These are the story/quests featured in Hidden City. There is a vast number of stories, and please note that the order and categories are unorganized, so it might be a bit difficult to navigate. Thank you for your understanding.
The Missing Girl
I'm certain that the ghosts surrounding Martha know what happened to her. Now we just need to force the last one to materialise. I heard Martha pleading in a Texas drawl for someone to find her kidnapped daughter. That woman probably had a picture of the girl. Find the portrait of the missing girl. It will help us summon her mother's ghost.
A cameo with a girl's portrait? That's just what we need. Look, the ghost of the inconsolable mother has appeared in the room. Though I'm not surprised that she doesn't want to speak to us. Now all the ghosts are here, let's hurry up and tell Isabelle. If anyone can get them to talk, it's her. Martha is very weak. I don't want her to die or end up trapped between worlds. I have no idea what this is...
The Ghostly Sorceress
My dear friend, we urgently need to talk to the ghosts that have possessed Martha! Three of the five ghosts are here, but none of them have responded to us. We've managed to confirm that ghosts are summoned by items they once possessed. One of the spirits used Martha's mouth to give a proper dressing-down to some students, then began lecturing about spiritism. I think she's a teacher from a magic school. Find an item that might have belonged to her. Perhaps an old charmed item of some kind?
What an amazing little item! This is a magical monocle. Behind the lens is a real eye that is watching us. Look who's appearing thanks to this artifact: a ghostly sorceress! Mademoiselle, would you be so kind as to... Hey, where are you going? What a shame... Hopefully we'll be able to communicate with them once they're all together.
The Doctor's Appearance
I tried to get Martha to regain consciousness, but she just cried out in a deep bass voice. She demanded that I drink castor oil and threatened to put leeches on me! Yuck! Disgusting! If you ask me, one of the ghosts hovering above Martha's body is a doctor. We need to find something that belonged to him, then the doctor will appear in this room. He probably knows what has befallen Martha. We can't waste any time. According to Isabelle, Martha could die if she spends too long in this condition.
Nicely done! That's a lovely glass bottle. Hey, this is Laudanum, an opium based drug! I've read about it. It's a controlled substance now, but they used to use it to treat everything under the sun. Look, in the armchair - it's the doctor himself in the flesh! Well, ghostly flesh... Um, hello there, sir! I'm afraid he isn't responding. Let's see what happens when we've got all five ghosts together.
The Defender of Order
The Detective's guess was correct - items from the past will allow us to force the ghosts that Martha summoned during the dangerous ritual to materialise. However, the little boy's ghost remains completely silent. Maybe we can learn something once we've forced all five ghosts to materialise. Who's next? Mein freund, I heard yet another ghost speaking with Maratha's lips. It sounded like it was giving a report - the spirit said that it had successfully arrested a robber despite his resistance. It must be the ghost of a police officer. Could you find his item? I think we need a revolver or a police badge. Please hurry - Martha's pulse is so weak!
You're an excellent detective, mein freund. This is an old Sheriff's Badge. I've heard that Martha is from a small town in Massachusetts. Oh mein Gott! The ghost of a sheriff has appeared in the room. Oh well, this isn't my first encounter with a ghost. Greetings, Herr Sherriff! Hmm, it seems he does not wish to speak to me.
Ring of Infinity
You're doing a great job at winning all the Collector's puzzles on the game machine. Inside the machine is the "Mobius Ring" puzzle, and it's especially interesting to me. Please find it.
Have you heard of the Mobius strip? It's a geometric paradox - as the strip only has one side. If you start at one point, you'll return to it without crossing any edges. Based on this paradox, the Collector created a puzzle that allows you to look into infinity - that's why it was so important to me.
Reborn From The Ashes
I'll help you find one of the artifacts if you let me hold it in my hands. I mean Phoenix breath. Rumour has it, he sleeps in an underground lake and that's why its water is so clean.
A mythical Phoenix is really rare! Let me hold it: it's said that he can return your youth and... well, the rest of it.
