These are the story/quests featured in Hidden City. There is a vast number of stories, and please note that the order and categories are unorganized, so it might be a bit difficult to navigate. Thank you for your understanding.
extreme route
I need a Rodel sled to get into the race. You know, the one they use for extreme downhill sleds in the Alps. Don't look at me like that! Ghost or no ghost, sledding is fun. Now, can you find a Rodel sled for me?
Unlike other sleds, the Rodel sled is controlled by applying pressure to the blade. That's the key to me winning races. Thanks for finding it!
Ribbon on the tip
Ever since those snowy hills showed up, everyone has been obsessed with sledding and racing! I think people think it's too complicated. Can you find me a simple wooden sled? One with ribbons. Because I'm a girl.
Nice sled! This sleigh has no skids or straps to get in the way. Watch me, I'll be the first to get to the bottom of the hill!
Experienced Riders
I've decided to race, too. Why wouldn't I? The sled I've been riding since childhood is the best way to get around the mountains. Why don't you look for it?
With a sled like this, it's easy to win races. Thanks a lot! I'll make sure to grease the sled's teeth. The sled will glide over the snow like a hot knife through butter.
Indigenous people don't make mistakes.
I'm going to kick all the mooks in the downhill race. I'm gonna dedicate my victory to my Juliette. Sounds like a great idea. You gonna help me out, buddy? When I was younger, I saw an aboriginal toboggan sled. It was so light. That's a winner for sure. You'll find out soon enough.
What a brilliant toboggan sled! And so light. Thanks! There's still time before the race.
Wedding Customs
Flora Alvarez
For the medicine to work, something must be added to protect the husband from eternal oblivion. It has to do with the vows that the husband made at the wedding. Look for the tie that was cut.
So there was a tie! According to tradition, ties are cut at weddings and given to guests. We didn't invite anyone to our wedding, so Fabio kept it. He swore on the tie that the couple would live happily ever after.
eternal love
Flora Alvarez
I need to collect "personal" material for the medicine I will give to Fabio, i.e., something that will show my love for him. For a long time I have been struggling with that. Could you please look at this orange flower?
This orange flower was my hair ornament on my wedding day. Like my love, I did not want these flowers to fade. So I treated them with a solvent I found at the pharmacy.
The Power of Asclepius
Flora Alvarez
To save her husband, she must add snake venom to the cure. The snake has been a symbol of Asklepios, the god of medicine, since ancient times. I believe there was some left in the pharmacy. Let's look for it right away!
This is the snake venom we have been looking for! Of course it is dangerous, but in the right amount it has healing properties. This is why people often have both pro and con opinions about snakes? Don't worry, I know what I'm talking about...
Symbol of the soul
Abbot Paku
Unusual materials are needed to cure oblivion. Let's collect them. It is said that the heavenly pearls in the shells have much more power than ordinary pearls. Can you find them?
Wonderful! You have obtained the Pearl of Heaven. Where did Flora find it? It is truly a miracle! This pearl symbolizes the soul in the body and the connection between them. It is exactly what poor Mr. Fabio needs!
root of life
Abbot Paku
To concoct the elixir of awakening, you will need ginseng root, which is full of the power of dawn. It is an extremely rare ingredient, and I am amazed that Flora was able to obtain it. But where to find ginseng? Let's look for a pharmacy.
This is the ginseng at dawn! I am glad that Flora was beginning to worry. In the East, ginseng is said to have the power to give life force to the dying and infirm. I also heard that the energy of the dawn is said to drive away the "darkness of oblivion".
around the world
Flora Alvarez
Don't jump to hasty conclusions. My story is almost over. With a single-minded desire to save my husband, I traveled the world in search of a cure. And finally I found it! Look at this jar of herbs.
You have researched the rarest herb in the world. I found it growing in only one place in the Altiplano in South America and picked it for my husband's remedy. It was a one-time opportunity!
Unfortunate accidents
Flora Alvarez
Please hear the rest of the story. One night, while sleeping, the transformation was undone. When Fabio woke up, he was knocked unconscious by the horror of seeing a giant snake in his bed. Since then, his work tools have been gathering dust. See...
You see the thick layer of dust on his work tools? Fabio has been on the verge of life and death for a long time, until now. It's all my fault! But I am doing everything I can to fix him.
a sick body and a healthy body
Flora Alvarez
Believe me. I am not in danger. Listen to me. My dreams have come true. I got the job I wanted and he proposed to me. But something unexpected happened. Look at this picture.
If you look closely at that wedding photo, you can see my snake element. It began to appear on my face from time to time. It was only for a moment, but I was stunned that I could not keep my human form forever.
