Hidden City Walkthrough


These are the story/quests featured in Hidden City. There is a vast number of stories, and please note that the order and categories are unorganized, so it might be a bit difficult to navigate. Thank you for your understanding.

  • Arctic Runner


    I hear Nicholas is trying to get information about Lumika, the "Snow Queen," from the memories of animals that were her friends? I'll help. She could even be friends with a white rabbit. Can you find one for me?

    You're looking pretty scared! Your heart is racing! Give this to Martha. She'll use her magic to calm you down. She'll find out what she can about Lumika. As soon as she's done, I'll let you go. ......


  • Fur trade


    The spirit of Mathias, who was Lumika's fiancée, said. The future "Snow Queen" blamed the villagers for favoring the fur coat of the "Arctic fox". She was friends with the "Arctic fox". Are there any descendants of that fox in this city?

    What a fluffy "Arctic fox"! It is watching us cautiously, isn't it? Ask Martha to call up this fox's ancestors who were friends with Lumika. Maybe they know something?

    The Hotel

  • Christmas Fun

    Terry Tofficus

    Without a playground manager, there is no one to move the Christmas merry-go-round. Putting them back together and moving the wooden horse should change my sour wishes. First, let's get the rides back in order.

    Thank you! Now the merry-go-round can entertain the guests again! Valerie volunteered to be in charge while the playmaster was magically stuck. Look, the guests have already arrived!

    Caramel Boulevard

  • Festival atmosphere

    Terry Tofficus

    CaramelCarl! I would gladly help them win the contest if it would undo my wish and break the spell placed on the elves! I'll start with the decorator. Please lend me your help as I create the decorations on his behalf.

    Because of my wish, the decorations on the counter turned to charcoal. Thanks to you, our decorators can now enter a contest with their Christmas decorations! Oh, helping out is so much fun!

    Caramel Boulevard

  • one's earnest prayer


    Terry's confession made an anomaly appear in the air. It was as if a living photograph had popped out of a snowflake...was that a wishful thinking? You need an artifact to make the photo appear clearly.

    The artifact indicated that Santa was angered by Terry's wish. Santa's frustration and disgust perverted the wish... and the situation is not good. The magic of wishes is hard to break!

    Caramel Boulevard

  • Arctic Ornithology

    Lady Peacock

    Nicholas wants to know about Lumika's past before she became the "Snow Queen," which is wonderful. I found a feather of "Arctic partridge" among her belongings. Could you try to find that bird?

    This little "Arctic partridge" is a descendant of one of Lumika's friends. Ask Martha to recall their memories, passed down through generations. They will reveal Lumika's past.

    Palace of Wishes

  • A Newcomer to the North


    My uncle, Elias, told me that Lumika had a pet. A "baby seal." Let's find its offspring and examine its memory. Ask them to tell you about my queen's past!

    What a cute "baby seal". Of course, this is not the baby Lumika was playing with. But Martha would be able to find out from this baby what he remembers about Lumika.

    Cards of Fate

  • The Power of Extreme Light


    The other party is surely Santa's magic. If so, only Santa can break this magic. But for now, let's try the most powerful cure I have brought with me. It is a wand that contains the power of extreme light.

    The power of the polar light has worked! The elves trapped in the candy have been freed! Ahh! The power of the wand has been reversed! There is nothing more we can do... what can we do...

    Caramel Boulevard

  • holly dust


    We cannot give up. We have to try harder! This time we will use a potion that can deal with even the darkest witchcraft. Help me sprinkle the holly powder.

    Did you see it? The moment the holly dust touched the candy, a charcoal smoke rose, but it was quickly absorbed inside again! We no longer have any choice but to resort to the most powerful remedy.

    Caramel Boulevard

  • Moss Fabrics


    Let's try another way to get the elves back in shape. Help us by wrapping Candy in a blanket of moss! We've woven a powerful reversal spell into the fabric, so it's sure to work.

    Moss blanket flips the magic effect inside out. Look, it lived well! Quick, take the blanket from the elf! Ah, it's back to candy again. The elves must have been cast the most powerful spell of Christmas!

    Caramel Boulevard

  • Spruce Aroma


    We won't give up after just one failure! Try this spruce fragrant wood. This smoke will restore the creature to its true form. Please help me light it.

    Thank God he lit the spruce fragrant wood! The smoke broke the spell for a moment, but the elves turned into candy again. What in the world is this magic...it's as if Santa himself cast it!

    Caramel Boulevard

  • Magic Revealer


    I have come in a hurry! I've prepared some medicine to free the elves trapped in the candy. We'll start with the mistletoe ointment. Apply the ointment to the candies.

    Mistletoe is perfect for revealing what is hidden. Look, for a moment Candy took on the form of an elf, but not to the point of transformation... Don't worry, there are other remedies!

    Caramel Boulevard

  • clear field of vision


    With the help of the spirits, I'll hang the spell on the foundation of the amulet. This step is essential to the search for the elf. Weave a spell to make your vision clearer. Can you fetch me the satin flower crown from the Christmas tree?