No Such Thing as Coincidence
The Huntress has just left. She told me that she found traces of Basilisk poison in one of dungeons. She's ready to give us the coordinates of the dungeons in exchange for a few drops of Basilisk poison.
A Basilisk figurine has appeared on the bottom of a cave? Be careful with that, my friend, they say a Basilisk can kill with just a glance.
Manifestation Magic
During the ritual, Martha summoned five gohsts that are still floating around the Room of Fate. They must have the answers to at least some of our questions. But how can we reveal and question them? Martha said that ghosts are connected to items from their previous lives. These items will help us force them to materialise and become visible. And as soon as I can see them, I'll be able to get the answers we need. Remember how we heard five different voices coming from Martha's lips? One of them was a child. The little boy was complaining about losing a shuttlecock in a tree and being unable to find it. Go look for the Shuttlecock!
Great job, al! As soon as we found the shuttlecock, the little boy's ghost appeared in a dark corner. My guess was correct - items from the past will allow us to force the ghosts who witnessed the events to materialise in the Room of Fate. We're on the right track!
Metal Puzzle
The "Metal Puzzle", another of the Collector's inventions, is hidden inside the game machine. Find it.
At first sight, the puzzle looks very difficult... But the Person who manages to solve it will always be able to free himself from any handcuffs or chains. There are rumours that when creating this puzzle, the Collector consulted with Houdini himslef.
How Dreams Come True
According to Spirit legend; a powerful relic, able to grant any wish, exists in City's dungeons. It's a Magic flute and the way to it will only be shown by five mythical creatures, whose voices are sealed in it. Spirits believe that if the flute doesn't get a new master before midnight, it will disappear for hundreds of years again! The mythical creatures are like coordinates for the Magic flute. If we gather them together, we'll learn the artifact's location. Then I can make my dearest wish. Have you heard about an abandoned mine? People left it after discovering a Gryphon cave inside. I'm sure this is the place we need to go.
I'm not surprised that in the cave you found a figurine of the Gryphon and not the mythical creature itself. So, that's what the legend meant... We need to find five figurines of mythical creatures. Let's keep searching.
Buttons or Disc
Only the most important thing remains - the Rotary Dial of the Mystic Telephone. Find the missing part.
I can feel hidden magic in this Rotary Dial. It's like it contains the magic of the City.
Mmm, Croissant!
Today I dreamed I was eating a croissant with almond cream. It's my favorite! When I woke up, I could still taste it on my tongue... the flasky, delicate dough; the light, fragrant cream... I'd give anything for a croissant!
A fresh croissant - I can't believe my luck! I'm so glad I met you! If it wasn't for you, my life in the City would be gloomy and sad.
Poisonous death
Aren't you afraid to deal with such horrible items? Very well, I'll tell you about Alexander Borgia's bloodstained pendant. When he was Pope he coated the pendant with poison and fave it to one of his cardinals. When the cardinal died all his treasures went to the Pope along with the pendant. Alexander was sorting out the treasure when, blineded by his greed, he picked up the pendant and died the same horrible death. Now you know, you can see the pendant through any sort of magical veil.
Bracelet, brooch, earrings, hairpin and pendant. We've obtaied the last item and the diadem should point us to the murderer. Who poisoned the man living near the old factory? Soon we'll know.
Crash Site
The most recent items might have come to the City on the crashed plane. It was the most unusual plane, I can tell you. Even if the item you seek has been removed from the crash site, its magical signature will remain on nearby items. A link always forms between artifacts as if they remember each other... I'm sure I can figure out the look of the item you need and map out its route through the City if we find a suitable artifact.
I can say for sure that you must look for Alexander's bloodstained pendant. It is invisible in plain sight and may only reveal itself to one who knows its horrible history.
Poison container
They say there's still poison inside the brooch... so be extra careful with it. To avoid accidents, the Collector, who came across it one day, hid it in the City Dungeons and protected it with a reliable spell.