Love and Change
Flora Alvarez
Let me tell you about myself and show you that I am not dangerous. After the transformation, I found myself working in a pharmacy. And I tried to get the attention of that man. Find the broken medicine cabinet.
The medicine chest you found for me is also a memento. That man was a carpenter. To meet him, I used to break things and call him. But we didn't have time to fix this medicine chest. We chatted a lot and eventually abandoned the repair work and went out on a date.
Souvenirs from the Past
Flora Alvarez
I know that you are all responsible for the security of this city. But please. I know you don't believe me, but please listen to me. Do you see that skin in that forehead?
This framed skin originally belonged to me. I kept it for my memories. I have the blood of an old temple serpent, which allows me to take on human form.
indisputable evidence
Kira Woodville
We need hard evidence to show that snakes live in this pharmacy. Let's continue our investigation. This is suspicious...what is this pile of used prescriptions?
The holes in the prescription look like fang marks. Flora said she used a hole punch, but did not take the punch out to show it.
Snake fun
Rayden Storke
We should investigate the possibility that Flora is lying and the snake is in the pharmacy. Maybe they keep them for snake venom to use in dispensing. See, I knew it! Otherwise, why would there be a tree branch there?
Do you too think these tree branches are for snakes? It looks like a bed for snakes to use. Look, it even has some scales on it. Flora can no longer be excused.
Important Clues
Kira Woodville
Check the pharmacy for traces of snakes. There is no reason not to trust residents' complaints about seeing snakes. I found something very strange. It looks like a sweater for snakes to me.
I guess I was right. This really is a sweater for snakes. Well, there certainly seems to be no other way for snakes to survive the winter. I wonder how Flora will explain it.
Rayden Storke
I don't trust Flora. She is hiding something. Maybe it's a snake. Let's find traces of the snake! When we came in, one hot water bottle was placed separately from the merchandise. Let's check it out.
I was talking about that hot water bottle. Is it still warm? Snakes are, as I recall, a thermoregulator. Flora categorically denies any connection between hot water bottles and snakes, though.
Adequate rest
Training is important, but rest is just as important. Even Eddie can't be strong on an Easter egg hunt if he's tired. Ferrets love to nap in little hammocks. Will you look for them with me?
Shhhh ...... look, Eddie is napping in that little hammock you found! There's nothing more touching than a little ferret snoozing away. Tomorrow is finally the day of the contest. Everything is ready. You'll be there, won't you?
Where's the exit?
I saw one of the judges trying to hide an Easter egg in an old hole. I wasn't scouting anything. I just happened to be training nearby. ...... Okay, let's find a special tunnel. We should be prepared to look for Easter eggs in the basement!
You found the perfect tunnel for Eddie! With it, he'll be able to move quickly through narrow aisles and find Easter eggs faster than anyone else! Thanks to you, I have a much better chance of winning the pet contest.
Finding Easter eggs is not enough to win the contest. You get points for putting the Easter eggs you find in the basket. Eddie has to do everything he can to earn points! I want to teach Eddie how to carry things, so can you go find a small ball?
This ball would be a winner for sure. Sometimes Eddie doesn't listen and when he does, he won't give me what he finds. ...... I came up with a little game. You get a reward for being a good boy!
ferret (Mustela putorius)
It's not enough to just jump. The judges and assistants will be hiding Easter eggs in all sorts of places. We need to be prepared for that. We need something for Eddie to climb on... a hanging net, for example.
This hanging net is just right! Eddie seems to like it a lot. Look how much fun he's having climbing! The faster he can move, the better his chances of winning. No wonder Lady's dogs can't find the Easter egg before Eddie does!
Faster and higher
In the contest, I'm going to do my best with Eddie to beat my competitors. I already have a training plan. All we have to do is find the equipment we need. First, can you help me find a portable barrier? I'm going to use it to practice the steeplechase.
I see you found a training barrier. Thank God! Eddie is a ferret, so he moves fast, but climbing and jumping are not his strong points. So I thought it would be a good idea to practice. I had to train him before the show!
A masterpiece for my wife
Adeline Svensson
I can guess that Gilbert Frye became interested in bees after he fell in love with Hannah. But without proof, I can't do the story. What kind of relationship did the scientist's wife have with bees? Let's look for her belongings too. Maybe we will find out something.
Oh, this velvet ottoman is definitely Hannah's. The seat has a beehive pattern and the name "Lady Bee" is inscribed on the side. I wonder if that's what he called his wife. I'm pretty sure I saw a café with the same name on an old map of this city. Let's check with the mayor.
