These are the story/quests featured in Hidden City. There is a vast number of stories, and please note that the order and categories are unorganized, so it might be a bit difficult to navigate. Thank you for your understanding.
Champion of the Sun
Martha is going to perform a ritual to contain the spirits of the rulers in their crowns. And the energy needed to do this is contained in the crowns worn by the kings who were forced off their thrones. ...... Right? So now you need to find the iron crowns!
That iron crown was worn by a ruler named Aruna. She ordered the warlord leaders of the provinces to conquer the sun. But given an unfeasible mandate, the leaders quickly pulled her from her position as queen.
Absurd prohibitions
Martha is going to perform a ritual to re-contain the ghost of the king in the crown. But to do that, she needs something that was worn by the rulers who were ousted from their thrones. I remember a woman named Marie Jordom who was driven to ruin by absolute power. She wore a very elegant tiara. Here it is. Look!
This elegant tiara is exactly what Marie Jordom wore on her head. She forbade the peasants to look up at the sky because it would neglect their work in the ...... fields!
Governing without pleasure
The crown is a symbol of domination. With its power, we should be able to exterminate the ghost of the king. We need to collect the objects worn by rulers who have been driven from their thrones, get their energy, and perform a ritual to seal the ghosts into the crowns. First, can you find the hat of Vojvoda, the "gloomy Pavely"? Vojvoda was a lord who was known for his taxation of all "pleasant things."
You found Vojvoda's hat, which severely taxed fun things. This gloomy ruler was soon hated by the people. And he was forced off his throne.
Collectors' Voices
The projector stopped and became quiet again. Wonderful! The collector was long gone, but his spirit is in the items, in the clues he left behind, and in the room where he spent so much time. We must find the case of the watch.
It is. Amazing watch case for a collector. You can assemble it with this.
Clock face
It turns out that the clock face is there. This made it easier to find. All that remains is the fourth component of the collector's clock.
It has hands, gears, chains, and dials. Very little is left. But we don't know exactly what they are. But come to think of it, all these parts should be in one container, right?
Last Chance
Who would have thought that I would have met Count Cagliostro? And not only did I meet him, I beat him at cards! I cannot force such a powerful wizard to break the curse that holds me back in the Red Rose. The only way is to ask nicely. I must go back in time and see him again. To return to the past, I need the rest of the pieces of the clock. Martha refuses to cooperate, so we don't know where to find them. City Hall is our last chance.
What was written in the note found at the bottom of the stairs? Nothing. Just numbers arranged in a circle ...... What does that mean? Of course, it would be a clock face!
thread of time
I still look exhausted, almost like I have no body. I need an elixir ASAP to restore my life energy. But I'm too tired to even get up out of my chair.
Glory to the magic of the city. I am back again! I have never been so close to death. Or the total annihilation of existence. Though that is far more frightening. Don't bring this watch to me again. It is too dangerous!
Woman crying
Can you hear me? Get closer to the bottle. I'm going to lose my voice! Everything is because of the magic of the clock! The ritual of the gears has spread my body through time and only a small part of my essence remains here. Soon it will disappear completely! Hurry and bring me the collector's clock chain. If I'm ever going to get my body back, it will only be through its binding power.
Let's get the chain to Martha quickly. I fear we will lose the old woman crying in the doomed room.
She's gone!
What happened in Martha's old room while we were out there? Did you notice, a flash, a roar, an ominous shadow outside the window ...... and a scream! Martha is gone! Look, there's no one in the room. You have to find the psychic. Otherwise the collector's clock will never be assembled. Find me a lucky horseshoe. We desperately need good luck.
The horseshoes are there, but Martha is not coming back! Wait, do you hear that little voice? Like a mouse squealing? Where is it coming from? It sounds like it's coming from the table, but I don't see anyone. I don't believe it! Look at that! Martha is in the bottle with the gears of the magic clock! That's what happens when you use magic! It looks like Martha is yelling something, but I can barely hear her: ......
Werewolf Blood
I put the gears in a special jar. Now I won't be drawn into the past or the future. Now, what were we talking about? Oh yes, you wanted to know about the person who arrived in town on February 30th. He must have left a mark on the city's aura. I need a special elixir to help me.
This should be enough for you. You'd better be somewhere else while they're doing the ritual. It's too dangerous for beginners.
current of the times
It takes everything in my power to enter the stagnation of time where the gears are. I can only keep the tunnel of time open for a few minutes. Hurry and find it.
There were gears! That's weird. It's like it's spread out in time. It comes and goes as we see it. Let's take it to Martha before it disappears again into the sea of time.
warm dream
Autumn's Herald
Unlike me, Deborah was attracted to the quiet life. She spent her nights in an abandoned house and dreamed of one day sitting around the fireplace with her family ... with a fire lit in the fireplace.