    Thanks for delivering the flower crown. The spell worked. Now I just need to assemble all the parts of the amulet and make sure it works. The genie says it's the detective's job.

    Caramel Boulevard

  • Evergreen spruce tree


    My third gift is a Christmas spruce tree that won't die all year round. Bring it to my confectionery store where I have an electric stand that can nourish the tree with electrical stimulation.

    You brought us the best stand ever. Now the spruce will live a long time. To keep this tree healthy all year round, add a spoonful of magic syrup that will act as a conductor of electrical stimulation!

    Garden of Oblivion

  • Cute delivery guy.

    Miss Izzy

    Let's make a second gift for Jimmy. A little delivery man he can use to send letters to his friends. I like that he can send them quickly and accurately. We don't have much time, so let's collect and assemble the Christmas decorations. Help!

    You've got a wonderful delivery person in Belle and Tinsel! Let's bring them to life with some Christmas magic... now Jimmy can secretly exchange letters with his friends.

    Golden Daisies Alley

  • keen intelligence


    Now, I'll gather the next piece of the secret revealer. In case you're wondering, I'm going to go out of my way to give up my own belongings for it. I'm sure I put Nazar's eye around here somewhere...but don't just stand there, you should be looking for it too!

    I finally found Nazar's eye. This exposes what is escaping my ears and eyes. But the eyes need to be skillfully enchanted by a calm person with a keen intellect... which, of course, is me!

    Caramel Boulevard

  • Lion's Courage


    Buddy, I've been given the challenge of carving the lenses for the amulet out of ice myself. I have to finish it during the first snowstorm of Christmas. We'd better do this ourselves. Can you help?

    Thanks for the help, buddy! The ice lenses of the Secret Elucidator reflect what cannot be seen. According to the mistress, the lenses must be made by someone with courage and power. I don't like it when the mistress compliments me on my work.

    Caramel Boulevard

  • Upbeat music


    Juliette told me all about it. Let me help you! The device to find the elf needs a bell with a beautiful tone. I saw them on a sled ornament at a nearby house. I'll go with you to get it.

    Yay, I got a beautiful sounding bell! The tones of these bells break the spell and help us hear the unheard. This part of the talisman had to be collected by someone as jolly as Christmas. That means you and me!

    Caramel Boulevard

  • kindness


    The mistress asked me to find the first part of the secret detector. I need a spruce tree for the base. It's a tree from the elven lands and it's on display in the town square! Will you help me gather them?

    This spruce foundation keeps evil intentions away. The mistress explained that these branches needed to be gathered by good people with pure thoughts. I am glad we were able to gather them!

    Caramel Boulevard

  • Mystery of Paper


    Buddy, my gut tells me that the candy maker is behind the disappearance of the elves. Look, he's hiding something in the snow. A crumpled piece of paper! Let's wait for him to go away and check it out.

    On a crumpled piece of paper that Terry had hidden was a list of contestants, their signatures, and today's date! The elves were here, but they've vanished. Looks like Terry Tafikas is covering his own tracks.

    Caramel Boulevard

  • Funny Candy


    What's happening on Caramel Boulevard? Everything I touch turns to charcoal. Is it my fault? Hey, you should try it. Try grabbing that bag of candy.

    See, the candy in the bag turned to charcoal when you touched it! So it's not my fault. Oh, thank God! You're terrible, detective.

    Caramel Boulevard

  • Abandoned nannies


    I think Terry has something to do with the disappearance of the elves. He's busy getting ready for the contest, but the others did the same thing before they disappeared. I'll explain, you go through your toolbox in the meantime.

    It's a toolbox of forgotten items. This one belongs to a master decorator. This elf disappeared while working. And there are no footprints left by the elf in the nearby snow.

    Caramel Boulevard

  • soot-colored remains of soot (coloured)


    Of course, the guards didn't see anything. They were switched off. It seems we'll have to solve the case without eyewitness testimony. Let's check out the store where Juliette bought the chestnuts.

    Look, buddy, there are brand new soot marks on every box. Did you forget to wash your hands before packing? The only thing I'm sure of is that someone was here.

    Caramel Boulevard

  • Witnesses who wound up


    Do you believe Terry's story? You could be the one who caught the elves with the candy nets. Let's ask the mechanical guards. Oh, we're out of power. Let's find the screwdriver.

    Oh, someone threw a screw roll in the snow. I'm glad I found it! Do you think this is a coincidence? Or did the culprit intentionally disable the mechanical guards?

    Caramel Boulevard

  • Quiet commotion


    From the decorations and lighting, the fair must have been held here. The detective's hunch tells him that the guy who attacked Juliette is lurking nearby. We should enter cautiously to avoid escape or getting caught in his net!

    The boulevard is just so festive! Look at all the glittery Christmas trees, decorated merry-go-rounds, bright candy statues... I bet everyone was having a good time before they got caught.