Big Day
Adeline Svensson
Gilbert Fry's diary is full of records about bees, but is it possible that that ring was a gift for a special lady? Citizens often balk at romantic stories. Can you find anything that might give us a glimpse into his personal life?
Nice work! You found a wedding invitation addressed to Gilbert Fry and Hannah Hieber! Look, there's candy on the invitation. From the smell, it tastes like honey. It seems that everything in a scientist's life is connected to bees. We're one step closer to finding out why.
The Price of Discovery
Adeline Svensson
As a journalist myself, I know that sometimes scientists do research for money. Maybe someone was paying Gilbert Fry to do research on bees. If he was in need of money, that would be a decisive motive. Look for any valuables or money in his house.
All I could find were research tools. I don't think any of them are that cheap. ...... Oh, you found a ring with a bee shaped gemstone on it! By all accounts it's expensive and I think it's custom made. Frye doesn't seem to have been strapped for cash. But whose ring is it?
rare species
Adeline Svensson
Gilbert Frye was researching a rare species of bee before he turned his attention to the magic golden bee. But why bees? In his diary, he wrote that he was breeding bees in the tropics. There must be a hive of them left somewhere. Can you find it for me?
Glad you found the rare beehive. I'll have to take some pictures for my article about Gilbert Fry. According to his journal, bees in the tropics produce a pungent honey. I guess that's what piqued my interest: ......
Surprising Findings
Adeline Svensson
Gilbert Frye initially began his career studying butterflies. But at some point, his passion turned to bees. In writing this article, I need to know the reason for this shift. Maybe his diary will give us some reason. Let's look for it.
I found a pressed flower in the diary of the scientist who found it. If this is a rare honeyflower, why didn't Dr. Fry write down its name? And if this flower is a memento of some special event, what event? I'll have to do more research.
Pleasant Atmosphere
Kira Woodville
Let's check the pharmacy to see if there are any traces of snakes. That pharmacist claims he didn't see any snakes, but our job is to make sure they are there. Did you see a humidifier running at full power? That's unnatural. Let's check it out.
Humidifiers are running at full force. But for what? Flora says it is humidifying for some medicines, but isn't it really for snakes?
Orchestral excitement
Terry Tofficus
Add an accompaniment to liven up your performance! It is a good idea to prepare an instrument that produces a lively sound. Your guests will surely enjoy it! Will you help us find instruments at the fair?
Peppermint Candy! Playing these instruments will make the song even more exciting. All for the joy of Christmas! I'm sure you'll get an encore!
Dubious Silence
Rayden Storke
The pharmacist seems to have cobbled together a nice storefront, but I still don't like it. I generally don't see a doctor. They give me a lot of stuff I don't understand. Now, let's go inside with caution!
Hmmm, look at the smell of licorice throat lozenges and this and that on the shelves. It would not surprise me at all if there is a snake here. That is, of course, if the witnesses are not exhibiting hallucinogenic side effects from some medication.
Sweeping Grief Away
I already got a few statues of Hotei. What I want is a statue of Hotei with a fan that is said to bring good luck. Of course you can find it for me.
I did it! I finally have a statue of Hotei with a fan. Now my happiness is assured. This fan will blow away all the difficulties and obstacles that stand in my way. But I still need to stroke my stomach 300 times to make it work.
Terry Tofficus
Butterscotch! I completely forgot about an essential tool for performance. The tuning fork, of course. Without it, you will not be able to produce the correct musical scale! Bring it from the candy store.
Thanks for bringing the tuning fork! Now I won't be out of tune in front of an audience! My singing voice will sound sweeter than freshly made caramel.
Christmas Starlight
Terry Tofficus
For this concert, each year the performers will bring a Christmas lantern. The light from the lanterns adds warmth to the singing of our elves. I have some in my store, would you bring them?
Thank you for bringing your Christmas lanterns! For the elves, the Christmas star is a symbol of joy and hope. And this lantern is in that shape. The warmth of the lantern's light will surely reach the people of the city!
Jolly Tune Sheet Music
Terry Tofficus
For the show, we chose the most energetic songs we learned in rehearsal. Can you help me find the sheet music for the song that makes my heart skip a beat? I left it somewhere in the amusement park.
Thank you very much! I feel that the sheet music for this heart-fluttering piece will keep the concert running smoothly. The sheet music is in a convenient and nicely designed folder. The concert will definitely be a success!
Spiritual balance
My lucky charm collection needs a Hotei statue with prayer beads. This statue will help each person to find his or her own way in life and maintain spiritual balance. Please help me find it. We can't live in this city if we don't maintain our spiritual balance.
