Hidden City Walkthrough


These are the story/quests featured in Hidden City. There is a vast number of stories, and please note that the order and categories are unorganized, so it might be a bit difficult to navigate. Thank you for your understanding.

  • Emerging from the Abyss

    Mirai Furukawa

    Yamata-no-orochi cannot always be on stage. We also need a movable stage to float the serpent out of the raging sea. The stage is already there, but we need help with the decorations.

    The setting of the sea storm is very spectacular. The waves cover the wooden framework beautifully. This creates the illusion that Yamata-no-orochi has emerged from the depths of the sea.

    Spring Mill

  • Awakening of the serpent

    Mirai Furukawa

    In the script, Yamata-no-orochi is supposed to awaken from sleep when he hears the sound of the military flute of the hagai. And the sound of the abyss makes his evil eyes blaze.

    Thank you for looking for the military flute of the abyss! You chose it exactly as described in the script. Attention to detail is important for the audience to feel a sense of realism.

    Cards of Fate

  • Wiggle structure

    Mirai Furukawa

    Each of the serpent's fearsome heads is attached to a movable neck. The heads are then raised at predetermined times during the play to play an important role in the story. Can you help us make the movable heads?

    Thank you for making the movable head! The body of the mythical serpent is said to have stretched between eight hills and eight valleys. It is impossible to reproduce this size on stage, but this serpent turned out quite large as well.

    Easter Veranda

  • painful reproach (like a needle stuck in one's scalp)

    Mirai Furukawa

    Creating the eight heads of the Yamata-no-orochi also seems like a lot of work. Even just the facial expressions need to be different for each one. Can you help me make the head of the snake?

    Thank you for creating a very creepy snake face that is very evil. The scales are so lifelike and shiny. Your guests will feel a mixture of fear and delight!

    Easter Picnic

  • Burning Gaze

    Mirai Furukawa

    The Yamata-no-orochi has sharp, hooch-colored eyes with terrifying power hidden in them. If we cannot reproduce this element well, we cannot convey the fear of the serpent. Can you help us create the ruby-colored eyes?

    You did a wonderful job reproducing the ruby eyes of the Yamata no Orochi! Thank you. The ruby eyes, which seem to embody the legend, seem to radiate an eerie power from within.


  • Flower of Life


    Hey, I think I know what that girl drew in the window next. It's an eryngium she wants me to pick. It's a medicinal herb that grows in the fields. Can you find me some frozen eringium? If Martha can revive it, I'm sure the girl's soul will be able to go to the other side!

    You found it! The eryngium has very pretty blue flowers. You'll see them when they come back to life with Martha's help! It looks like a nondescript plant, but the fields will be filled with silvery blue flowers.

    Ice Palace

  • Tender Flowers


    The ghost of the little girl is painting flowers on the window again. That's a ...... caudate inflorescence. Why would she be looking for spring plants in the winter woods? Let's look for frost-covered caudate inflorescences. I'll ask Martha to bring it back to life!

    This frozen caudate inflorescence is so cute! They grow on willow branches. They are so soft and fluffy that in some countries they are named after cats. You can see its unique shape even when it is frozen.


  • predatory plant


    What's that flower she's painting? You don't know either, do you? I'll have to think of something to save her soul. ...... Okay! That's a predatory plant. It's what's called "mousseline", but you better be careful!

    Wow, so this is mousetrap moss! It's not dangerous in its frozen state, but as soon as Martha brings it back to life, it should be able to demonstrate its predatory plant abilities. It uses a sticky liquid to lure insects to eat them. Don't you think that's disgusting?

    Angel Statue

  • Resonance with the Heart

    Flora Alvarez

    Try a combination of sounds and scents that bring healing. We have created a perfume that improves heart function, which we have found to be immensely effective when combined with the sound of mbira. Give it a try!

    How did you like the combination of mbira and perfume? As you said, the transposition of mbira lightens the heart and evokes special feelings. Furthermore, when combined with perfume, it calms the heartbeat.

    Magic Pharmacy

  • Force of Nature

    Abbot Paku

    As I worked with Flora to find the best combination of sounds and scents, I wanted to try combining nature music and scents. Would it work? Let's experiment with hand pans and palo santo!

    The hand pan and palo santo have distinctive characteristics. The raindrops falling on the hand pan create a beautiful rhythm of sound, inviting the listener into a meditative state. In addition, the mellow aroma of palo santo brings peace and harmony to the mind.

    Magic Pharmacy

  • The perfect flower


    Look at the beautiful roses the ghost of a little girl painted on the window! It's as if the petals are opening at this very moment. This must be a clue. It means that in order to free her soul, we need to pluck a snow rose. Give it to Martha to revive her.

    There's an enchanting beauty to these snow roses. It is said that roses are a symbol of "perfection. There are pros and cons to this, but these petals made of snow look just perfect. It's very cold, though!

    Matchmaker's Residence

  • icy flower


    If you want to know what flower the girl wanted to pick, just look at the window. Her spirit will leave a clue there. See, Valerie was right. There's a picture of an ice chrysanthemum in the window. Find this flower and ask Martha to bring it back to life!