    Caramel Boulevard

  • White Ed.


    Before she was transformed into the "Snow Queen," Lumika was a kind soul! According to Santa, the townspeople believed she could talk to animals. I bet she had a friend named Okojo. Like Ed, only white! Well, let's go get that granddaughter and ask her.

    You're white as snow, Ed! Look at you! You don't scare us. I hope Martha can get this weasel to "talk". About Lumika's past.

    Blooming Quarter

  • Spiritual abundance


    I need your help to find a statue of a mule with pearls. You know I collect good luck charms, right? But be careful, all I need is a statue made of bone or gold, otherwise it's a fake.


  • Health and Longevity


    Hey, don't you think it would be nice to bring a little luck and happiness to the city of shadows! I found out from the library that what I need is a statue of a cloth bag that carries positive energy. I don't need a big statue, just a few small statues, each granting a different wish. For example, the statue of Hotei holding a peach promises good health and long life. Please help me find them.

    Yes, this is it! A fat and round Hotei-sama holding a peach branch! They say that if you stroke this belly 300 times, your wish will come true. I don't know much about rituals and such, but I read about it in the library.


  • Summer in the middle of winter


    Let's help the larger animals, too. The reindeer in the Arctic Circle will have a hard time finding food in the winter because of the thick snow that covers the entire area. Prepare fragrant hay for them.

    Thanks for your help! I might organize a reindeer feast in Arctic Town. I might ask Adeline to write an article calling for the rescue of the city's animals.

    Bright Living Room

  • Cafeteria on the tree


    For the squirrels, let's build a café in the tree! I've drawn the plans and I've got the paint ready. Let's hang the squirrel café in the city park for everyone in town to see. You'll help me, won't you?

    Amazing! This squirrel café will be the centerpiece of the city park! Now the squirrels can eat real nuts without having to steal bracelets made of fake acorns. Thanks for your help.

    Bright Living Room

  • Motionless Shadows

    Adeline Svensson

    I noticed one funny thing. When I enter the chapel, the shadows disappear. At first I thought it was the light, but it must be Di Fiori. It's because he painted this building. Let's find it!

    You found a canvas painting of a building by Di Fiori. Still, it's strange. Look at the window in the painting. See how the shadows are moving? I can't believe it!

    Mansion by the Canal

  • Realistic Monsters


    I had a rough day yesterday. I had to track down a werewolf based solely on his growling. There was no trace left behind, so I used every skill I had to try and catch him, but ...... unbelievably, what I caught was a painting! Would you look at this?

    This is a painting of a werewolf by an artist. Ever heard of Di Fiori? How on earth did he manage to tame this model werewolf?

    Matchmaker's Residence

  • Singing sound coming from the canvas

    Adeline Svensson

    There are a few trees in the Japanese garden that seem to have stopped moving altogether. I believe Di Fiori also painted oriental landscapes. There, he painted a temple surrounded by cherry blossoms. Can you find the painting so I can compare it with the real thing?

    You found me an oriental landscape painting! It's strange, by the way. The birds in the painting are singing cheerfully, but the real birds perched in the trees are quiet. ...... Fiori's talent has taken away the birds' voices.

    Bonmarito Villa

  • living landscape

    Adeline Svensson

    Di Fiori practiced landscape painting among the street artists in the park to escape his pursuers. Let's find a moving painting of a cityscape.

    You found a moving painting of a garden scene! Do you see the leaves rustling in the wind? You also see Di Fiori's flowing signature in the corner. Do you recognize this place?

    Haunted Park

  • Reflections of Fairies

    Adeline Svensson

    They say that when they were washing the garden with spring water, before they knew it, they had washed away the color of the butterflies' wings. The fairies are very ashamed of this. Let's help them re-color the butterfly wings. Bring the rainbow dust.

    Thanks for bringing the rainbow dust. The fairies wanted to fix it themselves, but they couldn't. They said that from now on they won't wash their garden with spring water and that if they make a mistake, they will never hide it and report it properly.


  • Rare Butterfly

    Adeline Svensson

    I finally caught it! Is this... a colorless butterfly? I didn't think they really existed! Let's find out if this really is a butterfly, and if not, what it is.

    I was right, it was definitely a colorless butterfly. It looks like the wings acted like a lens and burned the flower. Well, there are fairies hiding near the trap! They want us to forgive them for their mistakes and help them atone for them!

    Matchmaker's Residence

  • Captive play in the garden

    Adeline Svensson

    The trap has taken effect and multiple lights have started circling around the trap. Hurry up and catch the lights! Bring the traps made of spider webs. The web is reinforced with dew and can catch anything.

    A perfect captcha. Thank you! The web threads are elastic and strong enough to absorb a ray of sunlight while safely trapping even the most delicate creatures. Great for research!

    Japanese Garden

  • mysterious and unconfirmed animals (e.g. chupacabra, etc.)