You found it! That's great! There's a reason I have the Hotei beads. I read in a book that this monk used to visit people's homes one after another to advise them on their life paths.
Spiritual abundance
Well, thank you! The pearl mourning cloth statue brings wealth. And the pearls represent spiritual as well as material wealth. Believe it or not, if you stroke the belly of the statue 300 times, your wish will come true!
Phantom spider web
Most of those magic pumpkins couldn't have gotten far. Look, in the window of that house over there, I can see the illusion of a spider web created by one of the pumpkins. Only a spiderweb pumpkin could create something so delicate.
The spiderweb pumpkins need to have magical energy. If we take them to Samhain's hall, they'll continue to be delicately decorated.
Orange Cat
Here, come here! I didn't come here just to feed the cats of the city, but look, they're all here for food. Black cats, tiger cats, tortoiseshell cats ........ Look, there's an orange cat. This must be the magic cat pumpkin. Let's return it to Samhain's hall. Come on, catch it!
Cat pumpkins are magical illusions, they don't scratch. It seems this pumpkin still has some magic left in it. Let's hurry up and put it back where it belongs.
Phantom of the Owl
Martha told me that magic pumpkins can create a bit of an illusion. Look at that! That pumpkin lamp is hopping from tree to tree. That's definitely the owl pumpkin that escaped from Samhain's hall. It must be hiding near here, so let's look for it.
Don't you think this owl pumpkin is so cute? But if we don't get them back to Samhain's hall soon, they'll go back to being regular pumpkins.
Stage on the railroad tracks
Terry Tofficus
I am in charge of setting the stage this year. How about decorating a Christmas train convertible? Then we can move the presents out of the way and set up the benches. Would you like to help?
Sweet lollipop! Thank you. Now every elf will be clearly visible to the audience during the performance. The stage with the train is perfect for a Christmas concert!
Melodies of Childhood
I've been under the illusion that the monster is hiding among the branches of the camphor tree. If I want the spirits in the trees to stop imitating the monster's voice, I just have to make them hear a more gentle sound to their ears, right? Then you can use my miniature hand-cranked organ!
The sound of this hand-cranked organ reminds me of my innocent childhood. Back then, I believed that monsters were imaginary creatures.
person who sighs when asleep
The monster sounds coming from the camphor tree remind me of Halloween. But there is another sound I want to share with the camphor tree spirits. It's the sound of butterfly wings. I'm going to call some of them over, will you catch them?
The butterfly is perched on your hand. It seems they like you! There's a perfect expression for the delicate sound of a butterfly's wings: ...... "flower breath".
Sounds that remind us of spring
You want the camphor tree spirit that imitates the monster's growl to make a different sound? How about the sound of water flowing down a mountain stream? It reminds me of spring. Let's listen to it right now!
If a stream ornament is attached near the camphor tree, the spirit will imitate the sound of the rushing water.
The Sound of Sensation
Adeline Svensson
I'm writing an article about a camphor tree that houses a genie that imitates the voices of monsters. I'm hoping the sound will be a little more pleasing to the ear. ...... Oh yeah, how about letting the genie hear the sound of the shutter of your flash camera? You can borrow my camera, but you'll definitely have to return it to me later!
I love the sound of a flash camera! The sound of a shutter is a symbol of a sensational event. For a journalist, there is no better sound.
Light typing sound
Terry Tofficus
Bursting Sugar! The interviews are finally starting. Please hope it goes well! While we are talking, could you bring Adeline's typewriter?
Great timing. I just finished the interview. Thanks for bringing your typewriter. Adeline says she can write the article now. I look forward to the latest issue of HIDDENCITYTIMES!
Camera of pride
Adeline Svensson
Terry is perfect! Let's take his picture right away! Can you help me set up the camera on a tripod? This portable camera is a workhorse that I can't live without as much as my voice recorder. It allows me to take great pictures!
Thanks to you, we got some great photos! Terry seems to embody the Christmas symbol of joy and kindness. So, let's begin the interview.
Adeline Svensson
You are almost ready for the interview. First, let's take some photos for the article. Terry's picture will be on the front page, so let's have her dress up a bit. Can you bring your makeup kit?
Makeup tools play a big part in important coverage. With these tools, you will be able to make your elf stand out like a shining Christmas star. Let's give him a makeover.
Voice Health
Terry Tofficus
I'm ready for the interview, but first I need to warm up my vocal chords...Adeline said it's going to be a long interview. Oh, butterscotch! This will kill my voice! Can you grab the voice remedy off the shelf?
Thank you for bringing this voice remedy to my attention! This caramel syrup contains medicinal herbs for the voice. Add peppermint extract to it and your voice will be smooth and clear.