Thanks for lighting the fireplace. One fall day, a young man began to frequent Deborah's home. My sister fell in love with him and was fascinated by his stories about human life.
The Bond of Sisters
Autumn's Herald
Mary's grandmother is called Deborah and she has a sister! That's me! She would never reveal her sister to her family. We had matching bracelets. Will you look for it with me?
Deborah and I were created by the Founders and awakened in the woods among the fallen leaves of autumn. We looked exactly alike, but our personalities were very different... like the gems on these bracelets.
Smooth voice
In order to call the spirits into our homes and hear their voices, we need to comb the yarn with a special comb to amplify its energy power. Can you help me find a comb to comb the yarn?
Thank you! This wooden comb is perfect for combing yarn. It will strengthen the energy bonds in the yarn and allow me to hear the spirits more clearly.
Memory Diary
Looking for the person who came to town Feb 30 and caused Red Rose to close? But I don't remember. ...... If he was an odd man out, I might have jotted something down on the ticket list. I might jot down a few impressions about someone who came to town. If you can help me find him, I can give you a hand.
Well, let's see: ...... I like to read over the ticket listings. It contains some sometimes surprising twist of fate. Unfortunately, alas, there is nothing to tell about the man on Feb. 30. If the wizard was powerful enough to seal the Red Rose door, he might have arrived on his own without going through the station. You can ask Martha about that. Obviously, magic is involved in this matter.
Bird made of ice
You're going to have to look in every nook and cranny to get those ice diamonds back! Look at that. A ray of light has fallen on the ice peacock ...... and it shines like a real diamond. Let's check it out. I bet my diamonds are hidden in this bird.
Burns fiercely
It takes a big, special maki to heat a big building like City Hall or Christmas Hall. And to keep out evil spirits. You can easily find an oak sapling.
Nothing gives off more heat than an oak tree. What's more, its smoke will keep any monster away. Just add a little magic.
Pears and apples
Lady Peacock
I'm afraid of the cold and wandering monsters. We always burn incense in the hotel. During the winter months, I like to put apple cherries in the fireplace. Please, please, find me some. They smell so good...
Thank you for finding the apple tree sprig! This smoke keeps the wandering monsters away. And the heat gives us warmth in the cold of winter. I am not used to snow covered winters...
Nasty smoke
I don't like the cold in winter either, dear friend. But there are too many fireplaces in the mansion! I don't want to carry a heavy load every day. Birch wood burns easily. The smoke is not bad for you. Can you help me find a birch wood fireplace?
In terms of magic, the smoke from the birch tree protects us from the magic of love for beauty and evil spirits. I'm sure you know that. But just in case.
Traditional fireplace
Looking for something to light the city fireplace with in the winter, buddy? I think you'll like the beech wood firewood. When it comes to traditional fireplaces, beech wood is the best wood anywhere! Beech wood doesn't produce much smoke. Beech wood doesn't produce much smoke, but it heats well and burns beautifully. Can you find me a beech wood mantle?
It's the best beech wood smoke, man! Martha says the smoke keeps the zombies out of the house. It smells divine to me. They even use it to smoke sausages.
Gears of Time
Find the gears of the collector's miracle clock. I don't know what that magical ability is, but my psychic once called it the "wheel of time." Perhaps the hands of that clock will point me to the place I should be looking for. Look, the hands keep pointing at my hat. What is this? A piece of paper. But the letters are too small to read anything. Regular magnifying glasses won't do. I need a microscope.
Which ...... words are broken. I've got it. It's a guide! Most people who arrive in the area go to a guide. Maybe they'll remember who closed the cafe. This stranger arrived in town on February 30. An unusual date indeed. The guide might remember it.
Ruined Gifts
The whole city is being swept up by Amina's cat. Including me here! That kitty not only scared Grande and Mr. Cookie, it also broke a beautifully decorated fan. It was given to me by Miss Peacock and has a special place in my heart. Can you help me find just a feather?
I'll be able to combine the feathers you found for me to make a fan. It will be a memento of Miss Peacock. By the way, the cat ran away. There was a lot of commotion and I didn't get a good look at where it went. I'm sorry.
Guidance of the Spirit
We need to get the right tools to have the spirits analyze the energy waves in this house. Find a wooden spindle. It should be around here somewhere.
Thank you. To use Mary's grandmother's thread in the ritual, you need to wind the thread around a carved wooden spindle. Then the thread will attract the spirits.