That brooch scares me even from a distance; I've no idea how you can carry it in your hands. Here, put it in my vault.
Telephone Cord
According to the blueprints, we'll need a Telephone Cord to connect the handset to the phone. Will you find it?
This is definitely a Telephone Cord and it's in excellent condition. We've almost found all of the parts to the Mystic Telephone.
Elusive Changes
I managed to dispel the fog a little, and from here you can already see the countryard at the Manor House Gate. Everything looks the same - there's the same piles of gifts left by the Mistress's admirers. But something has changed here, ever so slightly... Do you get this feeling? Maybe one of the gifts caused the anomaly? Let's look around.
In addition to flowers and gifts, there is evidence of an explosion and shards of glass at the Manor House Gate! Magical reagents are scattered everywhere, and tehre are traces of bewitchment... This is the Mistress of the Manor's handwriting. I'm sure that she is responsible for the fog.
Golden 15-Puzzle
If I didn't know the Collector, seeing this puzzle would make me think that he's a very empty-headed person. But the inventor has never made anything ordinary. Get your hands on the "15-Puzzle", our next challenge from the Collector.
This is so beautiful, and won't be too hard to solve. I can see how easy it is to make the letters into the phrase "I love you". The magic of this puzzle is capable of casting a love spell on a beautiful stranger.
Bracelet of obedience
In the depths of the crystal ball I saw a bloodstained bracelet. Cesare gave it to his sister, Lucrezia, to keep her under control. The bracelet suppresses the will of the wearer, making them obey its owner. Cesare made his sister marry three times to fulfill his political ambitions. The bracelet is in City Hall, hidden with a magic that turns any items into barely distinguishable silhouettes.
Don't come near me with that bracelet, there's too much blood on it! Give it to the Detective - he'll lock it in his vault.
Light in the crystal
I'm indeed interested in finding other pieces of Borgia treasure. But to conduct a search rite we'll need a special flashlight which we'll use to light the crystal ball at a certain angle. Such a light is rare, but the Conductor said he saw one in the plane's wreckage.
Let me see. Yes, that will do. I'll place it near the ball and we can start the ritual.
Chinese Rings
Since we've decided to get into these puzzles, let's find the next one - it's the "Ring Puzzle". This puzzle is also called "Chinese Rings". Let's see what properties the Collector bestowed on it.
This is a complex and entertaining puzzle whos solution causes a change inside the Collector's room, opening drawers and recesses. It's the key to controlling the hidden mechanisms. But I still have to figure out how to use it.
Crimson earrings
You'll never guess where I hid Lucrezia's earrings - in City Hall. Martha once said that they act as a love potion, making a man's heart beat faster when he sees a woman wearing them. Lucrezia wore the earrings the night her brother Cesare killed her husband, Giovanni.
Here's the second trinket, which I'll put in the vault. We need three more pieces. While you visited Valerie I consulted Martha. She's interested in your search and wants to use her crystal ball to pinpoint the location of the other pieces.
The Collector's Puzzles
I looked through lots of tomes in City Hall. The game machine is an invention of the Collector, the researcher of the City's secrets. The notes say that along with the machine, the Collector created puzzles that bestow special abilities on anyone who manages to solve them. I really want to get my hands on the Collector's puzzles. Judging by the notes, you can get them from the game machine. Help me get the first puzzle - the "Collector's Cube".
What a wonderful puzzle! It's an ordinary Rubik's Cube, but there are letters and symbols on each square. If you run into a dead end, use a hint. After assembling the cube, you'll be able to read the phrase. The puzzle will be very useful for an explorer of caves and tunnels.
Ballet Footwear
All that remains is to find one small, but very important part of the ballerina's costume - Pointe Shoes.
I decided to watch Swan Lake the other day. The ballerina's movements were impeccably elegant. It looked as if her pointe shoes weren't footwear but a part of her body. But that's only how it looks from a distance. In reality, pointe shoes are worse than prisoners' manacles.