    Well, what a beautiful chrysanthemum! They look just like the ones the poor girl's spirit painted. They are beautiful enough when frozen, but they would be many times more beautiful if Martha could revive them!

    River of Oblivion

  • Purification of myrrh


    When I go to the most unusual area of the shadow city every day, I feel like I'm getting negative energies on my way home. I'm thinking of doing a healing ritual with incense to cleanse my aura. The first thing I need for the incense recipe is incense from the myrrh tree. Can you help me find some?

    It's wonderful! Yes, this is the forbidden incense. If you burn this incense in a ceremony, you will get blessings and magic spells. It brings strength and luck.

    Palace of Wishes

  • Fulfillment of wishes


    I refused the prince's offer because I could not leave the palace. I could not leave the palace. To fulfill his wish and bring rain to the kingdom, I prepared a cup with a flower floating in it for the ceremony. It would still have the prince's energy in it.

    I performed a ritual using this cup with flowers floating on it and saved Farouk's kingdom from drought. Then I told him to leave the palace. He had no choice but to do as I, the Queen of Prayer, told him. ......

    Matchmaker's Residence

  • Emotions you should not have


    Prince Farouk went through the ordeal. And I wanted him to replace me as the master of the prayer palace. But the prince gave me a gift. Yes, a lotus accessory. I never wore it. So there must still be some of the prince's energy left. Let's look for it.

    Farouk said as he handed me this accessory. He said he had fallen in love with me at first sight. He begged me to leave the prayer palace ...... and his words shook me to my core.

    Pharaoh's Gallery

  • Noble heirs


    Given the challenge of fighting his inner fears, the prince confessed his unwillingness to be an heir and his fear of becoming the next ruler. He left a gold pendant in the palace. It would have his energy left in it.

    This was the gold pendant given to the heir, the one that glowed on Prince Farouk's chest. He came to the palace to save his kingdom from a disastrous drought. But I had intended to deceive him.

    City Hall

  • City of Silk


    Prince Farouk's subjects settled into white tents set up around the palace. And the prince's colorful tent was decorated with gold ornaments. That tent is still in the palace today, and no doubt the prince's energy remains there. Look for it.

    Prince Farouk was supposed to live in this tent, but this did not happen. But it was not to be, because many trials awaited him in the palace.


  • Dance carved by Jill

    Flora Alvarez

    When sound and scent are combined, they can be expected to have a healing effect. I spent years researching to find the best combination and discovered that Jill sounds and essential oil pendants go well together! Try it here.

    The zill, also known as the finger cymbal, is a sound that has a positive effect on a person's biorhythms. It is especially effective when played during dancing. In addition, wearing a pendant of essential oils around the neck can further enhance the effect.

    Magic Pharmacy

  • Pyramid of Surprises


    We've seen simple packaging, now something a little more elaborate. For example, pyramid-shaped wrapping. It's an origami-style wrapping with a gift inside! Can you go find me a pyramid gift?

    I wish I could make pyramid-shaped packaging like this! Look at the packaging that opens like a flower. Juliette would love this kind of thing!

    Spring Mill

  • Beverage Gifts


    The gifts we send are not only toys and books, but also delicious snacks. ........ Some of them are even drinks. I once saw a gift sent for Christmas that was a beautifully decorated bottle. Why not look for wrapped gift bottles?

    If I see a beautiful bottle wrapped in Christmas wrapping, I'll have to pour a cup into something Christmas appropriate, too. I'm sure the guides would love a gift like this.

    Christmas School

  • The Power of Classical Music

    Abbot Paku

    How does the combination of sound and scent affect patients? I used to incorporate classical music into my treatment of patients at the Fog Oasis. What would happen if I added fragrance to the mix? Look for a record player and incense sticks!

    Thank you. This is lavender incense. The scent of lavender has the effect of improving concentration, so it will be just right for music appreciation. By the way, classical music is also known to activate the brain!

    Magic Pharmacy

  • Pretend you're Santa.


    If you can find me a bag, I can make a very cool Christmas style package. Not just any bag, but a Christmas one. Like the ones Santa carries. Gift bags, please!

    With this neat little bag, I can fit up to two gifts in it. Not only would it make my friends happy, but it would bring back the Christmas spirit!

    Easter Picnic

  • Geometry of Christmas


    Gifts are usually packed in cardboard boxes and are rectangular in shape. So-called cubes. Well, I'm not much of a geometry guy. Why don't we go find a new gift box?

    This is the best gift box I've ever seen! I need to measure it and cut the wrapping paper. ...... I feel like a student again!


  • acoustic therapy

    Flora Alvarez

    Our goal is to study the effects of the combination of sound and scent on the human body. It is known that singing bowls and peonies have healing properties, but let us investigate what effect the combination of the two can have!

    You have found that peonies and singing bowls enhance each other's healing effects! The combination of the seven-color sound and the pleasant fragrance could help ease people's anxiety.

    Magic Pharmacy

  • A special remedy for overwork


    My schedule is jam-packed with concerts and the stress is driving me crazy! Too much work is bad for my beauty. Flora suggested massage candles. Can you help me find some?