    Adeline Svensson

    Look... a strange light has appeared beside the wilting flower. Is this the same light that burned the flowers? I want to collect more of this light, so help me make a flower trap.

    This flower trap looks like it will do the job right! Thanks for the clever suggestion to use both the color and the scent of the flowers. I'm sure our readers will enjoy this story. Now let's get to work!


  • Bird Song


    Make a food box for the animals. Then they won't try to eat my trinkets. This is also for their health. Let's make a small bird feeder so that even in the winter we can hear the birds chirping in the city of shadows.

    Thanks for making such a nice feeder! Now the birds won't have to search the cold ground and trees for food. I will hang this feeder all over town!

    Bright Living Room

  • on the run


    You said you heard noises coming from my room? The thief might still be inside... Hey, is that a squirrel that just jumped out of the window? He was holding something in his paws! Help me catch the squirrel thief!

    Thanks for catching the thieving squirrel. The squirrel is holding my mushroom earrings! Oh well, he's trying to store what looks like food for the winter...even though he can't eat any of it.

    Bright Living Room

  • The Magic of Art

    Adeline Svensson

    Giovanni di Fiori always painted seascapes whenever he visited his cousin Caterina. Let's look for his seascapes. You can easily recognize it because the painting is moving on the canvas.

    This seascape was definitely painted by Di Fiori. Look closely at this boat. See how the sails are flapping? This ship is a duplicate of the one on the pier in the city.


  • Unexplained behavior


    It doesn't add up... the thief didn't even look at my expensive jewelry, he stole my acorn collar, tore off my favorite bracelet and tore apart the ornaments. You see, here's the thing.

    Seems he was interested in jewelry with an autumnal motif. This little mushroom ornament was ripped from an autumn bracelet, and the stolen lapel badge resembled an acorn. Who would want these?

    Bright Living Room

  • Disappearances in the garden

    Adeline Svensson

    I asked the girl in the spring and she said the butterflies should have already been woken up by the fairies. She herself has seen to that. Have the butterflies been taken by the trolls? Let's check the wilted flowers. Maybe we can find some clues.

    Among the wilted petals, I found one that appeared to have been burned through the lens. I looked elsewhere for these marks and could not find them, so it appears that the flower was deliberately damaged. Could the butterfly have fled in the wake of that incident?

    Rapture Theater

  • Burden of Prediction


    Look through the magic kaleidoscope that allows you to see the future and see if you made the right choice in your gift. It's a little scary because knowing the future can be a burden on the mind, but can you bring me a kaleidoscope?

    That's the kaleidoscope! Who here dares to see the future of the city? You. Now, put the kaleidoscope to your eyes and twist it a few times. What do you see? Does everything look all right? I knew it would be!

    Haunted Park

  • An important cornerstone


    Now, let's pick the third and final gift. I'm shaking with excitement. Have you considered everything and come to a conclusion? Yes, I have! This should definitely be in the box. There it is... look!

    The panda symbolizes peace! He also has evergreen shoots growing out of his back. As the ancient saying goes, peace and tranquility are more precious than gold.


  • Definition of Happiness


    Now, choose a second gift from the wish-granting box. We need to determine exactly and carefully what the city needs most. What's the most important thing in life? Yes, health! I'm going to take this sphere out!

    You can feel the vibrations of life force from these spheres, can't you? It's designed to work on the body's acupuncture points and chi energy. This gift will surely benefit the people of the city!

    Autumn Valley

  • Requirements


    I'll put my hand in the box, close my eyes and let my mind follow the guidance of my inner eye... how beautiful! The whole city is prosperous, wealth abounds.

    This is an ancient scroll. It has a red peony on it, a symbol of prosperity and goodness. I took it out of the wish box on a hunch. Why don't you hang it on the wall of City Hall?

    Haunted Park

  • fire magic


    I can only make special drinks with special methods. I will bring a copper cauldron and a sandalwood spoon, and in the meantime, prepare an autumn bonfire.

    Your fall bonfire is burning beautifully! Ingredients for drinks mix better over a flame. The sparks work. See the sparks dancing around the cauldron?

    Bright Living Room

  • key (to a lock)


    In order to get the gift out of the box and into town, I need to open the box first. It's not easy to open, but I just have a magic meditation bell, may I ask you to bring it?

    Thanks for bringing the bell. The unique rhythm created by ringing it should cause the air to vibrate and open the box. Watch! It doesn't look like anything complicated, but it's actually magic!

    Matchmaker's Residence

  • Christmas Dreams


    Let's make Jimmy's wish come true! Izzy found the letter he wrote to Santa, so now we know what he wants. The second thing is a non-reducing caramel... I'm sure it's still in the pastry store. Can you help me find it?

    You found a caramel that doesn't diminish. Thank you! There are only a few more left in the pastry store. I'll work my magic to make it taste different every day!