Family Handiwork
My grandma always spins her own thread when she prepares to embroider. But she is not a witch! You can actually see that with your own eyes. Help me find Grandma's thread.
Thanks for finding the yarn. My grandma always spun her own. She taught my mom first and then me how to embroider. But I've never seen thread shined like this!
Magic Traces
If I were inexperienced as a spiritualist, I would have said that Mary used embroidery to perform magic. But the pumpkin magic wasn't done by her. To test my theory, I need her embroidery thread. Bring it to me.
Thanks for bringing the embroidery thread! The moment I touched it, I felt a tingling sensation, similar to that of mist particles. The first time I felt a tingle was when I came to the City of Shadows...
Stylish amulet
I feel a tremendous aura... I've been feeling a rush of magical energy here lately. But pumpkins aren't the only source of energy in this house! Let me check Mary's belongings. For example, her collar...
I can faintly feel the ancient magic in the embroidered collar you brought me. It's not just a collar, it's a powerful talisman. It protected Mary from the pumpkin, but she could not withstand its power!
Culinary Challenge
Normally my mom cooks Thanksgiving dinner, but she's not here today, so I decided to make it myself. But it didn't go well and I dropped all sorts of things. Let's pick up the scattered kitchen utensils.
Thanks a lot! You are so good at picking up kitchen utensils. I don't know how to cook at all. I've always spent Thanksgiving cleaning up and setting the table.
Preparing to welcome parents
While I was in the kitchen cooking, my sisters made some lovely fall decorations for me. I promised to decorate them properly, but I've been so busy I haven't had time to do so, so can you help me decorate them now?
Thanks for helping me decorate. My sisters were so excited to meet my parents, they spent all day looking out the window. I made these decorations to surprise them.
Flying turkey
While we were waiting for Tom to get home from the hospital, his brother John and a neighbor kid made a surprise kite for us. Let's put it away before the dogs chew it up.
Thanks for helping out. We do everything as a whole family... the house feels so empty without my fussy siblings. I'm glad my dog Sharp is still here...
Hope Bottle
This morning I was cleaning the house, Mom has been at the hospital for the last three days attending to my brother Tom. The pharmacist brought me his medicine. She said it's a rare medicine. Where did I put me find them.
Thank you for helping me find a rare medicine! After all our efforts didn't make my brother better, the pharmacist promised to find the medicine that would work best for him. I hope Tom gets better.
Missing key
What are you doing here? I'm going to call my parents! What do you mean... when you came in the house and nobody was there but me? Is Dad back from his business trip yet? Are the locks all locked in the lock?
This key chain is handmade by my dad. It's a cute little model of our family, with a key for each of us. Dad should have been home by now, so we could have spent Thanksgiving with the whole family, but... his model is unlocked.
communication establishment
Journalists never stop reading, and they apply what they learn to their work. I've read all sorts of detective novels, and criminals are always working together in some way. Find out how the intruder communicated with them.
A communicator... clever! I knew it, it looks like this house was broken into by the bad guys. I think we're close to figuring out what happened. We just need a few more clues to get a full picture.
I have to think like a journalist... did something happen in the house that caused the girl to pass out? Something horrible happened or...? Hey, is that a mask on that railing? Let's take it down and have a look.
Thanks for taking down the mask! But you don't scare me at all. I can't imagine anyone fainting from fear after seeing this! We need more clues.
clue finding
All the windows are closed and the front door is undamaged, but there is no doubt that someone was inside the house. How did they get in? That's right! Let's look for a box with picking tools. Oh, that looks kind of suspicious!
Did you check the box for me? Thank you! It was just a regular pencil box with stationery! A professional journalist should always examine all possibilities.
Bright red traces
If it's not a monster, then someone must have broken in... hey, look. There's a shirt with a red stain on it! I hope it's not blood... check the stain.
So the red stain is raspberry jam? Thank you, that's a relief. The stain was just made, so I'm wondering if the girl was attacked while she was cooking in the kitchen. Let's keep looking for clues.
pillow hunter
I wonder what happened here? We need to search the house thoroughly for clues. There's a pillow here that's been ripped off! That's our first clue. Was there a monster in this house? Let's take a look at the pillow.
You're right, it was the dog that ripped the pillow, not the monster! Too bad we didn't get to interview this naughty boy.
Adorable Outgoing Transfers
I have all the questions to ask my new neighbors in mind. Oh, I can't wait to write the article! I have pen and paper ready. I can't stop the excitement! Let's go over and meet the people who live there.
Very comfortable space. A little messy, but...oops! I was a little surprised to see a cute little dog welcoming you! But where's the owner? Is anyone here?