    So there you have it! Flora says I don't need medicine, just do what brings comfort to my mind and body. But all her suggestions are so laborious and tedious. I was hoping for a miracle cure...

    Magic Pharmacy

  • horticultural therapy

    Flora Alvarez

    Sophia says all she does is "the same thing over and over every day". She seems to be struggling to keep the sparkle in her eyes. It is probably because of the shade of her beauty. Please find my gardening tools with me!

    This is a pretty good gardening tool! I'm glad I kept it. If you want to put the sparkle back in her eyes, gardening is a great way to do it! Just moving her body and getting her familiar with nature will go a long way.

    Magic Pharmacy

  • The Essence of Tea Ceremony

    Emma Luxmore

    I have been depressed for a while now and asked Flora for some medicine to make me feel better. I didn't want my face to look old because of the corners of my mouth...but I was given a tea set. I wonder why?

    Your explanation made it very clear. I thought you were suggesting that I should soothe my soul with a cup of tea, but it seems to me that spending the same moment with a close friend over a cup of tea is the source of your energy. Flora is a genius!

    Magic Pharmacy

  • Healthy Eating Habits


    I've been feeling sluggish lately! Could it be that I'm starting to age? I asked Flora for a tincture to cheer me up and she handed me this poster instead. Look!

    Yes, this is a poster promoting healthy eating habits. Flora seems to think that a balanced diet, not creams and tinctures, is the secret to beauty and health. It's hard to put this into practice.

    Magic Pharmacy

  • Beautiful and practical


    Let's start with the simple wrapping. That's right! Could it be any easier to gently slip a gift into a big Christmas sock? Let's find out. Putting a gift in a sock is a Christmas staple!

    Festival socks...how beautiful. They are so nice even if there is no gift inside. Now let's fill them with gifts and give them to someone for Christmas!

    Ice Palace

  • Action!


    You now have everything you need to assemble the collector's unique projector. All that remains is to place this fragile device in a sturdy case. I think I saw a star-shaped case somewhere in town. Could you bring that to me?

    I see that you found a case! This would be perfect to put the projector in. I am going to name this "star projector". What do you think? It's a very easy name to understand, don't you think?

    Magic Confectionery

  • Conversion Lens


    See! The faceted mirror beam contains an astronomical chart. Isn't it wonderful? We're going to convert this and transfer the image to the projector. Could you find an axicon lens for that? Oh, I can't wait to gaze at the constellations above the city!

    Thank you for finding the Axicon lens. It looks like a plain glass lens, but it is actually a very cleverly made beam converter. Why didn't I use this in one of my astronomical inventions?

    River of Oblivion

  • Archimedes' mirror


    Next is the all-important reflector. It is needed to see the sky without being disturbed by fog. The collector's projector will be ready soon. Then we will be able to look up at the starry sky for the first time in years! I can't wait! Now, let's find the faceted mirror.

    Yes, this is a faceted mirror made from a collector's blueprints. Perhaps it was he himself who made it. But he did not invent it. Archimedes used such a mirror long ago. It is said that he used it to set fire to the Roman fleet during the siege of Shrakusai.

    City Hall

  • Action from within

    Flora Alvarez

    Sophia and Emma have come to our house in search of a secret remedy for youth. If so, let's think of a therapy that might help them stay young. This is going to be an unexpected suggestion for both of you, but could you please find me some massage slippers?

    Wear these massage slippers and you will stay young and energetic. Why? Because a foot massage stimulates the pressure points that revitalize the body. The structure of the human body is connected to every corner of the body!

    Magic Pharmacy

  • laser beam


    In order for the projector to work, the light from the arc lamp must be focused into a single beam. To do this, we need a monocrystal. Can you help me find it? Without it, we cannot project a beautiful starry sky.

    You have found a great monocrystal! With it, your projector beam will be thin and powerful. If you add the right amount of chromate ions to the monocrystal, you can even create lasers!

    Feast Garden

  • Turn on the lights.


    A projector needs a light source. You don't need to look at the blueprints to know that much. Can you help me find an arc lamp? It is a very powerful light source and looks like two sticks stuck in a flask.

    I see you found the arc lamp! But be careful ...... don't turn it on yet. Because the arc inside will raise the temperature to thousands of degrees. Did you know? The first arc lamp was invented 77 years before Edison's light bulb came along.


  • twisted symbol

    Lady Peacock

    Like many women in town, I received a cursed gift. I found a wonderful glass rose on a table next to the hotel. As soon as I touched it, the glass petals began to scatter. Please bring me this rose!

    Roses are a symbol of love. But as soon as I touched it, the petals of this glass rose began to fall. I feel that the Captain is ill. ...... Who cast a spell on this malevolent flower?

    Beauty Salon

  • Drug Administration

    Flora Alvarez

    There are all kinds of treasures in this warehouse. You may even be able to find label stamps. The one at the pharmacy recently broke and I needed a replacement. Let's look for it.

    Magic Pharmacy

  • Mystery guest


    I remember the day the prince walked through the palace gates as if it were yesterday. The sound of the slinga announced his arrival. I am sure that his energy is still in the slinga. Please look for it.