Ballet Tatu
The main item of the ballerina's costume is the Tutu. It reflects the style, taste, and charisma of the ballerina. Try to find one for me.
I knew you could handle it. This Tutu is the height of elegance and beauty. I'm overjoyed!
Hair Up
Now let's pick up a Hair Net for the costume. Ballerinas can't dance with their hair all over the place. I'll leave this task to you.
Such a fine Hair Net. With each new item of clothing, I remember more and more memories from my childhood.
Silk Stockings
Another item from a ballerina's wardrobe are Stockings. I think I know where to find some.
Did you know that stockings used to be a male item of clothing? It's a shame that went out of fashion.
Hear the Caller
It's obvious that any telephone needs a handset if you want to speak to someone and hear their replies. Look for the Handset of the Mystic Telephone.
This looks like a standard handset. I hope it will fit the Mystic Telephone and make it work.
Hourglass Figure
Thank you so much for agreeing to help me. The first thing I need for the ballet outfit is a Corset.
It feels strange to wear a corset again, but no matter - art requires sacrifice.
Mage's Power
We're doing well with combating the magical storm so far. The dark spirit window is closed. All that remains is for me to get my abilities back. I'll need merlin's Staff to get the power of all the mages' artifacts together. Will you find it for me?
An ancient magical staff... There were legends about it in the academy. They said that Merlin put his soul into it when he was dying.
Power Over the Elements
If you can quickly find Pentagrammaton's Ring, I'll close the window of the dark spirits and save the energy of the City.
I'll explain the meaning of the ritual to you. Pentagrammaton's Ring gives its owner power over the four elements. With its power I will finally calm the magical storm and close the window through which the energy of the City is being drawn away.
Antique Microphone
We need to find the five main parts of the Mystic Telephone. The blueprints show that the first part is a special Microphone. I'm sure finding it won't be easy - there aren't many things like that in the City.
It seems you found the right Microphone, even though I'm not good with technology.
Gigantic Butterfly
Only one ingredient is left to be found for the universal antidote. It's called the Giant Striped Morpho butterfly. Be careful in your search - this butterfly is huge.
What a size! This butterfly could lift a hare! No wonder it's called a "giant".
Deadly Beauty
Alomost all of the ingredients for the universal antidote have been found. We will also need the Morpho Adonis butterfly. Find this wonderful creation.
It looks like the wings of this butterfly are glowing. Do you think it's meant to attract or scare? You probably already know that Adonis was famous for his beauty. Even Aphrodite fell in love with him, and she was the Goddess of Love.
Tarot Reading
The magical storm is unlikely to get stronger now, and I still have enough power to predict the future. However, I'll need special tarot cards to do it - the cards of Marie Lenormand.
You found Lenormand's Cards? Let's have a look... Mountain, cross, sun and tower. Difficulties and obstacles, great trials are on the way, but we'll be successful in the end - the tower will protect us. However, the combination of the rider and the scythe makes me wary. It shows some sort of window through which dark spirits can get here. This window also saps the energy of the City.
Protective Ward
It's just as I thought! The magical storm is no accident! Some dark mage is sending these whirlwinds to take magical energy away from us and from the City. Nostradamus prophesied that Morgaine's Ward can interfere with this if it's used correctly. Will you help to find it?
Morgaine's Ward was created to calm dark whirlwinds - it turns them into a light breeze. I'll use it immediately.
Shining in the darkness
To get the diadem and identify the murderer, we have to start with the hairpin. What did Martha say? It was Cesare's, the yonger brother who killed giovanni, the first husband of his sister, Lucrezia. One night, Cesare went into their bedroom and stabbed the hairpin into the man's chest. The hairpin flashed red as if drinking the blood. Let's begin.
Here's the first bloodstained trinket. I don't want to touch it with my bare hands. I have a magically protected vault which I'll use to store the Borgia treasures. While you talked to Martha I recalled another trinket - Valerie once mentioned Lucrezia's earrings She's a flighty girl, but she wouldn't like. Maybe we should talk to her.