Dangerous pranks
Oh, it's like I'm having a bad dream! A kitten jumped into the mansion this morning. And after drinking some milk I gave it, it climbed up on the mistress's favorite chandelier. If you could have seen it, you would have understood why I was so angry that I almost fainted.
That kitty ruined this beautiful crystal chandelier. I even cut my hand trying to pick up the pieces. The cat drank some milk and ran to the lady's mansion.
Mystery of the Red Rose
In fact, I once gambled with a guy who was a bit of an oddball. He noticed my trick and got upset and used magic to lock himself in the cafe and disappeared ......, so I want to use the collector's clock to go back to that day and fix the situation. Can you give me a hand? First, let's find the hands of the clock.
What elegant hands on a clock. It is said that this hand points to the item a person needs most at the moment. ...... Oops, it points to my cylinder. But this cylinder is already mine......, so does that mean it's pointing to an important item nearby? If so, you're not wrong!
reliable watchdog
Lawrence de Bertrand
The only one left is Valiant Hunter. He once protected a mansion from thieves. And he has also defeated an entire gang of thieves. Let's search together.
This is the last dog! He is struggling to escape, but this time he won't escape. Let's hurry up and take him to Isabelle. The stained-glass window will not be complete until all five dogs are present.
Jolly Mary
Are you saying that this unusual phenomenon is caused by broken stained glass? If so, let's fix the window and find the rest of the dogs. Can you help me find Mary Fellows? Lawrence said he saw her running around the yard earlier.
What a cute hat! It must be Mary! She had a jolly disposition that made the family feel at home. Oh, and I need to think about how to repair the stained glass windows.
A Family's Wisdom
Lawrence de Bertrand
If I forget about the guardian of de Bertrand, the Eminent Sage will scold me. That dog is the guardian of our traditions and books. Shall we go look for him?
Sage's eyes are glowing, too. Take him to the other dogs and tell Isabelle about the stained-glass window depicting the guardian of de Bertrand. The phenomenon may be caused by a broken window.
Master of Fragrance
Lawrence de Bertrand
Family Taster is a black guard dog. With his keen sense of smell, he always finds the freshest ingredients. He often hides by the medicinal herbs in the garden, so why don't we look there?
You have found your taster! But his eyes still have that eerie light in them that you saw earlier. Let's hurry up and take him to Isabelle before he escapes again!
Mirror Trap
Lawrence de Bertrand
Matilda and I have read scary stories as children about obsidian mirrors that trap spirits...if we cover all the mirrors in the house and install obsidian mirrors, we should be able to catch Mary! Let's go look for them.
Thank you for finding the mirror. Thanks to you, we were able to trap Mary's ghost inside. Now, let's defeat Bloody Mary together! Oh, and I have to thank my sister.
emergency measures
With the initials B.M., I recognized you right away. This is the worst thing that could happen to you...the ghost who is after you is Bloody Mary! She too was a bride before she died, and since her death she's been obsessed with avenging her young bride's death. I need a vial of protection to protect Lawrence from the spirit's wrath...
I'm glad you found the vials. Now we can keep Lawrence away from Mary's threat...and while we're at it, let's also figure out how to banish Mary's ghost from the world of the living.
A creeping threat
Lawrence de Bertrand
I think a cup of bergamot tea would help me unwind a bit. Oh, and I need to find my teddy's my good luck charm. It should be around here somewhere.
Who put a knife in my teddy bear! A note is attached. It reads...On the day Matilda was engaged, I killed her. It says that a ghost named B.M. is coming to take my life to avenge it.... This seems to be a warning!
unexpected séance
Then we can use my old buddy, the séance dial. It's been in my family for several generations, but it always gets the job done.
Matilda is coming down. Wait... someone is interrupting the ritual from the outside! The dial is cracked! It's dangerous, don't step out of the salt circle. Let's terminate the séance here! Liberaspiritum, perficritum, release the soul and terminate the ritual!
Magical Practices
That's all I know, and that's all I've told you. The only way to know more is to talk to her spirit. Help me prepare the magic circle. Then we can hear what Matilda wants to tell us.
Okay, it looks like we're ready. The circle drawn with salt will ward off evil, the fire will cleanse our hearts, and the spirits we invoke will appear in the steam rising from the cauldron. Don't worry, there's no need to be afraid.
ardent desire
Lawrence de Bertrand
The melody seems to be coming from a corner of the garden away from here. The canopy of trees is blocking the sky and the area is getting darker... what are those flickering lights? Are they playing by candlelight? Let's go check it out.
You found a candlestick that is burning. Who in the world brought it here? I tried to blow out the light, but it won't go out. Is this flame an illusion...I seem to still be haunted by ghosts. Why is that?