    Thanksgiving Fair

  • Magic Scent


    Chocolate beans are often used in baked goods and drinks, but this is the first time I've heard of them being used in a magic drink. The recipe calls for "breaking the beans into small pieces. Can I ask for help?

    Thank you for grinding the beans so carefully! The sweet aroma is spreading throughout the kitchen. I think I'll grind more beans and bake some chocolate muffins. I love detectives.

    Bright Living Room

  • The Witch's Secret


    My next ingredient is nectar from the autumn flowers. There are aster and arrowroot chrysanthemums blooming in the mistress's garden. May I ask you to collect the nectar from these flowers?

    Thank you for collecting the nectar of autumn flowers. Yaguriku is often used in medicine. It is very useful in the fall.

    Bright Living Room

  • What about the children who didn't receive their gifts?


    Of course, let me help you make new gifts for the kids, or I'll break the Christmas Code! Bring Izzy's bells.

    Thank you! This bell is supposed to ring in response to the names of the good kids on Izzy's list who didn't receive their gifts. I've replaced the pendulum with a Christmas candy cane to increase the magic power of the bell.

    Miracle Fair

  • Labor-intensive materials


    I have to roast it for weeks to get the first ingredient for the drink. Good thing I know someone with readily available pumpkin extract. I wonder if Martha would be willing to share some with us?

    I see you brought pumpkin extract! Thank you. This is Martha's secret recipe that she makes and uses in her medicine. I need this for my fall drink too.

    Bright Living Room

  • Familiar places


    Where did I see the markings on this bookmark? I'll try to remember...in the meantime, let's clean up this place. I'll organize the books, you pick up the postcards that have gotten under the cabinets.

    Yes, it is! I wonder if the view on this postcard is as hidden? Maybe Mary's mom got it from her mom Deborah. There's no signature on the back. Interesting.

    Bright Living Room

  • A Trap for the Wise


    Apparently, the "bird catcher" didn't only choose the heirs of the nobility. It seems that some famous people have also been sacrificed. There was once an advisor to a Chinese emperor who displeased the emperor. He was thought to have disappeared. You must find his brooch.

    Trapped in this brooch is the soul of a Chinese overlord. Just as I thought. The emperor's advisor tried to enlist the help of a "bird catcher" to escape being decapitated. But a riddle trap turned him into a bird.

    City Hall

  • Favorite Pain


    I like your "bird catching" method. I'll have to write that down in my notes! It's all about the victims, a king in my time once had a mistress. Everyone was jealous of her. And then suddenly she was gone. Maybe the "bird catcher" scared her off? You're looking for her brooch.

    The woman depicted in this brooch is definitely that woman, the king's mistress. Everyone wanted her gone. After all, she fell prey to the "bird catcher's" poison.

    Thanksgiving Fair

  • Selfish son

    Adeline Svensson

    You're looking for a "bird catcher" brooch with the soul of a rich heir. I remember something. It's about the youngest unfortunate son of a London aristocrat. He was interested in the theater, became an actor who could make an audience go wild, and then suddenly disappeared! Look for his brooch.

    No doubt. The young, selfish son of an English aristocrat is depicted on this brooch. Apparently, he was trapped here trying to solve a problem with the help of a "bird catcher.

    Moon Gate

  • noble sacrifice


    The "bird catcher" must have been trying to extort ransom money from the royal family or something, targeting the heirs of rich people, right? I saw a beautiful brooch with a portrait of the "Queen of Egypt" on it. But I haven't had time to retrieve it. Can you help me find it?

    I thought for sure it was a portrait of Cleopatra, but this guy is just an ordinary girl dressed as an Egyptian queen! I guess "bird catchers" can't go back in time, can they?

    Haunted Park

  • black gold


    The magic that turns people into birds is a special kind of magic, and it's not an easy thing to unravel. For example, I don't sense any soul at all in those birds. Perhaps a part of their soul has been transferred to something else. Perhaps it is in the brooches that Miss Peacock mentioned. One of them has something to do with Saracens, I believe. Look for it.

    This brooch has a portrait of a young Saracen in expensive clothes. This is the ...... prince! But I guess he's not the first in line. He is now languishing in the princess's cage.

    Riverside Abode

  • On the Wings of the Wind


    It's getting colder, but I'm still up for it! The ice diamonds are hidden in the ice sculpture here. I'm going to grab it with my numb hands. That Pegasus sculpture has been on my mind since a while ago. ...... Let's check it out. There might be a diamond inside.

    What a big pegasus! I see some kind of jewelry at the head. ...... Damn, it's a fake made of ice! You got me again!

    Troll Market

  • Thistle got me.


    That crook hid my diamonds in an ice sculpture. Take a look at that elegant thistle sculpture. Something's glowing inside. ...... Let's check it out.

    Did the Lady of Fortune send me this thistle sculpture: ...... No, where are the diamonds? Looks like there's something in there...... another fake. I'm not having a good day!