All the Colors of the Rainbow
The next ingredient for the antidote is the poison of the Morpho Aurora butterfly. can you find one?
Look at the way the light plays on the wings of this butterfly. It's no wonder that it was named after Aurora, the Goddess of the Dawn. But don't let its beauty deceive you - its poison is very dangerous.
Murder in the city?
Borgia treasures have been long lost, I have no idea where to look for them. I hope City Hall has some records Help me find any mentions of Borgia treasures, this'll help in the murder investigation.
You've found records about the Borgia family treasures. Okay, diadem... How interesting! It says here that the diadem does not exist by itself. It appears only if you put together five other Borgia treasures that are called "minor jewelleary". The first of them is Cesare's pin. Wait, I'll tell you its story...
Ancient Prophecy
I want to find out how long this magical storm will last. I must know for sure whether I can deal with it myself or whether we need to call for help. I also need to restore my magical power as sonn as possible. It can't be done without special items that belonged to famous mages. Please find me Nostradamus' Quill first.
I'll tell you a secret - what was once written will never disappear. This quill will help me to recreate the prophecy of Nostradamus regarding this magical storm in the City.
Poisonous Theseus
The second ingredient for the antidote is the poison of the Morpho Theseus butterfly. It's strange that a mixture of poisons is a poison antidote... But I believe in the Collector's genius.
Have you already guessed that the butterfly is named after Theseus? I believe that its coloring symbolises Theseus' visit to the Kingdom of the Dead when he was helping Hades kidnap Persephone.
Experienced Forensic Expert
It says here that the secret organization's important information was spread by mobile phones. A mobile phone - what is that? In any case, if such a thing exists, it will be stored in that iron safe in the corner. It's locked, of course, but it's not a problem for such an experienced forensic expert like me. I just need a listening device to hear the clicks of the lock. Can you find it?
Here, I'll show you how to crack open a safe. You take the device, attach it to the door and turn the disk until you hear a click. Then you turn it in the opposite direction and continue like that until the safe is opened...
Bloody Developer
Well, well, this is a really rare type of ink that can only be seen with a developer made from werewolf blood. well at least that's something our City has in abundance. I'm sure you won't have any trouble finding some.
I was absolutely right. As soon as we used the developer, letters started appearing in the corpus.
Invisible Ink
Damn! This truly is a secret organization! They probably made all their records in invisible ink. We won't be able to see it without a developer. But every kind of ink requires its own developer, so we won't know which one we need until we find the ink.
Wonderful! I'll take a quick look at my forensic guide and find out how we should develop the records made with this ink.
Cache Under the Floor
Typical Collector! As soon as we finished the symbol, a part of the floor went down, opening yet another cache. Look at all these papers! We should read them for mention of the secret society. There're diaries, regulations, and all sorts.
Just as I thought: the secret corpus of Knowledge Keepers. I can't wait to discover the secrets inside... But all the pages are empty, what a disappointment!
Let's dig a little deeper
The Lens of Time shows the spots in the City of Shadows where tha fabric of time is especially thin. You will be able to peek into the past of locations and find evidence that has been lost in the present. I'm sure, there is a a piece of chalk there.
You brought chalk, I hope? Greate, finish the symbol, quickly.
Nuts 'n' Chocolate
The hazelnut chocolate that was also in the box was covered with tiny nuts. I don't know which small nuts, but they were tasty. Will you find it?
I think you found just the right thing. There are nuts all over this chocolate candy and hazelnuts inside. Anyway, I think it's hazelnts. Let's refrain from tasting it.
Grilled Nut Candy
If you find the Grilled Nut Candy, I promise you a really lovely surprise as a reward.
This isn't just a simple candy. It's a culinary masterpiece. This Grilled Nut Candy also contains sweetmeats and century-old cognac.
White Chocolate
Since you're so lucky, maybe you can find the white chocolate candy from the famous chocolatier?
White chocolate, filled with almonds in caramel. So tasty! I think the congress will continue, and the bad memories will be erased from my mind.