Phantom of the Sky
Lawrence de Bertrand
The elusive melody, the scent of the moon's all so magical. Did you see that? There's a rare moth flying around the garden. Please help me catch it.
You caught it well. This is a moth, but like the melody that fills this garden, it doesn't seem like something that belongs in this world. I used to love catching butterflies...but I've never seen a moth like that. Is it the kind that lives in the mist?
Night Scent
Lawrence de Bertrand
The melody may be heard from the flower beds. The moon lilies over there may already be in bloom. All that flower gives off is fragrance, not sound, but let's check it out just in case.
The lilies are in full bloom and smell great, but I don't hear a sound at all. Actually...I haven't asked the gardener yet, but someone put this bouquet of lilies of the month in my sister's favorite vase.
Bardic Performance
Lawrence de Bertrand
I am not familiar with music, but I believe the instrument playing the melody is a lute. Is it another bard wandering into the garden and trying to play for the townspeople? Look for the lute.
The lute they found belonged to my sister's lover Oliver. He boned Matilda with his beautiful playing... but the melody never stops even though no one plays this lute...
Reality in a dream
Lawrence de Bertrand
There used to be outdoor concerts held in the garden, but the melody does not come from the concert hall. Do you see that gazebo over there too?
I thought I was hallucinating...there were no gazebos here! Does the fog in the city sometimes move buildings? If so, that makes sense. Because it looks like the gazebo is covered with fog.
guard of honor
My role at a ghost wedding, guess what? Guarding the dessert! Salem asked me to guard the wedding cake until the ceremony, because undets love sweets. I think I did a good job of hiding it.
I knew you'd find it, but don't tell anyone where it is, okay? Oh, I got a message from the owl in Salem. He says it's time to serve the cake. Come on, it's time to have some fun!
Soul Song
Matilda's fiancé, Oliver, has arrived. He is a musician and I have a gift for him. A magic lute. But it got lost among the gifts brought by the other attendees. Can you help me find it?
You found a gift for my groom. Just in time! While we are busy with other preparations, it looks like the groom will be welcoming visitors with this magic and soul lute.
Complementary plant ornaments
I love parties! Especially the extraordinary ones like a ghost wedding! I think the cute ghost decorations I made for Halloween would be perfect for the ceremony. Can you help me find them?
Thanks for finding the drops and the flycatcher flower crown. What a compliment from the Queen of the Night! Help me decorate it. But be careful, you might get bit.
Unusual dates
I really need a collector's watch. It's an old story about the closing of the Red Rose. It was so long ago that I can't even remember the exact date. There must be a date on the newspaper clipping about the closing of the cafe. But the clipping is on the bar counter and no one is allowed in the cafe except you. Would you go check the date?
February 30? February is only 28 days away! But I'm not surprised by that in this city. At least we got our first clue.
supreme attire
The important thing is that the bride at the wedding is happy. And a nice dress always makes a girl feel good. Even ghosts. I conjured a ghost dress for Matilda. Do you like it?
Actually, you see, I consulted with the best designers in the other world to create this ghost bridal gown. But the sparkly moth trim was my idea.
Attendance from other dimensions
Adeline Svensson
A ghost wedding on Halloween? This is sure to be a special story! As soon as I finish writing the invitations, I'll have to get to work on the front page story. Salem has enchanted the cards. But where is the card?
You found the magic invitation. Don't fly away until you see the address. It's very important that you get it right. After all, we are inviting guests from another dimension to this Halloween wedding.
reflex of conscience
Sweeney Todd was afraid of the mirror at the beauty parlor. He used that mirror to show his clients his hair from behind. But Todd himself began to understand what was happening to him as he looked in the mirror. His anger gradually swelled and his conscience fled into the mirror. Find the mirror.
My crystals show you finding the mirror at Sweeney Todd's beauty parlor. That mirror is filled with remorse. It holds the conscience of a killer. ......
boundless melancholy
The next thing you need to catch a killer's soul is a pair of silver scissors. A huntress once asked if she could borrow them. To use them for something called "dealing with the werewolf. But I refused. Detectives often say you can't lend "physical evidence" to people, and I agree with them.
Silver scissors! Sweeney Todd lost these long before he became a serial killer. Maybe that's why he became more and more aggressive. We're going to give his ghost back his memory of a better time.
dark side
So much evidence of regret from a man who unfortunately poisoned himself in so many places. I'm sure Matilda will find peace now. But what are those things in the bushes? Careful, it's emitting a dark vibe!
I'm pretty sure it was this flask that gave off the dark vibe. What's in it... is wine with lots of rat poison! Was Lawrence about to poison someone rather than repent? Who did this flask belong to?