    This is it. This tone signaled that the dispatch group was approaching the palace. In the lead was Prince Farouk. He had come to the palace to fulfill an important wish.

    Summer Theater Stage

  • ransom for a baggage allowance


    I think I've done enough good deeds. Now, bring me my debt. If I had known that I would be cursed because of this few coins, I would have told you ....... No, no! You better go with me - I'll tell you where it is.

    Here it is, coins earned with blood and sweat. ...... That's a bag full of gold coins. ...... I don't really want to give it away, and I don't want to give it to my creditors... But if I don't give it to them, my life is worth much more.

    Rapture Theater

  • Pirate Prosthetics

    Captain Drake

    Trump scammer says he polished the shoes of a hunted woman? I missed that. I have other things I promised to polish a long time ago: ....... I don't trust Trump scammers though. Actually, you know, this used to belong to James Hook once upon a time! Can you bring me his magic hook?

    This is unexpected... I had heard that the hooks had magical powers. ...... I don't remember magical tools being this rusty.

    Pharaoh's Gallery

  • Glowing Boots


    I've always wanted to polish my leather boots. If I'm going to do it now, I'm going to need some help from a card-carrying con artist. Would you be willing to do that for me? If you don't mind, could you help me find a brush and some shoe polish?

    These are my boots. Give the card cheater a brush and some shoe polish and the rest of us will just sit back and watch. Considering all the evil things he's done, I'd love to punish him even more!

    Gift Shop

  • semaphore


    Oh, by the way, I promised to fix the flag signals a long time ago: ....... Well, let's make what you want to do happen today.

    Have a little screwdriver. I'll bring the wrench and go wrestle with the rusty screw.


  • withered flower


    I promised the mistress a long time ago that I would water the flower beds and replant the flowers. If only I could find a watering can, I could do it right away.

    All right. Fill the water in the watering can and you've made good on your promise.

    Dragon Sailboat

  • Inconvenient hairstyles


    I too was the victim of a cursed gift. I found a box with a wonderful comb in the kitchen, but when I brushed my hair, something happened that I can't explain: ...... find that comb.

    With this comb, my hair grew 20 meters immediately... luckily the effect was only temporary. I prefer short hair to Rapunzel's hairstyles.

    Room of Fate

  • Speechless chatter


    Mm-mm! [Valerie cannot speak. She seems to be taking something sharp out of the ocean by swinging her arms and gesturing to imitate ocean waves. It seems that she too has been the victim of a cursed gift. She asks him to find her a shell].

    Phew! Your voice is back. Thank you! I thought this shell was a gift from Alex. But he stole my voice and now I can't speak. Like in the story of the Little Mermaid!

    Feast Garden

  • Scientific Research

    Flora Alvarez

    Keep checking the pharmacy warehouse. You may find something else. This magnifying glass is very distinctive. It looks like something I've seen in an illustration in a medical book. Let's take a closer look!

    This is a magnifying glass designed specifically for observing medicinal herbs. It can magnify up to several dozen times! I am going to use this on medicinal herbs that I have not yet studied.

    Magic Confectionery

  • Welcome to Pharmacy

    Flora Alvarez

    What other items can you find in the pharmacy warehouse? Let's keep looking! This looks like an old doorbell. It may have hidden power, so let's check it out, shall we?

    This doorbell plays various scales, doesn't it? Then, customers could play tunes with it. It would make the pharmacy lively!

    Magic Confectionery

  • Keeper of the Pharmacy

    Flora Alvarez

    I see a variety of curiosities in the pharmacy warehouse. Are there any that you might be able to use? I think I saw a doorknob in the shape of a snake earlier. Would you look for it with me?

    This is not just any doorknob! It may look like an ordinary piece of pharmacy equipment, but it is a talisman. It would look right at home attached to the entrance of a pharmacy.

    Magic Pharmacy

  • curio

    Flora Alvarez

    What treasures are hidden in the pharmacy warehouse? Let's find out right away! Near the entrance, we found a porcelain jar filled with leeches! Let's take a closer look.

    This jar is quite a find! It is hand painted fine porcelain. It is probably not made anymore. Hill has been used as a medicine for 2,000 years.

    Magic Pharmacy

  • figure of a mist

    Kira Woodville

    How do I communicate with the fog? Here is a mysterious portrait case. I was not in charge of this case, but the data is available at the Security Bureau. I have requested a copy of that portrait. Let's check it out!

    This portrait was commissioned by The Shadow. An artist painted the shadow's fiancée, but failed, resulting in a portrait with a hundred faces. The Shadow asked Flora for a potion for his lover, but could it possibly be the same person?

    Magic Confectionery

  • understanding each other

    Rayden Storke

    Having decided to talk to the mysterious fog lady, I had to wear a special device. One of my acquaintances knows a lot about that kind of stuff and gave me a radio. What do you think?

    Yes, this is a spirit wave radio. A friend of mine uses this to communicate with spirits. But this is not just a receiver, it has been improved. I didn't think it was a big deal, but now it is indispensable!