Sounds of Home
The spirits in the camphor tree are recreating the monster's voice. Isabella and I are going to make the tree make a sound that is kind to our ears. If the genie can make that sound repeat itself, then the people of the city will no longer be frightened by the sound of the dreaded monster. For example, the guides love the sound of the steam train whistle. Let's look for that.
You found the steam train whistle before I did! They say the sound of the whistle reminds the guide of home. That's why you loved the sound.
Journalist's Companion
Adeline Svensson
I've always wanted to interview an elf! Terry has a lot of guts. His other colleagues remain shy, blushing and silent...I'll find a place to interview him, and in the meantime, find my voice recorder.
Thank you! A voice recorder is a necessity for journalists. Without it, I cannot go on an interview. I need to record every word of what my interviewee is saying. Let's begin the interview with Terry.
wish to be isolated
Hanako-san said she lost some kind of dangerous doll artifact? Yes, I saw a "conical dharma doll." I picked it up for a second and then I couldn't find Edward! I'll look for Ed, you look for the "Tapestry Dharma"!
You found Dharma. Edward is back! Hanako-san said that the owner of this dharma wanted everyone to be alone. He must have been a lonely man.
I want hate.
Dear Friend, Are you looking for a "tea room" dharma? I saw one for a moment ...... and it was kind of disgusting. So I hurried away from there. It was a "woman dharma". It smelled dangerous. We should hurry up and find it, will you?
According to Hanako, what was put into that dharma was a woman's wish. She wished to be loved, but she wished others to ignore her. How terrible!
hope to be defeated
Hanako's dharma is really dangerous stuff! Just by touching her samurai dharma, she couldn't win the battle at all and almost died. And now the dharma has disappeared! Find it and take it to Hanako!
According to Hanako, the Samurai Dharma is a wish of a warrior. He wished for his enemies to continue to be defeated. What a cowardly wish!
wish to fail
Thank you for helping us find Dharma. They are growing in power in the City of Shadows. I dread to think what would happen if that Dharma fell into the hands of the wicked. Please bring back the Dharma of Prayer Fulfillment!
This Dharma helps the owner to do what he desires in his heart. However, this owner wanted to make sure that no one else's wishes would be fulfilled. I will take this back to the "tea room.
Teleportation Magic
Terry Tofficus
The materials for the book are almost ready! All that remains is to prepare my masterpiece, the teleportation map. The map reflects the entire city. Please bring it from my store.
The light on the teleportation map is a real portal, and just touching it instantly takes you where you want to go. Now, let me go get my tools. I'll be right back!
Insightful bookmarks
Terry Tofficus
A reader of HIDDENCITYTIMES saw our ad and came to the store! Hurry up and jot down the customer's request in your notebook. Oh, and bring your magic bookmarks from the store, too.
Thank you for finding the magic bookmark! The prism of the bookmark finds the words and sentences that its owner is thinking about. It is truly the magic of Christmas!
Convenient assistant
Terry Tofficus
Curly Caramel! The book also has a handy work management page. They let the owner know about scheduled jobs and errands. It should be somewhere in the candy shop. Please go look for it!
Thank you very much! This page not only automatically erases completed jobs from the list, but also adds new ones. Plus, it has the ability to highlight the job and its time with a magical glow. Isn't it amazing?
wish to quarrel
We have to retrieve the dharma, the dark wishes of the people. It is a dangerous artifact, and its power will increase in this city. We cannot let such a thing go unchecked! First of all, there is the Netsuke Dharma, the incarnation of the Bodhisattva. I can feel it near here.
This netsuke dharma is a very old artifact. I feel a craving for destruction and strife. ...... What a terrible desire! Hurry up and take this dharma to Hanako-san.
be hasty
Adeline Svensson
A treasure chest from Noah's Ark that will save the city from a flood? And that it will make its owner rich? That's the most exuberant story I've ever heard! Can you help me find a mating pair of snails in the city? I saw their silhouettes in the treasure chest.
You found a snail mating! No, don't give it to me! It's disgusting! Julie says mucus has good effects, but gross is gross!
jump test
Martha told me that in addition to protecting us from the flood, Noah's Ark treasure chest will also make its owner rich. I think I saw a pair of suspicious frogs in town, and I've been trying to catch them, but I've been too lazy. That's where you come in!
Wow, you caught a couple of frogs pretty fast! You and I should start a shell game club together. We'll be rich! If we don't get swallowed by the flood, of course.