I saw a new statue of a young woman reading a book standing in a corner of the garden. It must have been commissioned by the Marquis in memory of his sister. I am sure that if we show this statue to the queen, she will approve of it.
De Bertrand used gold sparingly for this statue. It is a delicate work of art made from expensive materials. The Marquis made sure to check it carefully and erected the statue in memory of his sister in the place where Matilda used to read her books.
Flowers for my sister
If Salem's confidence in Lawrence's true regret is to be believed, he will tell it to the angry spirits of Matilda. Did you see the bouquet here? This speaks of his repentance. Let's find the bouquet and show it to the queen.
Thanks for helping me find the bouquet! I read once that the pink carnation is a symbol of apology and that it means nothing is forgotten. Lawrence is decorating his mansion with carnations. It's an inspiring sight.
bitter tears
As a queen, I know that the Marquis de Bertrand often weeps when he remembers his sister. I saw him with a lachrymatory almost full of them. Find the proof of that lament.
A lachrymatory full of them. The Marquis kept the custom of collecting tears to hang over his grave, but few have performed this mourning ritual with as much care as he did.
Proof of Lamentation
Vampires everywhere are whispering and telling me. Lives were lost in the engagement. Matilda's anger is justified. But if Lawrence truly regrets what he did, he can tell her. Do you have proof?
Does Lawrence mourn his sister day and night? Surely, the candle by Matilda's portrait is melted, but isn't that because she was disturbed in her sleep by an angry spirit? We need more solid evidence.
Covert Action
Lawrence de Bertrand
So, I gave my sister my blessing to marry the wandering musician, and we consummated our engagement. Oh, did you see the ring that that beggar brought for Matilda? I invite you to see for yourself what kind of ring it was!
This pathetic imitation is an engagement ring! But I said nothing. The engagement was actually intended to make Matilda reject her fiancé. To that end, I had devised a plan.
golden cage
Lawrence de Bertrand
I confess. I locked Matilda in her room. I did this in the hope that she would come to her senses. But she was adamant and threatened to starve to death. Then she prepared to run away. See, here is the proof.
I realized this tied sheet existed before my sister ran away. However, I realized that I could not change my sister's mind. She had read too many novels, and she had convinced herself that love was the most important thing in life.
Lose someone you know or a member of your immediate family.
Lawrence de Bertrand
My sister was happy to introduce me to her lover. I had assumed that the person would be at least a fallen aristocrat, or at least a respectable bourgeois. But I was in for a big shock. Find a performer's hat.
Matilda's partner of choice was a traveling musician. The coins in this hat were also collected by him. Yes, his sister's dowry would allow him to live comfortably...but I could not let my sister marry a wanderer!
Troublesome Signs
Lawrence de Bertrand
Matilda said that she had met the man of her dreams in an apple orchard. And that the gift she received from him was worth much more than that of a wealthy man. Are you wondering what the gift is? It's the one tucked into the book. Look for it.
Yes, these are dried apple flowers. By all accounts, my sister's choice of partner is poor. I was willing to accept such a lowly person for Matilda's happiness. But things took a turn for the worse...
Expensive gifts
Lawrence de Bertrand
Please stop thinking that I killed my sister! It is not true! I loved Matilda. I cared for my sister and found her a wonderful fiancé. A noble and wealthy man. Look at the gifts he gave my sister.
These precious roses are very expensive and show that I was not mistaken in my choice of partner. However, my sister asked me to return the gift because she is in love with another man.
A look beyond the twilight
The chalice of the Mother of Pearl is filled with black dew, and the spirit of Matilda can project her image onto the surface of the dew whenever she wishes. But we need a special device to see it. Find the Eye of Light.
With these eyes of light you will be able to see the messages left behind by the spirits. Did you know that we all have a third eye? Everyone has one, but the hard part is learning how to use it. But you'll be fine.
shrouded in mystery.
Ghosts don't like to share their secrets with others, so without the veil of mist it will take a very long time to win Matilda's trust. Help me unfold the veil.
Thanks to you, I was able to extend the veil of mist and stretch it over the area where the séance will take place. For some time now, I have felt that under this veil, the ghosts are comfortable and tend to speak openly with us.
red light
Since we don't know the cause of Matilda's anger, it's best to observe her emotional state. Angry ghosts are dangerous. Find the twilight bell. It's a sound that tells us if there's danger.
The tone of the twilight bells, in tune with the vibrations of the ether, will help us to examine the mood of Matilda's ghosts. They should be able to communicate safely, out of harm's way.