    Magic Pharmacy

  • extend a helping hand

    Kira Woodville

    We need to reach out to the consciousness that the fog has. That is what spirituality is for. I contacted Mr. Alford Stone and he gave me a crystal ball. See here!

    Indeed, this pendant is small, but Mr. Stone tells us that it should not be underestimated. He says it once belonged to a powerful magician.

    Magic Pharmacy

  • Strange behavior


    Believe it or not, I almost fell victim to a cursed gift. I received a pair of gorgeous shoes and thought they must be a gift from a worshipper, so I put them on. ...... Find the sinister shoes. Then I'll tell you the rest of the story.

    When I put on that shoe, I had an irresistible desire to scrub the floor. So I smashed the second shoe against the wall. I am the mistress of the house. I am not Cinderella!


  • Death pendant


    Thanks for suggesting that we find the ringleader of that awful gift. It's horrible! I thought that beautiful satin ribbon was from the detective. But I soon realized it was cursed! It's important evidence, so go find it.

    I hit her with the ribbon and she started choking me. If I hadn't ripped it up, I would have gone to sleep forever like ...... Snow White!


  • Decoration of autumn leaves


    Drinks are an essential part of the feast. I am going to place a special glass on the table, decorated with yellow autumn leaves. They look as if they were created by the goddess of autumn herself. Look, they are in the cabinet over there. Can you bring it?

    I see you found the fall glass. Could you put those on the table for me? Let's see if there is anything else missing: ......

    Gift Shop

  • Turkey pastry


    I'm totally exhausted from all the preparations for the feast. By the way, I heard that the Autumn Goddess likes sweet things. Hearing that, I baked some turkey-shaped cookies for ...... Oh no, I'm in trouble. I forgot to take them out of the oven! Hurry up and take them out!

    Thanks to you, I didn't burn the cookies. But be careful, they are very fragile. Would you like to taste one?

    Dragon Sailboat

  • Treasure of the mistress


    Juliette, I can't help it, you're so enthusiastic about preparing for the feast in honor of the Goddess of Autumn. I wanted you to polish my autumn leaves candlestick, but you took it to decorate the feast table instead. Please find it!

    That candlestick with the autumn leaves is mine. It should be displayed in the mansion! But you can borrow it for the feast. Just don't forget to return it. I don't want you to mistake kindness for charity.

    The Hotel

  • Drinks unique to this season


    The Autumn Goddess likes to use seasonal vegetables and fruits in her dishes. So we should serve those dishes at the feast. I made pumpkin juice, can you find me a pitcher to put it in?

    This pitcher is perfect for the "fall" theme of the feast. Let's continue to decorate the table with autumn-inspired items.

    Cards of Fate

  • Symbol of Unity


    If we're going to have a feast for the Goddess of Autumn, we have to offer something that symbolizes the gratitude we feel from all the inhabitants of the city. The maple is said to be a symbol of "comradeship." To show your solidarity with the Autumn Goddess, place maple candies on the table.

    You found the maple candies and individually decorated them with ribbons! How creative! I'm sure the Goddess of Autumn will be pleased.


  • Wealth and Science


    There is one more mourning mourning mourning statue I'm looking for, but don't laugh when you hear it. I need a statue of a mourning scepter with a golden scepter, with swirling decorations and a crown. Could you please go find it for me?

    Well, look! It's a statue of a mendicant with a stick! You are so good at getting what you want so quickly. This statue promises success, wealth, and financial independence.

    Palace of Justice

  • Lucky Ticket

    Francesca Bonmarito

    I still have that pencil, of course. It is like a magic wand that brought us together. Mario wrote down my phone number on the back of his bill receipt with this pencil, hoping to see me again. Can you help me find that piece of paper with the phone number on it?

    Yes, this tattered receipt is from that cafe where I met Mario. He had a very good memory and memorized my phone number in an instant, but he still kept the receipt. He said it was a "lucky receipt" for him. I think he may be right.

    Bright Living Room

  • beautiful face

    Mario Bonmarito

    There were a lot of people in the cafe that day, but I couldn't take my eyes off Francesca. That's just as well, because ...... she really was perfect! By comparison, I was wearing an old suit and had a pencil clamped over my ear....... Come to think of it, my wife still has that pencil. It's part of a decorative object.

    Francesca has a knack for using ordinary items to create something beautiful. This old pencil is a good example. I am so glad I had the courage to talk to her at the cafe. Normally I would never talk to a stranger...but maybe it was the rain. If she hadn't gotten wet, I would never have found an excuse to buy her a cup of tea.

    Gift Shop

  • From the depths of time

    Flora Alvarez

    It takes more than wisdom to communicate with the fog and will. I have an amulet handed down from my ancestors that I have relied on throughout my journey. Find the amulet.

    Thanks for finding the amulet! If there really is someone in the fog, the amulet should help you interpret the fog signs. I've never heard of such a disease, and I don't think medicine can do anything about it.

    Magic Pharmacy

  • New Prototypes

    Abbot Paku

    It is possible, though difficult, to communicate with the fog consciousness using spiritual methods. We have taken a small amount of fog. First, let's try to establish communication. Will it work?