    Cards of Fate

  • Cold Fruits


    I wonder if they can find ice diamonds...... opponent was a sculptor, but you said those diamonds were cut in the shape of fruit. Damn it, ...... you made fun of me! Let's check out the pineapple sculpture just to be sure. Maybe there's a diamond inside. ......

    Oh, I see diamonds in the shiny pineapple. ...... No, that's a fake. Damn, I've been fooled again! That bastard must be sitting in his warm room right now, snuggling up and laughing at me! Oh, it's so cold I can't feel my fingers anymore: ......

    Festive Street

  • Lernaean monster


    Has anyone thought about the exploits of Hercules? No matter how many years pass, that story will never be forgotten. For it is "carved" in the sky by the cold light of the stars. Martha asked me to find the constellation Sea Serpent. I'm trying to build a celestial connection. Can you help me?

    This "sea serpent" found symbolizes the second of Hercules' accomplishments. It will help Martha build a connection with the celestial bodies.

    Moon Gate

  • Zeus constellation


    For Martha to build an astral world connection with the celestial bodies, she will need the help of the constellation Cygnus. It's the constellation that flies along the Milky Way. You can find that star map in town.

    In ancient times, people connected the birds in the sky with these crossed constellations in the sky. Martha could use this to make astrological predictions.

    Beauty Salon

  • Toy Misconceptions


    The titles of all the books are intriguing! They were all authored by Mary's mother. Huh? Sharp is holding something in his mouth. Looks like a bookmark... take the bookmark.

    Thank you for rescuing Shiori from being caught between Sharp's teeth and dying. It's so beautiful. It's like a treasure! And those marks... they look familiar.

    Bright Living Room

  • cover the tracks


    Sharp was so eager to get his toys that he jumped up and knocked everything off the shelves! We're fine, but there's a broken flowerpot... can you pick it up for me?

    Thanks for picking up the broken flowerpot! I'll find a new flowerpot and replant it. Also, there are about a dozen books down from the bookshelf, so let's get that out of the way quickly!

    Bright Living Room

  • Interruption of play


    I'm glad you found Sharp's toy! Looks like it was really stuck in a gap in the bookshelf ABC. Wow...Sharp was so excited that he jumped up and hit the bookshelf with such force that he smashed everything that was on it!

    Sharp was so eager to get his toys that he jumped up and knocked everything off the shelves! We're fine, but there's a broken flowerpot... can you pick it up for me?

    Bright Living Room

  • good boy


    Sharp is a Border Collie and very active. He is also a very good boy! Will you help me find Sharp's favorite toy?

    Thanks for finding carrot knitting. Sharp and I appreciate you, too. Wow, again! Carrots went away again. I haven't even messed with it much yet...where is it now?

    Bright Living Room

  • Sea Monster


    Dear Friend, Can't wait for Martha's astrology column? She needs the power of Whale sign. It builds a powerful astral realm connection with the celestial bodies. She's asked me to find her a star chart.

    Oh, the myth of Andromeda is so romantic! Perseus rescues the princess from the mouth of the whale, the greedy sea monster! It's that whale constellation that I found for Martha.

    Haunted Park

  • Orpheus' lyre


    There's a rumor going around that the Shadow City Times is planning to put up the fate of people with the stars. I am sure that the constellation Lyra will help Martha build an astral connection with the stars. It will foretell the future. You'll have to find a star chart for this constellation.

    You found a perfect star chart for the zodiac sign of Lyra. Now Martha can make astrological predictions. After Orpheus' death, his lyre was sunk in the river. Zeus flew an eagle over it and turned it into a constellation.

    Beauty Salon

  • Scattered minerals


    I need sulfur for the ritual to check the bloodline of the child werewolf man, but I don't have any. You can find sulfur anywhere in the City of Shadows. Can you bring it?

    I knew it. I knew we'd find the sulfur soon enough. Once the ritual begins, a prosthetic hand controlled by a werewolf skull should be able to write out the information about Rudy's parents on a piece of parchment.

    Scientist's Mansion

  • vaulting horse (horse racing)


    That sounds like a fun column. I'd be happy to help Adeline. Oh, but please don't mix up astrology and astronomy. They are two completely different things to begin with! Pegasus constellation would help Martha build a connection between the celestial and astral realms for her divination. Help me find it.

    Yes, this is the Pegasus star chart you've been looking for. Ah, Pegasus, the horse of Musa, goddess of the arts. By the way, astronomy used to be considered an art form and had its own Musa.

    Troll Market

  • Spirit of Christmas


    If I'm going to light a fire in my winter fireplace, I want something that reminds me of Christmas and the holidays! Pinewood sap. There's nothing like the wonderful smell of pine needles when the bark burns! Can you find it?

    Any monster will tell you that we should avoid places that smell like Christmas and Christmas trees! Magic will protect us and keep us warm.

    Yard of Forgotten Toys

  • It's all crystal clear!


    A hunting woman needs all-seeing vision? What's that? An all-seeing eye? An x-ray? Wait a minute! That's it! X-rays see everything. It's not easy, but you can do it. Bring the x-ray machine.