Mysterious drops
Matilda should find it easier to communicate with the black dew. Ghosts can reflect themselves in the dew. The black dew can be collected from the mourning orchid. We must find the orchid first.
That is the most beautiful mourning orchid I have ever seen! More importantly, there is enough black dew on the petals for a special seance. I'll collect the dew with my chalice.
Invite brilliance
We'll know what happened when Matilda tells us what happened. But ghosts don't like to communicate through the wija board. So, look for the mother-of-pearl chalice.
Well done. This chalice of mother of pearl attracts ghosts with its enigmatic glow. No matter how angry Matilda is, I am sure she will be interested.
Lawrence de Bertrand
But my beloved sister passed away suddenly... I ordered my servants not to throw away her belongings, so if you look, you will find the books she loved to read. She used to read in the garden.
Yes, this is my sister's romance novel! Matilda loves romance novels...oh, my sister's death was really hard to bear. However, my life has become a nightmare itself since she started appearing in my life at night.
Delicate formwork
Lawrence de Bertrand
I did my best to take care of my sister on behalf of my parents. I bought her the finest outfits. But Matilda preferred reading and beautiful embroidery. Could you please help me find some of my sister's work?
Thank you for finding my sister's embroidery. Matilda's work is outstandingly elegant. Perhaps it is because she was surrounded by all things beautiful. I assure you, my sister would have had everything she needed to live comfortably and without inconvenience!
Accurate household finances
Lawrence de Bertrand
I have never dabbled in magic, nor do I even believe in it. When I inherited the mansion, I was busy taking care of the house and had my trusty abacus with me without fail. But where did the abacus go? Finding a reliable abacus.
So you found an abacus! Oh, how I wish I could go back to the days when calculating income accurately was most important. But I was not born under such fateful stars.
lavish customer
Lawrence de Bertrand
I am haunted by ghosts. It is nothing but nightmares and I cannot sleep at all! I need to have a dialogue with this spirit. I will pay generously for a seance. Oh, where is my wallet?
Yes, that is my wallet. Please give it to the medium. I will pay more money if you get rid of this nightmare. I am wealthy and I own land all around here. No, technically, I "owned" it. Where exactly is this place?
A mansion that holds a mystery
Somewhere in this shady place, I heard a man calling out to someone named Matilda or something. But I'm the one who's got to go first. Let's go find out who came to town this time, buddy.
It's not like someone is waiting for us, so we can take our time to check it out. Hmmm, the mansion didn't seem to have any storm damage, so maybe it really was the owner of the mansion who called the storm. Who on earth could it be?
Interpreting Conversations
Kira Woodville
Soon you will be able to understand the conversations of these pigeons! I've brought along a special sound reproduction device that has the ability to play back acoustic analysis charts and translate the birds' words into human language. Here, look!
This sound reproducer converts the pigeons' conversations into words. That said, it can't verbalize every word, but it should give you a rough idea of what it means. Hey... did you hear that? I guess it worked!
Sound Visualization
I've visualized the frequency and amplitude of the cooing in an analytical chart to help decipher the conversation of the carrier pigeons. Take a close look at this diagram and give me your opinion.
This acoustic analysis chart is a visualization of the cooing of a pigeon. Some ornithologists claim that the frequency and amplitude of bird calls are consistent with those of human language, so let's test the truth of this claim!
Retention of audio recordings
What are those pigeons talking about in their dovecote? Create a database of recordings of bird conversations and sort them by date. I've brought a recording device, can I ask you to check if it works?
Thanks for checking out my recording device. It's working fine, and it has a built-in amplifier so I can hear the dove's cooing clearly and vividly. It's going to be a lot of work, but we'll get a lot out of it!
Kira Woodville
The next step in understanding the language of the carrier pigeons is to collect samples of their calls. We need a recording of the pigeons' conversation. I brought a microphone, but where did I put it? -Can you help me find it?
Thank you! It's a highly sensitive microphone that incorporates the latest technology. Let's install it in the pigeon coop and listen to the cooing. They won't be offended, and we'll be able to hear every sound!
Conventional survey instruments
To understand the conversations among the carrier pigeons, let's first go back to basics and check out the books of some of the city's most prominent ornithologists. Do you find any descriptions that might be useful?
I knew it, Keira, you are a brilliant researcher! If only we had a manual on the principles of bird communication, we'd be one step closer to decoding pigeon conversations. Now it's just a matter of technology!
Noted Letter Carrier.
We were able to prepare a variety of training for our carrier pigeons! Some pigeons will break records in the future! The pigeons have a special mark on their wings. May I borrow an artifact to refill my stamp?