Rainbow-colored handwriting
Terry Tofficus
The Book of Good Deeds must be written in rainbow-colored ink made from the first snow collected under the blizzard-strewn Aurora sky. This ink is not only vibrant and beautiful, it's also practical. Will you take it off the shelf?
Thanks for your help! Letters written in rainbow ink change color depending on the need. If it's an urgent matter, it's red, if it's not urgent, it's green, and if there's a little extra time, it's yellow. Isn't it nice?
Lizards with tails
A lizard passed right in front of me! I saw one just like it in town. They must be the mating pair of lizards from Noah's treasure chest. Let's catch them and stop the rain. Ed and I are soaking wet!
That's great! The lizard fits perfectly with the silhouette of Noah's, I mean, Martha's treasure chest: ...... Oh, that's not important. What's important is if they'll ward off the rain!
Keeper of the Secret
Terry Tofficus
Inspired by Santa's gift list, we have created the Book of Good Deeds. There are many innovations in this book. For example, the contents of the book are protected by a chameleon skin cover that only the owner can open. Can you bring me the cover from the store?
The palm-shaped area on the camouflage cover only reacts when the owner touches it. It is imbued with a magic that detects its own energy, making it look like a recipe book to others!
pair of wings
Because of the terrible storm, my umbrella broke while I was running to help you here, dear friend. Martha promised to stop this flood if you caught the animals that got away? I saw a pair of shining birds. How about catching these birds?
Poor bird, soaking wet! Look, there's a silhouette of this bird perfectly shaped in the treasure chest of Noah's Ark. Oh, he went back to the carved wooden figurine!
Follow the dog.
Adeline Svensson
To save the city from flooding, I should find a mating animal. ...... There's a silhouette of an animal on the treasure chest that's hard to decipher. If you use your imagination and look closely, it looks like a dog. I must return it to Martha before the water ruins my newspaper! Let's find the dog.
What a cute dog! Nice work. With Martha, the animals have been returned to the ancient figurines of Noah's time. Looks like their place is in the treasure chest.
Harmony of Nature
Oh, my dear friend. It's so beautiful with the sky reflecting off the crystal clear river water! Don't you think Lady Rosemary would be inspired by this beauty to make agar desserts? Yes, I think so. We should look for desserts like this!
What a lovely idea! Only Lady Rosemary could have created the harmony between the river and the sky in an agar dessert. She will definitely survive the ordeal of the garden!
Blatant Beauty
No doubt Lady Rosemary was impressed by the view of the cherry blossoms. That must be what she is making for her "pastry-making ordeal". You must find the "Cherry Agar. Get on with it!
I told you so. Lady Rosemary's new dessert for the "Trial of Pastry Making" is "Cherry Agar".
Floating Inspiration
Wow! Look at those beautiful fish in the pond at the "Japanese Garden." I bet Lady Rosemary must have made that agar masterpiece during her "pastry-making ordeal". Find the "Swimming Fish Agar"!
You found "Swimming Fish Agar". Lady Rosemary's new dessert masterpiece! From my side, it doesn't look like I took a bite, does it?
faint autumnal atmosphere
The downside of being a psychic is that you never get surprises. The spirits tell me what's in the gifts they prepare for me. So, let's go to Terry's to pick up my candy apples.
Candied apples remind me of fall. Terry's gift brought back the fondest memories. Plus it was nice to see him doing his best work.
Bone of the Earth
Lady Rosemary has taken the "confectioner's ordeal" and she's gone off somewhere. To find her, we need to find some garden-inspired agar candy. The "Japanese Garden" is like a colorful jewel, even the pebbles are colorful! This may have influenced Lady Rosemary's confections! Let's find out.
Perfect, dear friends! This is Lady Rosemary's new masterpiece of agar, Pebble Agar. So we're headed in the right direction. We'll find Lady Rosemary soon enough.
Octopus for fog
I'll help the card cheater find the octopus item. If we can find the secret tournament, maybe that guy will calm down and stop beating the residents at cards with impunity. I used to have a "Mysterious Octopus Lantern". I used it to check the streets. Find it.
You brought my octopus lantern! The last time I had this guy, he didn't keep me from falling into the werewolf's den. But this time, it just might take the card cheater to the tournament of his dreams.
Bad Gifts
I hear the card cheaters believe that an octopus item will lead them to a secret tournament? But that's where a lot of criminals hang out! I saw a vase shaped like an octopus somewhere in town. Come on, let's go look for it.
Found the "Octopus Tangled Vase." Maybe this will get me to the card cheaters' tournament. And me, by the way. We're going undercover to break in and catch these criminals!
the smell of life
Sometimes I order pistachios. They were my favorite when I was alive. I like to remember what they tasted like. Yesterday I was served pistachios in a "kraken bowl". I'm sure that's what the card cheaters are looking for. Keep looking.