    I see, a fog in a mortar, enough to interact with virtual consciousness. Hmmm, that reminds me of the story of the soul particles scattered in the fog in Lower City.

    Magic Pharmacy

  • warm consideration

    Francesca Bonmarito

    Mario's thoughtfulness made me realize that I could be happy with him. He noticed that I was cold, so he ordered me a cup of warm tea. And he ordered me a warm cup of tea with my favorite snaselberries! He said it was just a coincidence, but I couldn't help wondering! I made a cup of goumi tea just for you. Here, try it.

    Aren't they delicious? The colors are so vibrant, just looking at it cheers me up. At the cafe where Mario and I met, they served this tea in large cups. So that day, as soon as I drank the tea, it warmed me right up. After that day, I never felt cold again just by having Mario next to me.

    Troll Market

  • Clear impression

    Mario Bonmarito

    That's right. Me and Francesca met in a cafe where we were taking shelter from the rain. If you want to know the secret to meeting your precious family from our story, I will tell you the details of when I met my wife. I remember everything about that day. Even the candy containers we found near the cash register. The same one is in our house. Would you be willing to search for it with us?

    This glass container filled with colorful candies looks much like the ones found in the café. Francesca usually places these containers in the dining room. She says it's because the colors go well with the interior, and I agree. Maybe we are happy together because we like the same things.

    Garden of Oblivion

  • Sudden rain

    Francesca Bonmarito

    Yes, I will gladly tell you. I'll tell you about the time I realized that I could be happy with Mario. Every memory has a precious object associated with it. Unfortunately, I just got back from a magical adventure and the house is a mess. ...... Could you help me look for an old umbrella?

    I'll never part with this umbrella, even though it's no longer useful. It broke one day during a rainstorm. I ran to a nearby café and met Mario. There I met Mario. I knew right away that he was going to be someone special for me.

    Troll Market

  • The Atonement of the Scoundrel


    Of course. I know the ghost of Marie Nouvok was imprisoned in the dungeons of the mansion. We witches will do whatever is necessary to gain strength. If you wish, you can find the magic tiara with the soul stone on it. That scoundrel stole it.

    I'm sorry I gave away your tiara. But you wouldn't have left me alone otherwise. Let Isabelle do something about it and seal Marie Nouvok's soul forever.

    Manor House Gate

  • Mysterious anger

    Lady Peacock

    I told the detective about the missing pendant. But I didn't know that magic was involved. When I wear this pendant, I get an unusual feeling of anger... Please find the pendant and give it to Isabelle.

    Isabelle says that this is an evil pendant. I can't believe she was wearing such a horrible thing. I heard that this gemstone contains a soul stone. I hope the ceremony goes well.

    Ballet Academy

  • Source of arrogance


    I don't want to see Marie Nouveau return to the world of the living. I am an expert in magical items. I can seal her soul completely. But first we must collect the soul stone. The huntress says she lost her ring. Find it.

    It's a ring of domination. It has a big lilac diamond on it. The huntress always seemed to become arrogant when she wore it. I should have seen it sooner.


  • Ghost Trophies


    The mistress had gone out and I was assigned to work in the dungeons of the mansion. I was wearing the brooch from that jewelry set ...... when suddenly the ghost of the Dark Lady appeared, took it from me and flew away. Can you help me find that brooch?

    I don't like this brooch, dear friend. It's so beautiful. But it makes the people closest to me feel kind of bad. It makes me feel like I don't need them.

    Garden of Oblivion

  • Lilac diamonds


    The victims said the missing jewelry was huge. It was made of gold and had a rare diamond embedded in it. The thief must have wanted that jewelry. Valerie had a bracelet like that. But it made me feel uncomfortable to see her wearing it. Let's start with that bracelet.

    Whoever the thief was, his trick didn't work. Besides, you're the one who found the bracelet. You are a real master! It's hard to relax with this bracelet in my hand. ...... What kind of magic is this?

    Cards of Fate

  • Winter Treatment


    It's not just the "spirit of spring" that needs to be moved, buddy. It's not a bad thing for us to remember spring ourselves, either. Julie looked sad when she saw the gray winter sky, so I gave her a "flower hairpin. It worked! Find it.

    Wouldn't a flower on a hairpin be a nice touch? If you make a "spring charm" for us, Julie would be happy to give this to you. Then we will give her another one.


  • Mirror, mirror.


    The gatekeepers want to make a "spring amulet." With it, we can remember spring all year round. We can fill it with the power of the Spirit of Nature and protect the Tree of Life. I remember spring by looking at the Mirror of the Sun. Find it, dear friends!

    This "mirror of the sun" helps me remember spring. It also reminds me that I am like the sun! I hope the gatekeepers find it useful to make a "spring charm".

    Feast Garden

  • Cradle of Spring


    As a priestess of the Blue Dragon, I know that the spirits feed on people's prayers and emotions. If the "Spring Amulet" is to be used as a means of empowering the "spirits of nature," then it is definitely worth making. Look for my egg-shaped chest. When you find it, I will explain everything to you.