    Festive Street

  • small happiness

    Mario Bonmarito

    My wife and I have found that the greatest joys in life come from the many unexpected little blessings. If it helps Mary, I will tell you how to find them. Try making a fall bouquet.

    Thanksgiving! I always spend Thanksgiving with my wife taking a walk and enjoying conversation. I believe that happiness abounds in small events. I will immediately go to surprise my wife with a bouquet!

    Bright Living Room

  • The one who exposes the truth.


    In order to perform the ritual and find out the bloodline of the werewolf cub, you need a prosthetic hand. The werewolf's skull can't speak, but I can use magic to make the prosthetic hand write out the answers to your questions. Bring it to me.

    I could use this prosthetic hand. It's not really attached to this skeleton, just temporarily borrowed. Soon the werewolf skull will tell us about Rudolph's parents!

    Moon Gate

  • What's just right for support?


    You need a skeletal specimen to question the werewolf's skull. And you have to put the skull on something. Find the skeleton.

    You found a skeleton already? That's great! I'm so close to finding out who Rudy's parents are.

    House on the Reef

  • In Search of the Holy Grail


    If you don't find the ice sculpture with my diamond hidden in it, it's no different than if you lost the game! How dare he do this to me! Hey, there's a chalice made of snow over there. Maybe there's a gem inside. Let's check it out!

    Hey, there is nothing in this chalice. Come to think of it, I once heard a legend about a cup with the same name as this one. A king put the souls of his loyal knights in a cup and drank from it every day. He drank from it every day to prevent it from being poisoned. In case they were poisoned, the cold air of the afterlife would emanate from it. Spine-chilling, isn't it?

    Mansion by the Canal

  • Bird made of ice


    What a beautiful bird! Hey Mr. Peacock Sa, show us the diamonds that this card cheater won with fair play .......16 days 02 hours ain't here! Why is that? I was prepared for this, but I guess finding diamonds is going to be harder than I thought!

    Santa's Workshop

  • Coupling to operate


    It shouldn't be easy to figure out who the parents of the werewolf man are. But fortunately, I know a ritual that could solve this problem. I need the werewolf's skull for that, so can you bring it to me?

    What a wonderful werewolf dokoro! Werewolves have such strong ancestral memories that even after they die they can get information they want to know from the skull. And about the parents of the child werewolf, Rudy.


  • sweet smell


    I've come up with a new theory. The killer is sneaking into the salon at night and making oil out of various ingredients. I know it sounds strange, but let's check out those delicious raspberries there and test it out.

    Those raspberries look well ripe and delicious. It may look like raspberry juice in the jug, but I bet it's oil. See, it's still raspberry seed oil! I guess we can use that to catch the culprit.

    Yard of Forgotten Toys

  • hidden talent


    I'm always knitting hats for Thanksgiving. It helps me organize my thoughts and clear my head. Try knitting a hat, Mary.

    Nice job on the knit hat. I seem to have a talent for teaching others! I learned knitting from my daughters. I practice regularly so I don't forget this skill.

    Bright Living Room

  • With hope in our hearts


    I know how you feel Mary. I too would love to be reunited with my family. Looking at my amulet on Thanksgiving gives me strength. Let's clean the amulet and see if it helps Mary.

    Thank you! My father gave me this amulet. Every time I look at it, I promise myself that one day we will celebrate Thanksgiving together as a family. Mary can do it too!

    Bright Living Room

  • Unexpected contents


    There's also an oil stain near the canvas bag... a very plain bag that doesn't look like it belongs in a fancy salon. The killer must have left it behind. What the hell is he up to? Let's check the contents of the bag.

    I like coffee, so I knew right away at first glance that these were pre-roasted beans. I could brew coffee with these and it wouldn't taste good, but what's in this cup... is oil again! Who wants oil from coffee beans?

    Haunted Park

  • A brilliant trap


    Maybe the killer is a lover of rare plants. If so, we should ambush him by the plant. There must be a branch nearby with brightly colored flowers. Would you look for it with me?

    Nice work! A flower this vibrant would attract the killer. This is Juliette's favorite camellia. It smells so good...is that perfume in the bottle? Oops, I've got an oil stain! Why is there oil all over this place?


  • Unique aroma


    Doesn't it smell kind of nice, like herbal tea? I don't think anyone would sneak into the salon under the cover of darkness to drink tea...but anyway, let's test this theory as well.

    This herbal tea has totally cooled down...wow, it was oil. I saw patchouli as an ingredient earlier, too! Juliette once gave me some wonderfully scented patchouli decorative flowers to put in my buttonhole.

    Festive Street

  • Unusual items


    Look for objects in the salon that have caught the intruder's interest, then duck down near them to catch them red-handed. Let us know if you find anything unusual or expensive looking.

    What is this... a fruit I've never seen before. Is it called Buriti? I don't think a thief would go to the trouble of breaking in to make buriti juice, but... oh? This looks like oil. Strange.