You found the "Kraken Bowl." That's great. Tell me, do you smell the pistachios? If this is how card cheaters find secret tournaments, take it to them.
Souvenirs of the Seven Seas
I think I saw an "octopus bottle" ornament somewhere. That could lead to a clue to a secret convention. I'll look for it for the card cheaters.
Yes, this is it. My old "octopus bottle". Isn't it cute? I was going to take it home with me, but the card cheaters were too insistent that it be a secret tournament. I had no choice but to give it to you.
Octopus Espresso
A secret tournament awaits me. All I have to do is find a hint of the octopus left by the planners! I, for one, think I've seen an octopus cup stand. Sorry, you'll have to bring it to me. My back's a little sore.
Have you found your "octopus cup stand" yet? You're a very talented guy! Don't worry, we'll figure out the secret of the tournament! Just keep looking for clues.
increase your chances of winning
When fighting strong monsters, it's best to play it safe. Look for a handgun with multiple barrels. With that, the mayor will never have to fear a monster again.
That's a fine multi-barreled pistol! With this, the mayor will be invincible against monsters.
Failed threats
One of my frail spirits once brought me a "ring pistol". You threatened to commit suicide if I didn't reciprocate your feelings. Hmmm...stupid fellow! I'm sure his weapon is still around here somewhere.
Yes, this is the "ring pistol" I spoke of. You're going to help the mayor out in a hurry. I won't lie to you when there's mayhem in the city.
The best way
Dear friends, this world would be a kinder place if we settled things through discussion and music instead of fighting and using weapons. Look for "Harmonica's Pistol." I beg your pardon? There are more funny miracles happening in this city.
Hmmm ...... why did they think a harmonica pistol wouldn't look dangerous? Anyway, I hope this solves the problem of the mayor and the monster.
Memories of New York
I have to help the mayor fight the monster. I was surprised once when I caught a robber in New York City. He had a gun with a knife attached! Look around for something rare like that. It could come in handy.
Oh, my God. This "pistol with a knife" is the one that the killer used to graze me on the side of the head! Hmmm, I'm all better now, but I'm sure he's spent plenty of time in jail.
Funny Weapons
For those of us with in-depth knowledge of the world of ghosts and spirits, it's a piece of cake. We'll perform a ritual and create a special handgun for the mayor. But it will require an unusual weapon that exists in the city. For example, how about that strange Merikensack pistol I saw on the street the other day?
You brought me a pistol with a Merikensack. I'm almost ready to make a special gun for the mayor. I'll be ready while you search for the rest of the handguns.
Whose bear?
Miss Izzy
Jimmy's fourth gift is a pink teddy bear. I saw some stuffed bear stuffed with candy for kids at Joy's. I wonder if there is a pink bear among them? Go find out.
You've found your pink teddy bear! Take out the candy and fill it with soft crape paper. Now it looks plush! But Jimmy's papers say he likes yellow...
things reminiscent of bygone days
I was surprised! I can't believe my work is being rewarded. In fact, it would be hard to make light of my contribution. And now that the elves are back at the fair, I can finally decorate the mansion. Come on, let's go pick up our gifts.
What a surprise, thank you. Lovely licorice dragée. Delicate taste for connoisseurs. Hats off to the candy artisan. Come on, what are you smiling about? I'm leaving to go decorate!
Creamy sweets
The detective asked me to come to the caramel shop because he has a gift for me! Oh, and then I wonder if he'll invite me to the cocoa shop. Let's go pick up the present together!
Oh, it was a gift from Terry! I thought it was for someone else. Thanks. I'm a sucker for tender toffee. It just melts in your mouth! Terry's not a contestant, is he? Let me check.
Symbol of Kindness
Before she was gone, Lady Rosemary told me She told me about the requirements of the "confectionery ordeal. She had to make five Japanese sweets, agar agar, to reflect the beauty of the "Japanese Garden. They are to reflect the beauty of the "Japanese Garden" and represent the beauty of Japan. Let's follow in her footsteps. Remember that wonderful lotus in the garden? Lady Rosemary might have been impressed by its beauty and softness. Let's look for the lotus wagashi.
You found the "lotus agar." This means that Lady Rosemary has accepted the "Japanese Garden" challenge. You have begun to create a dessert masterpiece. Find all the agar and you will find Lady Rosemary.
strong wind
This old card cheater's lucky coin has rolled away into the mist! Now I know how to get it back. It should also help Bao master the wind! To do that, we're gonna need "Da Vinci's Helicopter." You'll find it for me, won't you?