    My hut is in the shape of an egg. It represents the cradle of life. It is decorated with cherry blossoms. It reminds us that winter is not eternal and that spring will come. I will place a scroll of sutra inside.


  • Nice buds


    That's exactly what the gatekeeper said. It's important that people remember spring all year round! I usually collect crocus buds at the end of spring. I usually collect crocus buds at the end of spring so that I can grow them in the winter and fill my home with the excitement of spring! Can you spot the "crocus flower"?

    These magnificent "crocus flowers" are in full bloom right now. Take this to the gatekeeper. You will use it to make "spring charms" for everyone in town!

    Bright Living Room

  • The Magic of Lawn


    The gatekeeper says he's going to make a talisman to remind us of spring all year round. It's a great idea! Everyone is always looking to bring back the best of the season and fill their lives with the little joys of spring. Subconsciously. I decided to grow a lawn for Ed. I love those "lawn planters". They are so heartwarming! Can you go find that one for me for a minute?

    How about a hedgehog planter with a spring lawn, creative, right? It puts me in a good mood all year round! Or not. I'm giving this to the gatekeeper for his "spring good luck charm".

    Easter Veranda

  • invisible protection

    Abbot Paku

    The apprentices will be able to fight them off, but the sooner Flora gives the cure to her husband, the better. I made a camouflage necklace using a mirror from the showcase but I dropped it. Please help me find it!

    Have you found the camouflage necklace? Flora wore it. It's not perfect, but it should be harder to find. The disciples are confused and there should be time to give the cure to her husband.

    Magic Pharmacy

  • Ship Lanterns

    Captain Drake

    Now, find the ship's navigation lights. You don't know what it is? It's a lantern with red or green glass. It's to show the size of the ship.

    Yes, this guy is my ship's lantern: ....... Yeah, I'm starting to miss that ghost ship and crew.

    Bright Sunroom

  • Secret Ingredients

    Captain Drake

    Every ship needs a cook. I was on the Wandering Dutchman. The most important thing for a cook is, of course, spices. I was too afraid to ask him where he got it or what it was made of, but it made for some horrendously good food. Find out.

    I recognize this chef's spice: ..... You said it's the magic ingredient that makes a dish unforgettable.


  • When the musket gun breathes fire

    Captain Drake

    The Wandering Dutchman was loaded with good weapons. It fought well in the afterlife and in this world. Find the helmsman's old musket gun.

    Nice musket! Yeah, reminds me of the time we raided a ship and boarded it, ABC 22nd and 23rd hours, the sound of gunfire, the screams of the enemy, that's hard for a real pirate to take.

    Angela's Park

  • longshoreman's whistle

    Captain Drake

    Next time, find the whistle of the ghost ship's chief sailor. Oh, I haven't seen the chief sailor in a long time. We've been on the same crew for a hundred years.

    This whistle is also called the chief sailor's signal. It is used by the chief sailor to give orders. Especially during storms or when preparing to sail, without it, his voice would be drowned out by the noise.

    Cards of Fate

  • Sea Time

    Captain Drake

    First, you need to find the hourglass of the ocean. What, you don't know what that is? It's an hourglass that measures exactly 30 minutes. That's the first thing we need to find on the wandering Dutchman.

    One of the sailors on the ghost ship is assigned to watch this hourglass. That sailor rings the bell every half hour. This is the "dotted bell.

    Feast Garden

  • Vase with many facets


    You and your friends show extraordinary wisdom. Soon you will solve the riddle of the celadon vase! The fifth clue is this. The soul of man is a multifaceted vase. I think I'm close to solving all the riddles. Find the multifaceted vase.

    This wonderful celadon "multi-faceted vase" symbolizes that people have many facets. So what we have here is the last clue to the riddle of our ancestors!


  • vase on a pillar


    I would love to help the monk. You're asking a riddle about a Chinese pale celadon vase. The clue was in the last vase found. "The universe is an expensive vase on the back of three whales. Have you seen a vase with three legs anywhere?

    The Three-Legged Vase is complex, but very stable. It looks as if it really stands on three pillars. There was a clue inside. Just as I had hoped.


  • The Silent Threat

    Flora Alvarez

    We need to get rid of the disciples and protect the cure at all costs! I was researching the effects of sound. Some sounds have a therapeutic effect and some have the opposite effect. Look for an ultrasonic ocarina!

    That ocarina for me! It might even work on my apprentice, since some creatures don't like the sound of this ocarina! Cover your ears, just in case! I did it, it worked! Some of the disciples run away!

    Magic Pharmacy

  • Winter Rain


    Umbrellas are not just for rain. They provide perfect protection against snow, too! Winter holidays often bring sticky, watery snow. Why not find an umbrella that Juliet can use even during such times?

    That's what I'm talking about! This sturdy umbrella will protect its owner even in bad winter weather! Juliette would be delighted to receive such a gift.

    Sunny Terrace

  • rain after a long dry period


    Fall is the wettest season. Juliette needs an umbrella for the fall downpours. I had a prophetic dream about you looking for an umbrella for her, our mutual friend.

    You found an umbrella for the fall rain. The decorations on this umbrella are not very practical, but Juliette will love it. You don't need to ask the spirits.