Milk Chocolate
There were other sweets in the box made of milk chocolate. The filling is yogurt and strawberry. I hope the thieves have not eaten them yet - hurry up.
I'm really happy that the milk chocolate candy wasn't eaten.
Black Chocolate
There were all sorts of sweets in the missing box. Here's one made of pure black chocolate with a rum cherry inside. An unforgettable taste.
Oh, a sweet made of bitter black chocolate! Thanks for helping so quickly.
Poisonous Butterfly
I was looking through the Collector's records and I found an interesting recipe. The manuscript speaks of a "Panacea against poisons." This sort of item would be bery useful for us considering the many venomous monsters in the City. Will you be able to find the ingredients we need? Really? Well then, we'll first need the poison of the Morpho Hecuba butterfly.
Isn't it a pretty butterfly? It was named after the wife of King Prima, who was famous for her revenge.
Audacious Theory
All these inventions by the Collector are really suspicious. It's unbelievable that a single person could know so much. I've read about a secret organization of Knowledge Keepers that existed in the City and I'm almost sure that our Collector was one of them. Alas, without evidence, it's just a theory. But these Keepers had special headwear that doubled as passes into their secret meetings. If the Collector has one of them, we'll definitely find it here! Will you help me find it?
You found a Master's cap! Look at this strange symbol that's drawn on it. It seems, my theory is right!
Soul of Iron
The robot will be just a useless pile of metal until we find his heart. Find the heart of the machine in the Collector's House, where the creator hid it.
Do you think there's really a soul inside the heart on the mechanical man? Who knows. But I can say this: the Collector was a genius inventor.
Clock with a Secret
I'm sure the Collector hid a part of his brain's creation in the Room of Fate. This is the place where the fabric of the world is thinnest and where Martha often speaks with spirits. We have to disturb our medium, but I'm sure she will be understanding and forgiving. Find the last part of the mechanical man.
See, I was right! The Collector hid the moving mechanism in an old self-winding clock in Martha's room. He knew that the clock is impossible to break, so the mechanism would be completely safe inside it.
Obliging House
Fog thickens over City Hall, penetrating even locked doors and windows. It's hard to discern objects, only their outlines are visible. Citizens call this Silhouettes. And in this gloom, I see the outline of a mechanical man's head - hurry and find it.
A steel head was cleverly hidden inside a knight's helmet that was adorning the wall in City Hall. Did you notice the inscription on the back of the helmet? 'A head is a part of a body. Where there is one, another will be close by.' One more riddle, that old Collector was one crafty fellow.
A Code Again
Where should we look for the rest of the mechanical man? There are mysterious symbols scratched into the back wall of locker number 13. This must be a code, but we won't crack it without another on of the Collector's inventions - the Deciphering Globe. We need this sophisticated device.
Deciphering... Just as I thought, this is another clue to the next part's whereabouts. And yet another puzzle, listen... 'A house of a thousand books that keeps order in the City.'
Legs and a Journey
The Collector's note says, "Steel footsteps are heard where the unknown beckons a traveller." I bet you anything, it's talking about the Station. Every time I'm there I feel the urge to go travelling myself. I'm sure we'll find another part of the mechanical man at the Station of Forgotten Dreams.
Steel legs were in the locker room inside locker number 13. The Collector sure is sly; most citizens of the City are so superstitious that they wouldn't risk peeking in a locker with the number 13.
Unique Body
According to the Collector's blueprints, this mechanical man primarily consists of five parts. I have no idea where to look for the other parts, but I saw something resembling a pair of hands at the Conductor's Station Find the first part of the robot.
These steel hands are so strong. I'm sure they're the ones drawn on the blueprints. I've no doubt now - we've obtained the first part of the mechanical man. But where should we look for the remaining parts?
Mechanical Evidence
What kind of a clue can be in the Collector's House? The Collector is one of the City's most famous and mysterious figures. But there's a hitch - he disappeared many years ago, and the door to his house is firmly locked. Then how can he be connected to your friend's disappearance? Questions on top of more questions... I desperately need some new data about this mysterious Collector. We should look for his records in City Hall.
