out of there.

  • Secret Exit

    Kira Woodville

    The hardest thing to remember is how I escaped from captivity. Perhaps this is the key. I often see a door in my dreams... I was led through it by a man without a hood. It was kind of special, this door. I will try to make a maquette of it, help me.

    Thank you! With your help, I made a nice maquette of the door from my memories. I've realized what it was about: the door was hidden, my savior led me through a fireplace! And before that, he was arguing with a man in a black hood. That man called him... "Collector"!

    Post Office

  • Treacherous Cover

    Carlos Light

    I always stay away from table No8. Many people fall for no apparent reason when walking past it. Or is there a reason after all? Inspect the red carpet lying near the table, and I'll shine a torch on it for you!

    The red carpet lying next to table No8 seems to deliberately tuck into folds underfoot in order to make the visitors fall, believe it or not!

    Shooting Star Cabaret

  • Inexplicable Confusion

    Kira Woodville

    I heard that table No8 attracts misfortunes, and the items that happen to be near it become hazardous, just like that drapery cord. It always gets under people's feet. Inspect it, but be careful!

    Despite the fact that they use this cord to tie up the curtains, it still mysteriously appears on the floor, and someone always trips over it.

    Shooting Star Cabaret

  • A Game and a Treat


    Nuts are the best treat at any birthday party, and nutcrackers are a hilarious toy for the little ones. You can use it as a doll and a way to crack nuts. I think I saw a Nutcracker in the yard. Go and find it.

    Here's the Nutcracker, brand new without every having cracked a single nut. Maybe I'll keep it for a day or two if the Mayor doesn't mind?

    Yard of Forgotten Toys

  • Dangerous Toxins

    Rayden Storke

    Many people have become sick at table No8. Some believe that a curse is the cause of the sickness, while others blame the tropical plant next to it for some reason. Let's go and study it!

    Thanks for telling me the name of this tropical plant! I read that the monstera's leaves contain toxins. Maybe people whre feeling ill because of them?

    Shooting Star Cabaret

  • Mystical Place


    Dearie, this curse is not fictional! Do you see these furniture nails sticking out? Their sharp ends are repeatedly hammered flat, but they start to protrude from under the upholstery as soon as someone sits at the table. You don't believe me? Then sit down yourself!

    The furniture nails you found are very sharp, aren't they? Make no mistake, dearie, this cursed place deliberately "stings" the visitors!

    Shooting Star Cabaret

  • Recent Misfortune

    Carlos Light

    Rayden decided to check whether the cursed table in the Cabaret is true. Yesterday, one guy came up to table No8, and the ceiling's lampshade fell on him - it nearly killed the poor fellow! Doesn't this confirm that the curse is real? Let's examine the fallen lampshade.

    Look, the lampshade's mount is secure - strange that the lampshade fell all of a sudden. And this is the thrid lampshade this year that has collapsed from over the cursed table No8.

    Shooting Star Cabaret

  • The Rules of the Cabaret

    Rayden Storke

    We've collected several symbolic items that will remind the visitors of the Cabaret about each unwritten rule of the establishment. If you have time, please get some tools, meanwhile I'll find a suitable place to install the reminder!

    Your tools make any job easier, thank you for lending them to me. I'll take the gun in roses, instigator's gloves, and the gold chain, and put them in a special niche for confiscated items. Now it will remind the visitors of the Cabaret about the rules.

  • Stellar Calculations

    Carlos Light

    To check the accuracy of the tower check, I decided to use not only the sun but also the zodiac signs. I'll calculate the time using the constellations. Help me find the zodiac clock.

    Lamplighter's Workshop

  • Pointing Shadow

    Carlos Light

    Let's try another way of finding out how accurate the tower clock's mechanism is - we'll caclulate the time using a horizontal sundial. They have a flat dial and a gnomon pointer, look for one.

    You found the horizontal sundial. With it, you can check the time during any season, given you factor in the dates of the solstices. I'll try to calculate them.

    Lamplighter's Workshop

  • Old-timer's Advice


    The Diggers are back and they're not talking, so it will be hard to discover their goals. Maybe they're after something on the surface. Or they just want to protect their realm? I'm worried about Cardsharp's plan. It seems he's picked a bad time to look for the Diggers' Cache. Maybe you can talk him out of it?

    Are you out of your mind!? Abandon the search for the cache? Never! I sense a huge profit at the end of all this. We're going to look for the Diggers' Cache right away or we'll miss everything important.

    Chapel Basement

  • Ooops!


    The Mayor's grand birthday bash at that time would definitely have had outdoor games. Stick horses were popular back then with boys, and girls were crazy about jump ropes. Look for them, please.

    You found a Stick Horse and Jump Rope! Children absolutely adore these things. No birthday party is complete without them.

    Yard of Forgotten Toys

  • Forewarned is Forearmed


    It's good that the diggers don't attack us, I've got enough on my plate as it is. Still, we'd better tell the Mayor about the diggers, just in case. Everything happenes for a reason in this City.

    If you're here on such a dismal night, something serious must've happened. Let me guess... You want to speak to mea bout the diggers?

    City Hall

  • An Explosion of Colour


    You're looking fo things from a birthday celebration. I love it! I definitely saw a Party Popper in the yard somewhere. Can you find it?

    Wow, look at this Party Popper! It'll cover you in confetti if you set it off!

    Yard of Forgotten Toys

  • Chocolate Masterpiece


    You want to know why I visit the Yard of Forgotten Toys every year on the same day? It's the day we celebrate my daughter Sarah's birthday. I'll share my sad tale with you if you bring me some items from Sarah's last party. Start with her Birthday Cake with candles. It's somewhere under the tree.

    Yes, of course that's it! Chocolate cake with whipped cream - Sarah's absolute favourite.

    Yard of Forgotten Toys

  • An Old Friend


    You found five items that belonged to the secret visitor of the Yard of Forgotten Toys. Who could access the yard when the entrance was blocked off to everyone else? I think I can discover the name of this person. Bring over a couple of the City artifacts and lay out what you've found next to them.

    Look what we got after the ritual! It's the Mayoral Chain with the City's coat of arms! I can't even believe that the mysterious visitor is the Mayor! Although... I often used to see him around the Yard of Forgotten Toys, but I thought he was just strollin around, checking to see if everything was alright. If the Mayor can get into the yard without any trouble, that must mean that he's connected with this place. But how?

  • Classic Etiquette


    I saw a Top Hat in a pile of toys next to a mechanical harlequin. It stared at me with a frightening, wide-open, beady-eyed stare that I couldn't even approach it. Bring me the Top Hat, I think it'll tell us a lot about its owner.

    Awesome! You brought the Top Hat! I think the mysterious visitor is an older gentleman. This item, as expensive and beautiful as it is, can't exactly pass as fashionable.

    Yard of Forgotten Toys

  • A Status Accessory


    At the entrance to the house I saw a Neck Scarf, but the wind came and blew it away. Could you please find it. I think it's something else that belongs to our mystery man.

    Good thing you found this Neck Scarf. Look here! There's a monogram embroidered on it. I guess the Yard of Forgotten Toy's mysterious guest is not only wealthy, but from a well-known family as well.

    Yard of Forgotten Toys



Hidden City Walkthrough