With the help of the artifact, I was able to mark the dove's feather with a recording stamp. It will last until the feathers grow back. But I am not obsessed with their achievements. I am proud of all my pigeons!
Work call
Rayden Storke
The pigeons are now ready to participate in the training, but pigeons are essentially wild birds. When they are not working, they fly wherever they like. Let's train them to fly in immediate response to our calls. See that traffic light over there?
This traffic light mimics the cooing of a pigeon. I got it from Leon. If a signal is emitted from here, the pigeons will soon come to pick up the package to be delivered.
Toy predator
The carrier pigeons may encounter various hazards while carrying documents. For example, you should train them to escape quickly if they encounter a bird of prey. There should be a hawk ornament around here, so please bring it with you.
Thank you for finding the hawk ornament! It looks realistic and has an audio module to make it more realistic. This will make the carrier pigeons run away when they sense danger.
Power in the Wings
Rayden Storke
Leon has asked me to train the carrier pigeons and I am taking this very seriously. We should also incorporate weightlifting training so that the pigeons can carry parcels without difficulty! How about these dumbbells?
As you say, these are not dumbbells, but weights. By the way, these weights are used to weigh letters. Pigeons can improve their bodies through repeated training in lifting weights. The weights should be increased gradually.
Wings that defy the wind
Rayden Storke
I know it's not easy to train pigeons, but I've come up with a great idea. Pigeons have to deliver packages without delay even in bad weather, right? So I made a training blower. Would you like to see it?
Glad you like the training blower. Training with it should enhance the physical capabilities of the carrier pigeons. Then they will be able to adapt quickly to bad weather and won't be blown away by gusts of wind.
moral training
As a caretaker of a pigeon coop, I believe that as long as I am taking care of pigeons, I also need proper training. I intend to train not only my muscles but also my mind! Can you bring some educational toys for the pigeons?
The use of educational toys was advised by scientist Charles Zaenti. He is using these tools to train his crow secretaries. I would like to train my pigeons in a similar environment!
hard worker
Ursula Hartley
We need one more exhibit for the memorial! Yes, we should also display a carving of a telegraph operator's woodpecker!
This woodpecker telegraph operator carving is just like the real thing. People from the city are flocking to the memorial to see it!
talking bird
I would like to add a few more exhibits to the memorial. Oh, by the way, there is an ornithologist who taught an owl how to talk. The Messenger Pigeon House issued a postage stamp to commemorate that accomplishment. It should be around here somewhere, so can you help me find it?
Thanks for finding the talking owl stamp. This should also be on display at the memorial. By the way, I understand that the Capuchins have a film of the owl talking, so I will request a tape of that as well.
versatile bird
Do you know Miss Gwendolini? She's a very famous crow who works as a secretary for scientist Charles Zaenti. She can also answer the phone! I have created an interactive model that mimics her, may I ask you to check how it works?
The interactive model of a raven moves just like a live raven. It should be displayed in the appropriate place in the memorial. Miss Gwendolini is a versatile bird. Without her, the memorial would not be possible.
Birds other than pigeons
Ursula Hartley
I understand that Leon recently successfully trained a swallow to deliver a letter. This is an unprecedented accomplishment! This feat should also be displayed in the bird memorial. The swallow ornament you ordered has just arrived, so could you please look for it?
Thank you for finding the biographical swallow figurine. It will be a beautiful display piece for the new memorial. It seems that the power of the fog has had an effect on the swallows' ability to learn.
For the city
The first thing I would like to display in the memorial hall to honor the achievements of the bird, which will be set up in one of the pigeons' huts, is a reconnaissance pigeon that served in the Security Bureau. Is this a good photo?
This is a perfect photo to display at the memorial. Many people may not know about the activities of this pigeon, so it should be displayed in an easily visible location.
Conclusive evidence
Mr. Black
What Leon's pigeons have stolen may reveal the identity of the culprit. What we have so far is circumstantial evidence, but if it is an envelope that has not yet been sent and is unopened, could it reveal the identity of the culprit? Let's find out!
I recognize the sealing wax I just examined. The monogram on the sealing wax is an M, exactly the same one used by the suspect in the case I mentioned. This is important evidence, you know!
Last material
We've got most of what we need! Now all we need is whiskey!
That's what I'm talking about, buddy! Let's use your talent and my brain to make the best cocktails ever!
The Sound of Music
Mr. Black
What else did the pigeons bring back from the killer's hideout? There may be a lead on the suspect. I have a few ideas, but I have to check them out first. Do you recognize this amulet? Check it out!
This amulet is the physical evidence of the secret organ case that I mentioned earlier, which we also know. A certain scientist used this key amulet to seal a strange instrument, which distorted time.