Bao cast a wind spell on "Da Vinci's helicopter". The propeller temporarily dispelled the fog. I have found my lucky coin. Well done, Bao!
gentle breeze
I have a favor to ask. It will help Bao master wind magic. I need to get the letter to the outskirts of town as soon as possible! Hey, where's the letter? Hurry up and find the letter, it's in the shape of a paper airplane.
Bao called the wind gently and promptly. He's delivered my letter to its destination carefully and quickly. A wind magician is the perfect assistant for me.
Wind to Destination
We're helping Bao master wind magic and I have to deliver a gift to a lovely lady. How about killing two birds with one stone? Look for "parachute parcels." Bao will summon the wind and deliver it to a specific location.
Bao just flew a parachute with a parcel attached to it to the window of Juliette's room. I hope you like the Chinese snacks.
winds of immortality
Bao needs help mastering his wind magic. I just needed some new powers for my telescope. Bring me the Windmill. Bao can use it in the Observatory!
This "windmill" is providing me with a steady supply of power for my experiments. The little tornado that Bao called me keeps spinning inside the "observatory."
Unchanged deliciousness
Terry Tafikas got me a present. You think he's trying to cheat? Well, he's been cleared of all charges. Not that I have a sweet tooth, but let's go get it.
Oh, this is a nice jar of salted caramel. Thanks, buddy. How did Terry know I like salted caramel? Was it you? I think he used his elvish magic. You're a cheater.
Cold and refreshing
It was great to see the elves break the spell. It brought the Christmas spirit back to the fair! Besides, it looks like Terry made me a sweet present. Let's go get them together!
Thank you! I love frosted peppermint candy! Nicholas and I used to eat them all the time when I went to Christmas school. Nothing compares to the refreshing sweetness!
leading wind
Buddy, Bao is the most capable guy I've ever taught. Let's help him overcome the trials of the inhabitants and master the magic of wind. I suggested that Bao start with a small amount of wind. Gently change the direction in which the birds fly. Look for a flying group out of the city.
The birds catch even the most subtle changes in wind direction. Bao is letting the swallows fly in circles. ...... Not a bad start, huh?
Festival music
Terry Tofficus
A musician's store was also damaged because of my wish. I need help picking up instruments and sheet music and putting them back on the shelves. We only have charcoal and soot right now.
Thank you! The instruments brought back the sounds of Christmas to the fair. My heart is filled with joy. Helping someone is much more satisfying than winning, isn't it? Wait... someone is close by...
Taste of Christmas
Terry Tofficus
Dragee of Licorice! The detective is a great cook and seems to be able to cook on behalf of the Christmas chef and help me restore my wishes. Let's help the detective make refreshments!
You can smell the street refreshments all over Caramel Boulevard. Once the chef is back on track, we can put a lot of food on display for the contest. Thank you! Lots of treats lined up at the stalls!
Unforgivable forgetfulness
I'm a big fool! How can you shoot a movie without a film reel? I'm in trouble ...... I don't even know where to find them. You know what I mean?
This is a good film. It's brand new. Hurry up and get it over here. I'll find a film reel.
Juliette will be ready soon, but we don't have everything we need for the movie shoot yet. For example, a clapperboard. Can you find it for me?
Now that you've found the kachinko, we can get started.
Beauty without makeup
Oh, and there's one more little problem. I left my cosmetics somewhere. I need something to put my cosmetics on. I hope you can find a makeup set.
Very nice makeup set. I've never seen so many cosmetics in one place. Well, ladies and gentlemen, let's get ready for the movie shoot.
Children's Joy
Terry Tofficus
To break the elf's spell, we need to help the toy maker too. Let's go to his store. Juliette says she will help us make gifts for the children. Let's make toys together.
Yay! Now the toy maker can enter the contest. Look at the shiny toy we made for him. The kids at the fair look happy!
Realization of a dream
Well, what a neat idea! I've dreamed of playing a role in a movie for a long time! But I don't have the right dress. And I'd need a wig, because the leading lady is a brunette! I mean, the leading lady is a brunette!
Don't you think the dark hair color would look great on her? And the dress fits perfectly.
Valerie of Sadness
I saw Valerie today and was surprised at how sad she looked. She was looking at the torn old posters and lamenting the fact that there was not a single movie theater in town. Suddenly, I had a great idea. Let's shoot a movie. But I'd have to sneak out and get the posters Valerie was looking at. That way I'll know what kind of movie to shoot.
The title on the poster is "Breakfast at Tiffany's." Hmmm......... I just thought of who I'd like to see play the lead role......... Juliette!