    Tiger's Spring

  • Under the Stars


    Have you ever seen a meteor shower? Oh, you'll never forget a sight like that ever again! I hope Juliette ever walks through a meteor shower too. How about finding an umbrella for the starburst rain?

    That's great. You found the perfect umbrella for starry rain. It's like there are so many stars in the sky! Juliette will be so happy.

    Bright Sunroom

  • drop of sunshine

    Adeline Svensson

    It rains in the summer too, that's a given! I think Juliette needs an umbrella that can be used in the heavy summer rains. Something practical yet elegant. Let's find an umbrella that will also work in the hot weather.

    Amazing! You found an umbrella that works for the heavy summer rains. This will protect Juliette from the scorching sun. You know that too much sun is bad for your skin, right?

    Sunny Terrace

  • Spring Awakening


    Juliette asked me to help her. She wants me to find umbrellas for each season. For example, spring rain wakes the earth from its sleep. The first buds sprout with that rain. Why not find an umbrella for the spring rain?

    This is a fabulous umbrella! I'm sure Juliette would be comfortable under this umbrella in the fresh, temperamental spring rain.

    Jack's Tower

  • Wonderful scenery


    This orange tree has long branches that block the path of passersby. It's a magical creation. It must be an illusion created by a mischievous roadside pumpkin. Let's take him to Samhain's hall before he loses his magical powers.

    It must have taken a very high level of magic to produce such wonderful street pumpkins. It would be a shame if the pumpkins lost their magic.

    Jack's Masquerade Ball

  • The Miracle of the Pharmacy

    Abbot Paku

    There are too many of them, even though they have to fight off the disciples. If we can make a numbing powder from the medicine in the pharmacy, we can stall the disciples. Can you help us?

    With your help we were able to make numbing powder. Let's sprinkle it on the disciples and see if it has any effect on these dark wimps. Alright! Some of your disciples have fallen to the floor and stopped moving!

    Magic Pharmacy

  • Stuck in Time

    Kira Woodville

    Disciples at the pharmacy! I was going to try a stall trap, but I can't find it anywhere. Quick, please help me find the trap!

    Did you have a stall trap? Capturing the apprentices in this trap will give the agents a chance to neutralize them! The Security Service has some of the best scientists in the world!

    Magic Pharmacy

  • Let there be light!

    Abbot Paku

    To repel the disciples, we must bring back the light! Darkness works to the advantage of the enemy. There should be a bottle of ether in the pharmacy that can light the fire. Let's look for it!

    Okay, you have created an eternal lantern! Do you see the shimmering shadows? Those are the disciples! It seems that the Shadow has sniffed out our presence and decided to send its minions our way this time.

    Magic Pharmacy

  • Blood-sucking pumpkins


    Watch out! A vampire has descended upon us. ...... Oh my God, it's not just a phantom! That means there's a vampire pumpkin nearby. And it's a fast-moving one! But if we don't get him to Samhain's hall soon, he's going to lose his magical powers. Come on, grab him!

    Don't worry, you'll be fine. A vampire pumpkin bite won't turn you into a vampire or a pumpkin. It's just an illusion. Keep them locked up in the halls of Samhain so they don't lose their magical powers.

    Bright Living Room

  • Vase of moderation


    I heard that the monk found a riddle that will lead you to the treasure! The third clue is this. A vase of moderation is thrifty and trustworthy." This Chinese vase must be vase-shaped and have gold inside! Look for a celadon "vase-shaped" vase.

    That's a big "vase-shaped" vase! There you go. In ancient China, it was believed that thrifty people would keep things of value in a vase. It's sad to see that it's not gold inside, but a piece of paper. ......

    Christmas School

  • Vase of abundance


    You are looking for a specially shaped celadon vase for a monk, right? Here's the clue that was in the first vase you found: "The Vase of Mercy has a large belly. The Vase of Mercy has a large belly. But its slender neck will fill them all. This describes the jug. Find it!

    I found an ancient Chinese "jug-shaped vase" made of celadon porcelain. This is the Vase of Mercy! There's a piece of paper inside made of bamboo. It has a new clue written on it.

    Compartment No.8

  • Vase of Beauty


    I heard a monk found a scroll with an old riddle written on it in a pale celadon vase. You can wear my badge. To solve it, you need a vase of various shapes and sizes. The scroll gave the first clue. "What is a beautiful vase but a perfect woman's body?" I'm not disagreeing with that one. Oh, I get it! I have a pale celadon vase with a feminine shape. Find me a "gourd-shaped vase."

    The smooth, streamlined shape of this "gourd-shaped vase" looks like a woman's body, doesn't it? But it's what's inside that interests us. Not the shape. See, there's a second clue inside!

    Blooming Quarter

  • Strong Advantage


    Everyone in town seems to think they can compete with me in the race, but they are naive. You need to be in perfect shape and have the right sled if you want to win the race. Can you find me a bobsled?

    Bobsleighs are a type of sled that performs best in mountain sports. It also has a control stick. And it looks like my crossbow, doesn't it? Or am I the only one who sees it that way?

    Ballet Academy

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