    Matchmaker's Residence

  • Lucky Cookie


    I bake cookies all the time. One of them has a secret ingredient in it! If luck is leading Mary home...let's bake some cookies.

    Awesome! Mary has picked up the secret cookie! Just a little more patience. I am sure that luck will guide her. My life in this city has taught me the importance of patience and gratitude.

    Bright Living Room

  • Main materials


    I always make jam sandwiches for Thanksgiving. When I eat them with friends, I feel like I'm surrounded by magic. This magic may bring Mary back to her family. Let's give it a try!

    Thank you for helping me make jam sandwiches! This magic didn't bring Mary home, but it did create some heartwarming and happy memories of sharing a meal with friends.

    Bright Living Room

  • Cakes with unique contents


    Do you like cake? Then that's good. I prepared a fluffy pink cake for you. It's a wedding gift for me and my gatekeeper. Once you find it, you'll understand why it's such a special cake.

    It is a very tasty cake. I'm sure you'll love it, because it contains rose petal extract and fresh berries. In addition, I have included a prediction. Soon many secrets will be revealed!

    Hidden Row

  • Between Two Worlds

    Autumn's Herald

    Mary's magic is amplified by the city of shadows! She can stay in the city, grow and become one of the initiates. There's even a tiara ready for her. Look for it.

    If Mary wears the tiara, she will accept the offer of the Spirit of Autumn and she will remain in this city forever, and she will regain the magical power and eternal life that her grandmother renounced. Then I will support her.

    Bright Living Room

  • Garden of Encounters

    Autumn's Herald

    I was happy for my sister, but I didn't want to leave her... I wanted to see her at least once a year, so I built her a door that led to the autumn garden. Look for it.

    I'm so glad you found the door so well! I had woven the energy of autumn into the yarn Deborah had spun. Once a year, in the fall, Debbie would use it to open the door and meet me in the City of Shadows!

    Bright Living Room

  • Double Tip.


    It makes me happy to see a couple that gets along so well. I hope that my and the gatekeeper's wedding will be an opportunity for the detective and Juliette to confess their feelings for each other. ...... Yes, let's give them both a pair of chocolate strawberries. Go find those.

    Let's give this couple of chocolates to Detective and Juliette as a gift, I can't help but hope they both enjoyed their spring wedding. And I hope one day the gatekeeper and I will be invited to their wedding.

    Mansion by the Canal

  • The Joy of Berry


    What Valerie's bright personality reminds me of ...... is bright berries piled high! The perfect gift for her vitamin-packed berry-like clarity would be, yes, my berry jam! Give that as a wedding memento.

    This jam will make you remember our wedding on a spring day even on a dreary winter day. It is a special jam made with cinnamon and a lot of thought.


  • kind consideration


    When we first arrived here, our guide gave us a tour of the city. That man looks strict, but he really has a kind heart. Could you please take a heart of chocolate so I can give it to him?

    The heart of this chocolate is inscribed with my and the gatekeeper's initials. As long as this item is present, the guide will always be able to hold on to the hope of returning to his family.

    Cloud Theater

  • Precious Pearls


    I would like to give the Trump scammer something expensive: ...... or anything that "looks" expensive. I'm sure he would love the pearl candy. I made them the day before the wedding and they are so good. Can you go find some for me?

    This is exactly what it is. They are large pearls made of sugar, coconut, and vanilla. Each one is filled with good luck. I am sure the card cheaters will be pleased.

    Christmas Hall

  • The Kingdom of Dogs

    Adeline Svensson

    If I help seal the king's spirit in the crown, will the mistress agree to interview me? In order to perform the ritual, I will absolutely need a crown that has been in Ertz-Czarski's family for generations. This man is known to have doted on dogs. Can you help me find a crown that looks like that?

    You found the family crown! The owner of this crown was so overconfident in the cleverness of dogs that he wanted to entrust the office of the kingdom to a dog instead of a human. And guess what happened? He was forced off his throne!


  • Loss and Happiness

    Autumn's Herald

    Deborah chose to give up her magic and become a human being... Her magical clusters fell to the ground, from which a peach tree grew and blossomed in the fall. Did you keep the branches of that tree too?

    This symbolizes the renunciation of magic! When Debbie became human, she married the young man. She gave up her magic and eternal life and instead gained a family and happiness! She was filled with joy!

    Bright Living Room

  • shouldering another's debt


    You're saying that you're going to enlist the help of the wearers of the rulers who were forced off their thrones to contain the ghosts of kings in their crowns? Well, then I know a few. There was a ruler named Fried Pruss who was obsessed with gambling. He lost his prized and precious crown, and somehow it ended up in my possession. Don't ask me why!

    I will give you that expensive crown. You can take it to Martha. The man who once owned this crown, a symbol of power, gambled away his kingdom. He was forced off his throne.

    Itallian Patio

Basic Menu