What an interesting note you've found in City Hall... it's all about the Collector. He is described as an eccentric man of wealth, a researcher and relentless collector of secrets and mysteries of the City of Shadows. The Collector invented and created dozens of amazing devices. The blueprints for one of his inventions, a mechanical man, was attached to the records. A robot created at the end of 19th century? Is it even possible?
Conductor's Device
Now we have all three things that belonged to your friend. If we do this right, the device will point out the coordinates of the place where Jacob is now. Hurry, activate the machine.
The device is working... do your hear it humming? It shows coordinates... Jacob is in the centre of the City. But it's impossible to get there. The centre has been surrounded by a dark fog many years! Hey, what's wrong with you? Everything is hazy... Hey, wake up! What happend to you? It was a vision? Your friend was in the hazy mist, calling for help? And his last words were, 'Look for a clue in the Collector's House?' This is just what Jacob said in my vision
Mysterious Artifact
While you were bravely fighting the gargoyle, a mysterious stranger passed me this note. "Look for a fang on the border between worlds. Signed L." Jacob was wearing a fang around his neck, you say? But I don't get what "border between worlds" means. Maybe it's the Station? Since all newcomers to the City of Shadows appear there. Explore the Station of Forgotten Dreams.
This is a Gargoyle fang - an artifact from the City of Shadows! Where did your friend get it from? If it was on him before you two even ended up in the City, then how did Jacob come across it? Like the photo, this fang is confirmation that your friend is connected to the City and the House with red Windows.
Thieving Gargoyle
Are you looking for your lost friend's stuff? I saw sunglasses... Jacob dropped them when the dark shadows dragged him across the square. His glasses were there for just a second before a huge gargoyle swooped down from a roof and took them. Are you brave enough to take Jacob's sunglasses from gargoyle? She won't part with them easily. Look for Thor's Hammer, it's a weapon that every stone beast fears.
You found the second item quite fast and are close to your goal. Maybe someday you'll help me reach the center of the city and the House with Red Windows? Legend says the house grants wishes... I've tried to get there several times, but the fog wouldn't let me. It rolls in from the central districts, carrying new items, sometimes bodies! Not always human...
This Music Will Play For All Eternity...
I know you're looking for your friend Jacob, and Martha told you to ask me. I've got an old machine that can show the location of a newcomer in the City. But to make it show Jacob's location, we need three things that belonged to him. I heard music playing in the City Hall, some well-known tune... It wasn't there before. Must be a music player there somewhere. Did your friend have a music player?
You've found the first of Jacob's belongings. Find two more - they are necessary for pinpointing his location with the device.
Just who is Jacob and how is he connected to the City of shadows' past? You've made me curious. I'll help you perform a special ritual with this picture. Spirits can see things beyond a human's perception, but I'll need ghostly essence for the ritual. Find some, please.
Now I can conduct the ritual. Jacob is alive, I feel it... It's dark around him, foggy, with strange shadows surrounding him... Your friend is very far away; as if in another time or dimension. I don't see anything else... Sorry! Talk to the Conductor, he lives at the Station of Forgotten Dreams and welcomes new arrivals. He has a device that helps find lost people.
Important Recordings
I think the spirits took the notebook to the City Hall. Hurry up and find it. Then I'll help you investigate your friend's disappearance.
Mysterious Photo
I'm intrigued by the clue that City Hall has given you. It's a fragment of an old photo. But who is that in it, and how is it related to you and your friend Jacob? You have to find the second fragment of the photo to understand this clue's meaning and find your friend. If I were you, I'd return to City Hall and look for it there.
You've found the second photograph piece, you say? Grea, now we can see the whole photo. Look, it's your friend! Has he been to the City before? Haven't you just arrived at the City of Shadows? This is too confusing. Let's show the picture to the Detective, he's a good friend of mine and he can help us.